Homosexuality within sport

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See this is the problem until people treat homosexuality as normal then people will always treat them differently. Yeah it will be difficult at the beginning but look at race for example people can't hide that they are black/brown (for example) many got racist comments and gibes sent their way but there is no reason for them to be ashamed about who they are and look where we are now it's not perfect but there is a lot less racism in football than before and it's still on it's way down.

I said if the press ask's then you should just respond honestly and treat it as though it's normal and you have nothing to be ashamed of.

BTW I know it will be a slow process societal attitudes are not known for sudden changes. I just think it will take a combination of attitudes changing and homosexual people treating their sexuality as normal.

Sorry, read you wrong. You actually make a good point. :)
...How banned would I be if I spammed loads of gay prawn?

What do you mean like this? :D

If someone's a gay footballer they should, if anything, be more vocal to buck the trend. If someone's in the Mafia, they say can't decide not to be gay. But try and keep on topic, there's another thread for religion.

Just going off topic again, if you're in the Mafia and found out to be gay, then you're screwed....

If a Footballer is going to come out, then i think they have to have a strong personality. The amount of **** they would get put through would be disgusting. And my fear wouldn't be some one coming out int this country, it's the world as a whole.
In the Wrestling biz, ( a kind of sport, i guess), There are said to be some gay guys, and they have been bullied by their peers something terrible...i wont go into, who and why, but it's out there, in a lot of books and media
Just going off topic again, if you're in the Mafia and found out to be gay, then you're screwed....

If a Footballer is going to come out, then i think they have to have a strong personality. The amount of **** they would get put through would be disgusting. And my fear wouldn't be some one coming out int this country, it's the world as a whole.
In the Wrestling biz, ( a kind of sport, i guess), There are said to be some gay guys, and they have been bullied by their peers something terrible...i wont go into, who and why, but it's out there, in a lot of books and media

when Chris Kanyon came out, he was absolutely clobbered with vile homophobia. was disgusting
when Chris Kanyon came out, he was absolutely clobbered with vile homophobia. was disgusting

Apparently it's even worse in Mexico and Japan.

On Kanyon, His push was stopped and then he was released when he came out, i read some where any way. Any way, i wish you all good night, got a ****** conference tomorrow.
I'm at my uncle's, so I won't be able to follow up on this post, but I had to check on this thread and after reading some of the arguments put forward by homophobes I must say I'm quite disappointed. Having to read such backwards statements make me feel like I'm living in the 15th century ("God made it so that there is a key and a hole" - There is more than one hole, my friend, I recommend you start taking advantage of them). What's gonna be next, burning people at the stake? It's time to open your eyes and take a look around - we don't live in the dark ages anymore. We're not talking about knights in shiny armor (Although there's no reason why they shouldn't be gay), we're not talking about crusaders to the holy land, we're not talking about Columbus and his crew (Even if Columbus Crew is a football team), we're talking about sportspeople.
I wonder whether listing loads of surprisingly gay people would be worth it, just so that Madridsta could never appreciate them EVAR AGAIN. Seriously, with views archaic as that it's deserved.
I've not really been involved in this thread much, mainly because I knew what would happen.
Being Gay isn't a choice, it's who they are. They can resent it, like Stephen Fry done, and it'll just lead to trouble, like what happened to Fry.
The Religion thing is bollocks, you can be Christian and still think gay's can be gay.

---------- Post added at 05:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 AM ----------


If one in 10 people are gay, where are all the gay Premiership stars? It's a question that's often asked, but there are only whispers, dodgy rumours and malicious media gossip for answers.

Football, it seems, is one of the last professional environments where you can't be out and proud. In every other entertainment industry we have gay stars. Why should football be different? Are football fans really so incapable of watching a gay player without abusing him? The same bunch of fans who are routinely homophobic always sing along to the camp-as-you-like Scissors Sisters anthems played at grounds up and down the country or the Pet Shop Boys song 'Go West'?

Famously, Justin Fashanu was the only footballer who dared come out back in 1990, and eight years later he killed himself. But football was a very different place then. Racism was still a major problem: players being covered in boot polish or given a hiding. Had Justin been white, maybe he'd have had a different experience. In those days football was also much more homoerotic, with more ***-patting and kissing - so maybe the presence of an openly gay footballer would have upset the comfort zones.

