Why are you guys making it sound like Capello has been sacked or resigned? It was his first World Cup he made some mistakes so what move on with your life. Its not like any other manager could have done anything differnet with this crop of players with most of them just picked on reputation and not form
just shocking not 1 of them players deserve to wear the england shirt ever again and capello should be sacked simple as that. i know for a fact i was right weeks ago when i said the team is divided into little groups and they find it hard to mix with each other and its an complete joke these are ment to be grown men not little children. they DO earn to much money but i dont think thats the biggest problem i think the game has lost touch with the fans and the modern day footballer dosent care nor think what the fan thinks. back in the 70s after matches the chelsea team used to go over the road and go and have a few pints with the supporters just for a chat etc and that i belive makes a **** off a difference. I hated it when gerrard before the tournement was asked do you know what its like when your out their what the fans feel and the expectation and he said yer i remember as a boy etc do they ****!!! as soon as their snapped up at an early age in this country they are wrapped in cotten wool and taken away from all the real life hype. Capello is massivly to blame for all this he is the manager he is in charge off picking players/sorting out problems/making sure the players are all happy and getting along. we all know he is stuborn and we all know he wont change his mind for anyone whether its the whole team who wants the change or just 1 player, its capello's way or nothing and you realise all the good managers are open to changes. if it was down to me i wouldnt pick lampard or gerrard for england ever again as i feel they are the main source off the split off the group off players as i stated weeks ago. i dont like to pick out players in general but yesterday gareth barry was just amatuer he was ment to sit on ozil and try and stop him playing i never saw barry with in 10 yards off him everytime he recieved the ball if it was me that would have been a job for someone like scott parker. Now if the FA have any sense( very questionable) then they will appoint Harry Redknapp keep Stuart Pearce in the frame and let Harry play Defoe and Crouch up front for England. Change needs to happen NOW we are a absolute laughing stock and i was just laughing yesterday the germans are miles in front of us technicly and all the players should be ashamed off themselfs and pay back all the fans that went over to south africa to watch an amatuer side.
Yeah but this is England not Chelsea, you never fail to amaze me with your Chelsea ****!
And ffs it's OF not off!!!
because he siad that he will only stay with the full backing the fa, who we all know are spineless, so they will jump on some of the public opinion to look good, and sack himWhy are you guys making it sound like Capello has been sacked or resigned? It was his first World Cup he made some mistakes so what move on with your life. Its not like any other manager could have done anything differnet with this crop of players with most of them just picked on reputation and not form
CJACKO11. I cannot understand a word you post.
Might be a little late. but i am going to say my ideas for england,sorry if anyone else has said this, but i aint reading 12 pages of tears and bullshit excuses from anyone.
1st of all i was wrong, i thought we beat the germans and win the WC. well how stupid do i look now.
The way to put things right
Sack capello, quite frankly say "**** off" His regime of terror hasnt worked.
Kick out anyone 28 and over, they arent going to be key players at the next WC. so tell them **** off.
Bring in a young manager, Must be english. Shearer anyone? respected by the players. loved by the fans. Loves England.
Forget about the euros and play a youngish team for experience so we can go to the WC in brazil as a team, hungry anf ready for england.
We need to prepare long term. and Sorry Gerrard, terry, Lampard, Rio, Cole you might be top class now, but you aint long term. You had you chance at glory. and you have ****** it up.
And if Upson ever plays in an england shirt again i will; cry.
(back to Fm for me now, seeya later)
David Beckham for England manager.
i agree, if you cant respect and play for these two, then you cant play and respect anyone the FA brings in. though beckham needs to learn more about the coaching side of the game firstLol my brother said that earlier, I completely agreeDavid Beckham with Stuart Pearce for England?
i agree, if you cant respect and play for these two, then you cant play and respect anyone the FA brings in. though beckham needs to learn more about the coaching side of the game first
yeah i this agree with. ive already posted about pearce and the under 21 etc.Okay then switch it around, Pearce in charge, alongside Beckham? Although become is a complete playboy he is an England legend and with a new generation of players they all grew up like we did with him as our hero. I just want Capello to leave, yes we had a good qualifying upto the World Cup against some really poor sides but now we need a manager who understands the modern game.
Shearer get him involved. Legend, PLayed with most of these punks when he was an england player and they where youngster, they all probaly looked up to him.
if they cant show basic respect to a man in charge they shouldnt even be in the squad. anyway capello looks set to stay on. there need to be big changes, both in how approaches the way he does things, and in the players themselvesRespect or otherwise, he's not at all proven - he's not achieved a thing in an almost non-existent managerial career.