I have a crush on a soccer player

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Lol Curtis, you would marry a quote.

He's like the new Paul ****... just.. a bit less... annoying.

Although, I can't say I agree with many of his posts.

While I understand what he is saying, trust is something I value in a relationship, and cheating, would ruin said trust. Now, if two people were in a marriage, and sat down and talked about it, having an open relationship for example, I could see how it would work, but in a marriage you need to have trust, and cheating on someone, even if you don't tell them, there is a chance they can find out, it will break that trust, and after someone has broken your trust, it takes a fair while for them to gain it back, well, it does for me anyway.
He's like the new Paul ****... just.. a bit less... annoying.

Although, I can't say I agree with many of his posts.

While I understand what he is saying, trust is something I value in a relationship, and cheating, would ruin said trust. Now, if two people were in a marriage, and sat down and talked about it, having an open relationship for example, I could see how it would work, but in a marriage you need to have trust, and cheating on someone, even if you don't tell them, there is a chance they can find out, it will break that trust, and after someone has broken your trust, it takes a fair while for them to gain it back, well, it does for me anyway.

Paul **** being the nickname for your *****...

I agree that trust is vital but what would I know :)
I do see where your coming from with regards to the point, what they dont know wont hurt, but for me, personally, its because I know and I dont know if I could do that to her.

With regards to the above Quote, I agree and disagree. I agree the fact that divorce may effect your children, and that is no good thing, as most parents like me, my child is the single most important thing in the world.
However, there is also a time where a divorce is necessary because in the same way, it could effect your kids.
Say you cheated in your marriage, and your partner forgave you, but wouldn't let it go, and never trusted you, forcing argument after argument. That in my eyes is a lot worse for kids.
Its easy to say suck it up and take it on the chin for now, but who knows how you would react when it actually happened.

---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------

Sorry just wanted to add, when I say you, I don't me you personally, I just meant hyperthetically. :)

I agree with you to a certain extent. Cheating can ruin a marriage that way. But again, I think it's because we have this sort of ****** up possessive view of relationships...in other countries, spouses know they will cheat on each other but they're more realistic about it, they just sort of know that it's a part of life. This is, of course, the advantage to having an open marriage, because that way infidelity doesn't really mess things up.

haha curtis /threaded it.

I feel like I have a habit of doing that.

Lol Curtis, you would marry a quote.

I'm just waiting for the right one to come along...that's not to say I wouldn't stop quoting though once it happens. ;)

Jesus curtis you type alot....

If you think this is bad you should see some of my other posts...this is nothing compared to them.

He's like the new Paul ****... just.. a bit less... annoying.

Although, I can't say I agree with many of his posts.

While I understand what he is saying, trust is something I value in a relationship, and cheating, would ruin said trust. Now, if two people were in a marriage, and sat down and talked about it, having an open relationship for example, I could see how it would work, but in a marriage you need to have trust, and cheating on someone, even if you don't tell them, there is a chance they can find out, it will break that trust, and after someone has broken your trust, it takes a fair while for them to gain it back, well, it does for me anyway.

Who's Paul ****?

Well what can I say, I call 'em how I see 'em. I have controversial opinions and I'm willing to back them up. Often times on forums and in real life people will just say the most obvious **** so they seem to have credibility and then everyone sits around and agrees...**** did you hear about that bin Laden ****? that ************ deserved it! And then when someone has a dissenting opinion everyone can gang up on that person for thinking differently. IMO if something's obvious than there's no point in talking about it, I pretty much only write when I disagree with people and think I can challenge the mainstream opinion. The only problem is sometimes people will label you as the crazy one and not listen to what you have to say but whatever. I'm sorry but if you inherit a team that finished in 2nd place the season before and spend 91 million pounds and finish in first place, that does not make you a genius. If you didn't finish in first place than you would just be a ****** manager. A great manager would win more than one trophy a season with a squad like that.