Sportsmen and women have come out in other sports, but it hasn't always been a straightforward process - although Martina Navratilova continued to be successful on the tennis court, she claims she lost out on $12million in sponsorship deals. Many athletes prefer to wait until they retire, like John Amaechi, the British former NBA player, did earlier this year. I was watching the TV when his announcement flashed up. I know John because our paths crossed working for the Special Olympics, but I would never have guessed he was gay.

But then again, how can you ever guess? Footballers are superstars these days and yet very few open their private lives up to the media. So people hear a name and the rumour that he's gay and they don't even know that he's married with three kids. Not that you can't be gay and married, but anyone can see a footballer and invent an identity for him.

No one's ever come out to me during my 18 years in football. But I must say I've seen and heard some strange things, remarks that could suggest someone is gay or bisexual. I've heard drunken footballers egging each other on to do certain things for a certain amount of money. Maybe it's routine stuff, part and parcel of what goes on in every pub team across the country, but it made me wonder why they would be talking about it if they were straight.

That's just me speculating, but speculation is half the fear factor around coming out. Gossip is a brutal thing and footballers are no better than anyone else. In the old days we used to invent rumours for a laugh and then watch them spread. We'd say, 'Did you know so and so is gay? No, he isn't really, but it would make a great rumour.' Even now rumours about certain players fly round by text message. 'Do you know who it is?' But there's no certainty in it, it's just old wives gassing over the fence.

Much of it is about banter, an excuse to wind an opponent up on the field. Like Robbie Fowler parting his *** cheeks to annoy Graeme Le Saux. I don't believe Robbie is homophobic, I think he was just being childish. But it was blown out of all proportion. The media are like a pack of snarling dogs - they want to get their teeth into something and the thought of gay footballers is a major bone for them, if you'll excuse the pun.

It's the media's favourite taboo. They love to spin stories and, if they do it without naming people, it keeps the mystery going because the footballers they are hinting at cannot defend themselves. All this Player A and Player B nonsense: it's a witch-hunt. In the past I've spoken to players who have been accused and it's very traumatic for them. They feel angry. The intense speculation causes a lot of problems for their loved ones. Families have to put up with being approached in the street and taunted about it. It's scary to think that as a society we are still using such things as cheap fun.

A senior executive in football said to me he wished all the gay footballers would come out so we could just get on with it. I find that view refreshing. In marketing terms they could make a fortune. Just imagine, football's first gay couple playing for rival teams, arguing about offside decisions over the dinner table. They would do Hello! magazine, chatshows, advertisements. Would it upset players being naked in the changing room together? What about the after-hours highly homoerotic activities - indulging in football threesomes and roastings? Would football culture ever be the same again? I can't imagine it would be possible for a 17-year-old to come out, no matter how good he was. The protective bubble of success wouldn't be there. You'd have to prove yourself first before you could be openly gay and still be accepted.

And football is a sheltered existence. Even if you're accepted for being gay as a football star, it could be different once you retire. It could come back to haunt you. Football is transient, loyalties quickly switch. Another NBA player, LeBron James, chastised Amaechi for betraying his team-mates in keeping his sexuality secret, but in football your team-mates one day could be your opponents the next.

Down the years I could easily have been accused of being gay. I was a bit different - I modelled for Giorgio Armani, sparking rumours over which designers wanted to get into my pants; I practised yoga; I read, I paint. I've been to The Boardwalk - a gay club in Manchester - although I was with my wife at the time, and I've even driven past the local gay ******* spot in Devon - there were a couple of guys in tight black shorts and vests looking like Village People try-outs.

I have a number of gay friends and although they wouldn't want me shouting from the rooftops about their sexuality, I'd like to encourage them to come out. I accept that it's easy for me to say that, but how many more years will it be before we can talk openly about gay men playing professional football? From next season homophobic chanting is outlawed, which is a start. It'll still take some sort of new age hero to be the first to come out, but I just hope, for football's sake, that it happens soon.
You can be a christian and think being gay is okay? Then they aren't christians. The bible clearly tells you that homosexuality is a sin.

And that men that sleep with men will not enter the heaven or whatever. Im really suprised that this subject is coming into the sport too...and im also really disgusted. If someone is gay then he can tell it to his teammates if he wants to...but the fans shouldn't need to know. There will always be homophobes and people that do not accept it.

