I have a crush on a soccer player

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Fair enough, and maybe she'll always love you, but could she stay faithful for decades? And never divorce you? In modern society, where everyone has lots of premarital *** and relationships before marriage, monogamy is **** near impossible. I think cheating is the only way a marriage can survive or stay relatively healthy. And (probably unlike everyone here) I think divorce is a million times worse than cheating.

Just wait til you all are older.

I'm ****** old enough as it is-I'm 36 lol. If a divorce happened, I'd just have to accept that it happens for a reason, like it's just not working out for example. But personally I think cheating is much worse than divorce, as it's just pure greed and nothing more. But I'm not going to slag you off for you're opinion-it's yours and you're entitled to it. Just disagree with that and that's all really. I'd rather she broke up with me then slept with someone else, than sleeping with someone else behind my back.
Fair enough, and maybe she'll always love you, but could she stay faithful for decades? And never divorce you? In modern society, where everyone has lots of premarital *** and relationships before marriage, monogamy is **** near impossible. I think cheating is the only way a marriage can survive or stay relatively healthy. And (probably unlike everyone here) I think divorce is a million times worse than cheating.

Just wait til you all are older.

You did not just say that did you? If you care about other peoples feelings and love your partner, monogamy isn't too hard, and while cheating may be the only way to keep a marriage healthy to YOU, it's not for everyone.
I'm ****** old enough as it is-I'm 36 lol. If a divorce happened, I'd just have to accept that it happens for a reason, like it's just not working out for example. But personally I think cheating is much worse than divorce, as it's just pure greed and nothing more. But I'm not going to slag you off for you're opinion-it's yours and you're entitled to it. Just disagree with that and that's all really. I'd rather she broke up with me then slept with someone else, than sleeping with someone else behind my back.

We'll have to agree to disagree, and your views are what people in our countries generally believe in.

The thing with divorce is that it's more than the two of you, it ruins the lives of the kids. Cheating is just about the couple and is unimportant in the grand scheme of things. If there's infidelity you have to cover it up from your partner, but more importantly, the kids (which shouldn't be too difficult). But infidelity may be the only way to keep a marriage going, and that's all that counts. Placing your own possessive feelings about your partner's cheating above the family unit is very selfish and the worst thing you can do. I really think people should start having open marriages for the sake of the kids. The marriage and family unit is more important than everything. In today's society, it's **** near impossible to stay faithful to your partner, and people think divorce is the solution. That is what is ****** up and selfish about our culture. We're better off with a bunch of cheating husbands and wives than broken families. And for the very few that don't divorce and stay faithful: good for them, and that's the ideal, but I bet the sexual frustration is out of control and both of them are probably miserable. Some infidelity might do them good, especially if the partner doesn't know about it.

We'd all be better off if we just waited until marriage to have ***; infidelity and divorce would be extremely rare. Things would be like they used to be, as it was with our grandparents' generation. Unfortunately, I doubt that can happen again.

---------- Post added at 04:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 PM ----------

You did not just say that did you? If you care about other peoples feelings and love your partner, monogamy isn't too hard, and while cheating may be the only way to keep a marriage healthy to YOU, it's not for everyone.

How many people never get divorced AND never cheat? I'd say very, very, very few. They're the ideal, although I bet there's a lot of unhealthy sexual frustration that could be cured with some harmless infidelity. But that's not too important. What's important is keeping the marriage together and healthy, and let's be realistic, for most people an open marriage is probably the only way they could. Look at the divorce rate. If you can be monogamous til the day you die, great. I don't know if I'd recommend it, it would probably be rough for most people, but if you can do it healthily that's awesome. If that is the case though, there's a good chance you waited until marriage for ***, which probably is a good thing but it's very rare these days.
Dude, it's not that hard (if hard at all). It's not like every other woman is the Holy Grail when you're with someone else. If you have a relationship built up on love and trust (and good ***) you will be fine.
your so sad to ask advice on here are you so desperate ask a 14 year old to spin around 14 times you might get a coreect anwser
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your so sad to ask advice on here are you so desperate ask a 14 year old to spin around 14 times you might get a coreect anwser

Sigh, and you are the king of pulling girls? Come back when you don't weigh 25 stone and think scoring a goal on fifa is better than ***.

