Hey Tiraths, great guide. Few problems;
My friend and I have started doing this, we have installed the same Hamachi, because we both did it at the same time. We have the same FM, we have checked. Both Hamachi's are working, and we have set the games as you say to set them up. We have both followed your letters to the order. And we have done things in the comments below, like making sure it is through firewall's etc.
1) Does the host have to be in a game for the other to join?
Just the manager creation?
The overview page after creating 1 manager?
Create another manager for the other to take over?
Or be on a specific screen in the game? (So from overview go to game info or whatever?)
2) Any tips on things to help us, that aren't already here? (Because we dont understand why it isnt working)
P.S. the picture in the guide that is missing, is it important?
Thanks in advance. Sharkster