Yes but as joe said the amount of penalties awarded ( and also missed ) is a joke!
also getting really anooyed with the amount of sending offs nearly one every game:S
Yep, this for me. Definitely better than '10, and the bugs don't seem to be effecting me apart from all the injuries I seem to be getting. Loving the agents, the training is brilliant, the match engine has improved (TV Mode FTW (H)). Best FM I've played
My favourite one so far leaving out FM2007 but that was becasu eof the hardest challenge ever with shelbourne as you had 3 senior players, minimal funds and had high expectations. It was nearly Impossible
yep,love it, every sec. not had the problems other people have had though with pens, injuries etc. Must be lucky. Dont know how they can make it any better. Except if they had the team music playin in stadium when they walk on pitch lol. but 10/10 for this one
The main thing I wanted was greater immersion/ interaction with players, in particular for gens to gather an idea of their personality. To an extent this game delivered so I'm extremely satisfied. 11.3 should make everything sweet