How do you deal with heart break?

Wouldn't really want to lower myself to her level. Payback could potentially cause more harm than good. Depends on the character I guess. Thanks for the suggestion though. :wub:

Fair. I've always been a great believer in karma myself, and I figure hey, why shouldn't I be the one to dish it out. ;) Evidently you're a better man than I!

what has Wales done to you GC! Oh wait you've always been a douche.... ;)

'Ooh, a notification. Hey, someone's quoted me in the 'How do you deal with heart break?' thread. I wonder if it's anyone interestin- oh no wait, it's just Jak. Meh.'
Me and my GF are dating for 2 years now. We broke up after a year and half.. for a week... After a week she came back to me. What i did to forget her in that week? **** my best friend! ahah
'Ooh, a notification. Hey, someone's quoted me in the 'How do you deal with heart break?' thread. I wonder if it's anyone interestin- oh no wait, it's just Jak. Meh.'

Obviously interesting enough to respond to with that message ;) checkmate...

I hate Fish do something that usually cheers up. Play football with friends, watch a good movie, wank furiously. whatever works (I suggest staying away from fish as I presume you hate it...)
I do admit, getting a form of revenge on my part was kind of....a bad idea. Years ago got totally screwed over (didn't know she was such a c***). So basically went out of my way to destroy her new relationship. Safe to say it work spectacularly, but it caused more problems than good afterwards. So let that be a warning.
Get very drunk, then hang yourself from a noose from your bunkbed with a goodbye note saying 'she did this to me'.
If she hurt you pretty bad, she's not worth your time feeling all sad about it. The best thing you can probably do is just be around your friends. See if they wanna go out places etc, anything so they can take your mind off her. :)
Get very drunk, then hang yourself from a noose from your bunkbed with a goodbye note saying 'she did this to me'.

Are you really that stupid?! I don't think he's talking about some 1 month relationship. You might have though that was funny, but it can put thoughts into people's head that it's a good idea, luckily it seems IHF knows better than to go down that root again.
I'm always willing to help a guy who hates fish as much as me.

I don't think there is a real cure for it mate. Just going to be active and do things that makes you focus on other things. That's what I do. Right now, I'm in love with what I probably would call my best friend (No ****) and the love is slowly fading, due to a few things. I can't see her very often, as she lives in Copenhagen and I live in Jutland, so the chance of being together is really hard. I tend to keep active on doing other things, like doing my homework, going to the gym and jogging, being together with my mates and get drunk. That is the cure for me. Don't hope I get a crush on her next time we meet, cause she is going to sleep together with me, in my bed next time we meet and a ***** would be very inappropriate in that situation. :D My problem is that when I'm together with here and we get drunk, we always start to cuddle and flirt a lot. I think I'll get over it, just have to hook with another girl and watch a bunch more of football and then the problem is solved I guess! :)

Good luck mate. Don't waste your time on such a biaaaaaaaaatch.

We don't wanna see more of this, or well we do... but not in your situation :)
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Last time I had something similar happen to me, I got depressed, barely left my house and spent my days watching various football matches around the globe on TV for... Well I'm still doing it, nevermind.
I haven't had one. I've only been in 2 relationships though so it's probably something I will have to endure some day :S

I have had some bad times though and my only advice is just to stick through the pain and you will get over it... eventually.
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Moan about it constantly on Facebook for months.

That's what most people seem to do anyway...
Go on a rooting marathon, preferably with all her friends.
Me and my GF are dating for 2 years now. We broke up after a year and half.. for a week... After a week she came back to me. What i did to forget her in that week? **** my best friend! ahah

Was he good?
Moan about it constantly on Facebook for months.

That's what most people seem to do anyway...


If I see one more post along the lines of:

"gives up" or "doesn't know what to do anymore" or join fail groups like "join if you love too much" etc I will ******* scream.

Sorry for the rant- just is a real pet hate of mine :)

If I see one more post along the lines of:

"gives up" or "doesn't know what to do anymore" or join fail groups like "join if you love too much" etc I will ******* scream.

Sorry for the rant- just is a real pet hate of mine :)

The most annoying thing is not the statuses, but when somebody comments "what's up" and they say "nothing" - why post it on Facebook then?!
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If she hurt you pretty bad, she's not worth your time feeling all sad about it. The best thing you can probably do is just be around your friends. See if they wanna go out places etc, anything so they can take your mind off her. :)

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Thanks for the some of the suggestions guys, even though some of them made me lol.