Match Preparation Analyzed...
Teamwork seems to give
more possession - Inside forwards seems to blossom with this
while centre striker becomes less dangerous - Centre midfielders usually don't come into a position
where they can score, but are always available for a pass - I see
long patient attacks with this preparation.
I also see 6-0 wins in some away matches - in general a very good defensive strategy when it comes to conceeding.
I think I see more
clear cut chances using this preparation - equal to
half chances.
Attacking movement seems to give more
shot precision - Centre striker becomes more dangerous
While Inside forwards become less dangerous - Possession becomes less -
One twos's are very notable
Centre midfielders come into positions where they can score. I see
more half chances using this preparation
Defensive positioning seems to make the players
shoot outside the box - so
annoying longshots
The players also tend to be
better organized and win the ball back quickly - usually having this preparation
means conceede less.
I'm doubting very much that the players gets an attribute boost - I think its more a style of play - why am I saying this?
because the different preparations makes the players play differently - its almost like the player sliders
Often (attacking movement) -
Sometimes (Teamwork) -
Rare (Defensive positioning) or Byline - mixed - deep
This is actually doing my head in - on one side I really like Teamwork - on the other side I really like attacking movement.
If you are Barca and are trying to play like Barca - you should probably use teamwork
Defensive positioning if you are trying to replicate Juventus
Attacking movement if you are using a tactic where many players should get on the scoresheet - don't know any
real life examples - more of an ignorant knowledge about the world of soccer today by me.
Are you guys seeing any of this when you play?
Please take notice - I think this is much more important than an attribute boost!!! - Ask yourself this - why does a CR7 score 5 goals as an inside forward suddenly when on teamwork - often being very selfish dribbling from the middle of the pitch on this preparation - not much teamwork in that?
Anyway these are just assumptions and I will continue to surveil the match preparation untill I get a clear answer.
Tell me what you think?
Cheers guys