What i meant about the fashion thing is that if you look at some gay cleebrities like Adam Lambert.

He admitted that he doesn't like sports and was intrested in clothes and fashion as young. He alos uses pretty much make-up...just like a girl. He even looks like a girl a bit. If you look at many other gay celebrities they are also very girlish and wear tight pants and all kind of clown costumes.

Thats why my opinion has been that i see gays a bit like girls. Look at Perez Hilton...a gay and what a girlish piece of **** he is.

But i guess there are normal looking gays too. 5% of the athletes? So every team would have atleast 1 gay? I find it hard to believe...

I dont think it's even 5% of the people in the world that are gays. I thought it was something like 2%?

Sorry if i offended anybody but i just can't accept that a man that wants to suck a.....and wants to be drilled by a.....is normal.

I think they need help. Because there is actually homosexuals that have become heterosexuals later in their life....i know actually one. When some christians prayed for him and he became a christians too....and this is true.

I personally believe it's a traumatic experience in your childhood that has made you gay. I dont believe in those claims that you are "born gay".

Tell me if you dont want me to post in this thread anymore...if you get angry or something. Because it's no problem for me. Just had to defend myself.

I dont want to offend gays...and i dont think it's fair to do so. I dont support them but i also think offending them is wrong.
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Personally im against homosexuality in any form (i know im gonna cop flak for that) Due mostly to my christian upbringing, in saying that, im not outspoken on the topic because realistically there is so many other things that i and everyone else face everyday with more importance attached to it then the sexuality choices of an individual.

I dont think that in the current environment they should come out, the abuse would almost be unbearable. Also from a team perspective, my own insecurities would put me off training and playing football with a homosexual (call me watever you like i dnt care) but thats me personally and i bet a lot of other professional footballers would feel the same way (we all have hidden prejudices whether it be from our upbringing or life experiences we arent perfect). I would hate to see team spirit destroyed by one persons prejudice (yes its unfair on the gay person, but thats the world we live in)

With Madridtista CR7 i agree 100%, people arent born gay, it goes against our basic physiology. I believe that our life experiences generally shape these sorts of things and its also a testament towards society movement in the general direction of freedom that Homosexuality has become a big part of society in general. Unfortunately for you anyone that see's opinion against certain freedoms gets accused of being a bigot and ignorant.

But to reinforce what i said earlier, i dont believe that it should be freely shared (not atm anyway) the problems it can cause until society starts to fully accept it are to great, the negativity on the people who disagree is unfair(as long as they dont resort to abuse) as is the pressure and abuse that a gay person may cop for coming out.
Homosexuality has been a part of human society since before Christianity even existed, and was particularly prevalent around the time of the so called 'messiah'. The very people who spread Christianity (and wove it into pagan holidays so the people would accept it), the Romans, were one of these homosexual tendency embracing cultures.

Just because someone is homosexual doesn't mean that they're fantasizing about every man they see, it also doesn't impair they're ability as a footballer and if having a homosexual on your team would affect you then you are weak, brainwashed and obviously irresistible to anyone who likes men.

As for homosexuals who join the Church and turn heterosexual; bullshit. They're forced back into the closet in the search for acceptance.
I think like if a player is gay then it shouldn't affect his game and i think he should be judged on just how he plays and how is as a human being... straight guys have this stupid worry like "oh my god he wants to **** me" Oh shut up thats part vainity and alot of iggnorance it's ******* stupid, i mean yes the FA have to do something about it but also the players managers HAVE to support there player no matter what.. i would like to think that if Van Persie or someone cam eout as being gay then there manager and agent and fans SHOULD stand up for then player because he is a human being not a ******* superhero, i think we all forget that. Honestly i wouldn't care if some top profile footballer came out, infact i think that person would be a kind of revolutionary ******* show the way for other gay footballers

---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 PM ----------

You can be a christian and think being gay is okay? Then they aren't christians. The bible clearly tells you that homosexuality is a sin.

And that men that sleep with men will not enter the heaven or whatever. Im really suprised that this subject is coming into the sport too...and im also really disgusted. If someone is gay then he can tell it to his teammates if he wants to...but the fans shouldn't need to know. There will always be homophobes and people that do not accept it.