Anyways, I do agree with your point about trust, it's true that it's the one thing in life that can take years to build up and be destroyed by the simplest act. My point is that why is fidelity the most important part of trust? There are a lot of other areas of trust. And yeah, I do agree though, that is the thing with doing it behind the person's back, which is why people should just have open marriages. That way there is no trust issue. Unfortunately in our modern society, marital fidelity is near impossible and probably unhealthy, so people should be realistic about it and rather than cheat behind the person's back (although there are advantages to that too) be up front about it. Might not work though because of our possessive view on relationships.
Who's Paul ****?

Some guy who used to multi-quote in every single post. Think he's called *Paul* now.

Well what can I say, I call 'em how I see 'em. I have controversial opinions and I'm willing to back them up. Often times on forums and in real life people will just say the most obvious **** so they seem to have credibility and then everyone sits around and agrees...**** did you hear about that bin Laden ****? that ************ deserved it! And then when someone has a dissenting opinion everyone can gang up on that person for thinking differently. IMO if something's obvious than there's no point in talking about it, I pretty much only write when I disagree with people and think I can challenge the mainstream opinion. The only problem is sometimes people will label you as the crazy one and not listen to what you have to say but whatever. I'm sorry but if you inherit a team that finished in 2nd place the season before and spend 91 million pounds and finish in first place, that does not make you a genius. If you didn't finish in first place than you would just be a ****** manager. A great manager would win more than one trophy a season with a squad like that.

Anyways, I do agree with your point about trust, it's true that it's the one thing in life that can take years to build up and be destroyed by the simplest act. My point is that why is fidelity the most important part of trust? There are a lot of other areas of trust. And yeah, I do agree though, that is the thing with doing it behind the person's back, which is why people should just have open marriages. That way there is no trust issue. Unfortunately in our modern society, marital fidelity is near impossible and probably unhealthy, so people should be realistic about it and rather than cheat behind the person's back (although there are advantages to that too) be up front about it. Might not work though because of our possessive view on relationships.

I suppose I may have a slightly different opinion you due to my life experiences, like a two year relationship being ruined by cheating. My gf cheated, I accepted it, forgave her and moved on, and then she left me for the guy she cheated on me with. oO) So yeah, I find it pretty hard to trust people at the moment, although the girl I am currently dating seems like someone I could trust, and I doubt she would cheat on me.

At the end of the day, everyone has different opinions, and those should be based on what has happened to you, and how you feel, rather than what you think is the 'norm' or basing a opinion on someone else's experiences or opinion.
Some guy who used to multi-quote in every single post. Think he's called *Paul* now.

I suppose I may have a slightly different opinion you due to my life experiences, like a two year relationship being ruined by cheating. My gf cheated, I accepted it, forgave her and moved on, and then she left me for the guy she cheated on me with. oO) So yeah, I find it pretty hard to trust people at the moment, although the girl I am currently dating seems like someone I could trust, and I doubt she would cheat on me.

At the end of the day, everyone has different opinions, and those should be based on what has happened to you, and how you feel, rather than what you think is the 'norm' or basing a opinion on someone else's experiences or opinion.

Been there meself dude. Find it hard myself to trust when in a relationship myself (due to a recent unfortunate event), due to the fact that I've had 11 relationships (mostly short term except this one), and every single time got cheated on. I now see relationships as an emotional minefield which is sad. But like you said-it's due to experiences. Natural human feeling.
I have never cheated on nor been cheated on, it is a cowardly thing to do, if you dont want to be with that person, just end it! I am sorry you and Dunc have been through that, it must not be a good feeling or situation, but that whats makes you you and stronger emotionally and mentally...

Curtis, if you are only going to comment when you disagree with people is not going to bode well, however, it seems like you are a person who does not give a **** which I somewhat respect
I have never cheated on nor been cheated on, it is a cowardly thing to do, if you dont want to be with that person, just end it! I am sorry you and Dunc have been through that, it must not be a good feeling or situation, but that whats makes you you and stronger emotionally and mentally...

Curtis, if you are only going to comment when you disagree with people is not going to bode well, however, it seems like you are a
person who does not give a **** which I somewhat respect

I'm not in a position to comment on relationships, but what Raikan has said makes a lot more sense. Cheating on someone ruins the thing that is important in a relationship, trust. And if your not trustworthy to one partner than I doubt very much that you will be to anyone.