High Pressing Tactic. No lose in 58 games (win 46) A.C. Milan. Goal Difference 100

by the way i just realised i've left my OI's to my *** man..

maybe it helped to this success or maybe not.. i don't wanna try without it :p
Question about F9 player instruction difference

Postrotok, I can see that in your original Danilo tactics you have two F9 Strikers with different player instructions. Did you decide to make them different because of difference in position/main foot ? For example: if the CL striker is right footed then better those instructions, if CL striker is left footed then better change instructions, make them same as for CR striker.
Or is it you just need two F9 strikers with a bit different instructions to make the tactics work better ? If So which of them is supposed to be the main scorer ?
So am using dinilo tight love it however only issue i find its a create so many chances but dont score as much as i should. in one match i had about 46 shots half on target in the box but scored about 2 or 3 i will have to find that match and post it. Any tips on improving the goal scoring?

Just one word INSANE!

Look at that match against real madrid...really crazy match.

View attachment 372786

They took an early lead 2:0, but then i scored 4 goals in the row. Real answered with one goal more, but i hit them back.

Hey mates,

I will begin a new season with Original Danilo tactic.

I know that in many pages have many tweaks. Can u suggest me any changes,tweaks which is suitable to every team and every condition?
Isn't working for methe game seems to fly by,not much happen and i get beat 1-0 or 2-0i find this strange considering the success it has
Try some games completely without OI, see if that helps. Did it for me.
My journey with Danilo so far

1st season, promoted 1st placed, lost in the final of the cup against Bayern after penalties
View attachment 372700

1st season season after promotion
View attachment 372699

3rd season, first championship win and cup win
View attachment 372698

4th season, also won euro league after getting knocked out of CL group stages
View attachment 372692

current season
View attachment 372695

Playing danilo original but without OI and changed the PI of the strikers to shoot less often and roam from position, no other changes.
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My journey with Danilo so far

1st season, promoted 1st placed, lost in the final of the cup against Bayern after penalties
View attachment 605907

1st season season after promotion
View attachment 605912

3rd season, first championship win and cup win
View attachment 605914

4th season, also won euro league after getting knocked out of CL group stages
View attachment 605924

current season
View attachment 605919

Playing danilo original but without OI and changed the PI of the strikers to shoot less often and roam from position, no other changes.

what training do you have in the season match and general?
what training do you have in the season match and general?
General training looks like this atm, though I used team cohesion and teamwork most of the time as I bought a shitload of players :D Usually do that until the assistant reports that the team have developed atleast a "strong" or "very strong" understanding of each other.

View attachment 372690

Individual training

View attachment 372689

Players with "None" individual training are learning new positions
General training looks like this atm, though I used team cohesion and teamwork most of the time as I bought a shitload of players :D Usually do that until the assistant reports that the team have developed atleast a "strong" or "very strong" understanding of each other.

View attachment 605928

Individual training

View attachment 605929

Players with "None" individual training are learning new positions

you leave it on tactics high all season?
you leave it on tactics high all season?
Yup, with 50% match preperation there aren't so many days of training, so the workload balances. I choose tactics as it developes some attributes individual training doesn't, like teamwork.