What i meant about the fashion thing is that if you look at some gay cleebrities like Adam Lambert.

He admitted that he doesn't like sports and was intrested in clothes and fashion as young. He alos uses pretty much make-up...just like a girl. He even looks like a girl a bit. If you look at many other gay celebrities they are also very girlish and wear tight pants and all kind of clown costumes.

Thats why my opinion has been that i see gays a bit like girls. Look at Perez Hilton...a gay and what a girlish piece of **** he is.

But i guess there are normal looking gays too. 5% of the athletes? So every team would have atleast 1 gay? I find it hard to believe...

I dont think it's even 5% of the people in the world that are gays. I thought it was something like 2%?

Sorry if i offended anybody but i just can't accept that a man that wants to suck a.....and wants to be drilled by a.....is normal.

I think they need help. Because there is actually homosexuals that have become heterosexuals later in their life....i know actually one. When some christians prayed for him and he became a christians too....and this is true.

I personally believe it's a traumatic experience in your childhood that has made you gay. I dont believe in those claims that you are "born gay".

Tell me if you dont want me to post in this thread anymore...if you get angry or something. Because it's no problem for me. Just had to defend myself.

I dont want to offend gays...and i dont think it's fair to do so. I dont support them but i also think offending them is wrong.

Bruv you can use the bible to justify killing a man, don't use the bible like that, that's not only disrespectful to Christians but the intellect of the people participating in the dicusstion using the bible like that is the breh who blow thenselves up in the name of Allah, it's bullshit man
screw the bible, be yourself if we are all in God's image then he loves us no matter what, period.
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You can be a christian and think being gay is okay? Then they aren't christians. The bible clearly tells you that homosexuality is a sin.

You know what every Christian should do.....simply ask what would Jesus do. Would he condemn gay people? pretty sure he wouldn't since he hardly ever condemned anyone especially not because of their sexual habits. I remember there was a place in the bible where a prostitute went to see him, whilst all his disciples were irate, he basically told them to shut the **** up and not to judge.

Christianity would be so much better if people just went back to the basics.....what would Jesus do?.
You can be a christian and think being gay is okay? Then they aren't christians. The bible clearly tells you that homosexuality is a sin.

And that men that sleep with men will not enter the heaven or whatever. Im really suprised that this subject is coming into the sport too...and im also really disgusted. If someone is gay then he can tell it to his teammates if he wants to...but the fans shouldn't need to know. There will always be homophobes and people that do not accept it.

What i meant about the fashion thing is that if you look at some gay cleebrities like Adam Lambert.

He admitted that he doesn't like sports and was intrested in clothes and fashion as young. He alos uses pretty much make-up...just like a girl. He even looks like a girl a bit. If you look at many other gay celebrities they are also very girlish and wear tight pants and all kind of clown costumes.

Thats why my opinion has been that i see gays a bit like girls. Look at Perez Hilton...a gay and what a girlish piece of **** he is.

But i guess there are normal looking gays too. 5% of the athletes? So every team would have atleast 1 gay? I find it hard to believe...

I dont think it's even 5% of the people in the world that are gays. I thought it was something like 2%?

Sorry if i offended anybody but i just can't accept that a man that wants to suck a.....and wants to be drilled by a.....is normal.

I think they need help. Because there is actually homosexuals that have become heterosexuals later in their life....i know actually one. When some christians prayed for him and he became a christians too....and this is true.

I personally believe it's a traumatic experience in your childhood that has made you gay. I dont believe in those claims that you are "born gay".

Tell me if you dont want me to post in this thread anymore...if you get angry or something. Because it's no problem for me. Just had to defend myself.

I dont want to offend gays...and i dont think it's fair to do so. I dont support them but i also think offending them is wrong.
thats a load of bollocks right there, and frankly its gone from borderline to unacceptable
thats a load of bollocks right there, and frankly its gone from borderline to unacceptable

You probly know much about football. But dont act like you know everything Mike. Everything i say is probly bollocks to you.

I wont post here anymore. This is clearly only for gay friendly people....no point in saying my opinion.
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too far, too far by a mile.

this thread is done
And that folks is why i havent posted on this thread, not got a problem with gays my self but you get dickheads like Madridista on here who make us all look stupid with silly statements!
Hey, if their gay, it's their choice. There really shouldn't be any problems.
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