How do you deal with heart break?

Was he good?

I am not even english, and i can use english better than you? Well that's sad, there's no word for a female best friend. And well, even if your best friends are all male, doesn't mean we are all like you :) .
you should do what you think is right, not what we all tell you to do... I would not go and **** 20 women cause I am not like that, never have been!

You must do what you want, take a miserable week and just be sad and angry but watch movies/series etc give yourself a new Fm challenge or go out and buy a new PS3 or Xbox game...

Dont drink cause it will probably make you feel worse than you already do, just delete her from everything you have, FB,Twitter, Cell contacts, IM, MSN etc etc and just give yourself a few days to mourn and be sad as it does sound like you really are hurting and I am sorry to hear that, I have never been hurt like that, I seem to end the relationship and end up hurting the person but that hurts me so...

take it easy and we can all sit here saying go **** your brains out, have a 3 some, break in to your chicks house or some stupid **** like that but most of the people saying these things would never do that themselves so its a bit vicarious :)

I hope you feel better in time, and just remember, time heals all wounds and that is a fact!
Men suffer from heartbreaks? :O (they wouldn't say so -_-)
I can't say I have had my heart broken... at least completely, i didn't love none of my girlfriends so that might be it, but I did love one girl that also liked me but she prefered a gangster dude because he was "cooler"... smart girl huh?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with going out and getting para, just put your dancing wagons on, have a bit of fun and let off a bit of steam.
Finger her mum and **** her dad.
Go pop some pills and get laid.

No, seriously now:

My ex and I broke up 'recently', after a good 1 and a half year (1 year and 6 months if anybody is wondering). All I did (what most people probably do), is beeing around friends, watching movies, etc. Sure go get wasted, I did that too... Well, I still do that, but that's beside the point. Eventually, you'll realize you've forgotten her (or maybe if you're lucky, you'll just forget her and never realize, but that's more along the lines of alzheimer), and finally you'll be able to move on.

Obviously, everybody has his/her own way of dealing with things, but that's just a more serious suggestion than most comments in here.
Finger her mum and **** her dad.

Or **** her mum and finger her dad would work too? LOL

In all seriousness though, dont look for other peoples advice. Think about something that really makes you happy, do that for a while to try take your mind off things. It hurts now but the pain will go away.

All I can suggest is to delete her phone number, if you have any pictures of you together delete them. Dont go on the whole **** everything moving or drink the ocean dry technique as they may help in the short term but you will end up regretting it.

Just go out with your mates or do whatever makes you happy and you will get over it and find somebody better down the line.
I am not even english, and i can use english better than you? Well that's sad, there's no word for a female best friend. And well, even if your best friends are all male, doesn't mean we are all like you :) .

He was implying you are gay (of course as a joke), not that you can't have a female best friend. Also, "English" is always capitalized and so is "I".
you should do what you think is right, not what we all tell you to do... I would not go and **** 20 women cause I am not like that, never have been!

You must do what you want, take a miserable week and just be sad and angry but watch movies/series etc give yourself a new Fm challenge or go out and buy a new PS3 or Xbox game...

Dont drink cause it will probably make you feel worse than you already do, just delete her from everything you have, FB,Twitter, Cell contacts, IM, MSN etc etc and just give yourself a few days to mourn and be sad as it does sound like you really are hurting and I am sorry to hear that, I have never been hurt like that, I seem to end the relationship and end up hurting the person but that hurts me so...

take it easy and we can all sit here saying go **** your brains out, have a 3 some, break in to your chicks house or some stupid **** like that but most of the people saying these things would never do that themselves so its a bit vicarious :)

I hope you feel better in time, and just remember, time heals all wounds and that is a fact!
I'm a proud member of the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race and I take offense to that statement :P
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In all seriousness drinking like within a week or so of being dumped is dumb, you will probz end up crying cus you're not as hard as me.

On the bright side, in a few months you will look back and wonder how this girl could even turn you into such a *****. If you had just listened to the wise words of Mr. Garrison

'...Women can kill, poontang's expensive; that's why when it comes to chicks, I just screw them and leave em. I say "Get out my bedroom, poontang, before you suck my life dry!"'.

take it easy and we can all sit here saying go **** your brains out, have a 3 some, break in to your chicks house or some stupid **** like that but most of the people saying these things would never do that themselves so its a bit vicarious :)

You say that but I know a guy who broke up with his girlfriend a while ago. He broke into her house and took a **** on her pillow, if that's not the perfect way to get over someone then I don't know what is.
To be honest, and fair, when I got dumped by my girlfriend, I just sat outside her house, pumping out Cher - If I could turn back time on mah boombox, while furiously wanking on her dog.

Although this was when I was about 8 (14 years ago), so I imagine times have changed.
To be honest, and fair, when I got dumped by my girlfriend, I just sat outside her house, pumping out Cher - If I could turn back time on mah boombox, while furiously wanking on her dog.

Although this was when I was about 8 (14 years ago), so I imagine times have changed.

And no woman has came near you since? :P
Dogs don't either.
are you sure that dogs name was not Dunc :P


What did this girl do to you? Whatever she did you need to do the exact same thing back! That is pretty much what I would do!
I don't know why that would be a reason to finish her anyway.. XD, unless you're really homophobic.
There's some kind of conflict between her and her dad. So, even if I shagged him, she wouldn't really care.
There's some kind of conflict between her and her dad. So, even if I shagged him, she wouldn't really care.

Ok, does she have any pets? Any really good friends? What does she love most in the world?

C'mon, we can think of some really sadistic **** if you want.