Probably a record for the new likes system. Lost 86 likes from my Ken story OP :'(
your so sad to ask advice on here are you so desperate ask a 14 year old to spin around 14 times you might get a coreect anwser

1. Never asked for advice, was sharing one of those typical life moments and wanted comments
2. wtf are you on about spinning 14 year olds?
3. "coreect anwser"

I don't think I'd put much credibility into a man with a homer simpson avatar who donates money to a video game forum.

Seeing where all being honest.

I would genuinely turn gay for Piqué.
I would try to not look into things too much: she probably has had something on the side but I would rather not find out about it. But if it did happen, if she were my girlfriend I would expect an apology as opposed to "there is nothing wrong with it." Even if there is nothing wrong with it, if the person find out, it will hurt, so they deserve an apology. But that doesn't mean that there is something wrong with it, especially if the other person finds out. If I were caught cheating of course I would apologize...but I would hope the girl wouldn't make a bigger deal out of it than necessary. And most importantly, I wouldn't get caught.

If I were cheated on than I would try to be accepting of it...I can be the jealous type, but that's because I come from a culture where people are extremely possessive in relationships...I think that's equally ****** up. I would most certainly forgive her, especially if the guy was very attractive. But if she wasn't careful and didn't seem like she made a lot of effort to keep me from finding out about it? That would be ****** up and I might dump her. It would show that she didn't care about me. Now if it was my wife? Well, if I do get married, it will almost certainly be an open marriage. I don't think I would have a strong desire to cheat, but I do know that it would be much better for our marriage if I let the woman cheat. Women have a strong *** drive and if they are stuck to one man forever they will go crazy and (knowingly or unknowingly) take out their sexual frustrations on their partner. After a certain point in my marriage I definitely will allow my wife to cheat.

Let's be realistic here guys, most people nowadays realize that monogamy in today's society is **** near impossible and probably unhealthy. No need to be righteous about it.

Really disagree with this bit. First of all, it's not your place to judge his relationship, and second, most college kids in the US (the OP said they're in college) are not ready to get married. They realize that those relationships won't end in marriage. But that doesn't mean staying in them is stringing the partner along. If his girlfriend keeps talking about marriage and he definitely doesn't want to do it but sort of acts like he might, than that would be stringing her along. But I doubt that's the case.

Sure it might be a crush, but on the other hand you don't want the list of girls you could have been with to add up while you're with someone. At this age you're supposed to go out and get laid as much as possible. You're only young once and you have the rest of your life for monogamy. I can't believe it's even a discussion. I'd say go for it.

But yeah, I do agree that this is a FM forum and not to pay too much attention to any of the advice we give. I do think I'm right about this and that our culture has a ****** up, possessive view of relationships, and that cheating is demonized way too much. Just don't get caught. I'm 24 and I'm trying to live it up as much as I can right now because I'm only young once, I'm going to wake up tomorrow and be 50 and stuck in a marriage so I think being monogamous at this age is not the best idea. But what do I know, I'm talkin out my ***.

Why make such a good reply, and then ruin it with your sarcastic bit at the end? I actually respetced you for admitting it wouldn't be nice, but you would take it on the chin etc. But then again, are you just saying that because it would be contradicting your case? But then you add the bit about talking out your ****? Why?

I agree that the majority of the people on here don't know what love is, hence why I argued its not going to be great from getting advise in these forums.

It might be fun living it up, but it can also be just as fun in a committed relationship. Im 20 and in a 2 year relationship, also with a 4 month old daughter, and its been the best time of my life.

I do accept that everyone's life is different and they view life through different views and opinions.
I respect that you dont find cheating as a problem, but its not wrong if other people think otherwise, in my opinion I find it morally wrong, as I for one wouldn't like it happening to me, but thats my opinion.

Besides, it may not be a crush per say, it maybe more of a "Offt I would". Im sure everyone can say they have had that moment, wether in a relationship or not. Wether they do or not is a different matter.
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Why make such a good reply, and then ruin it with your sarcastic bit at the end? I actually respetced you for admitting it wouldn't be nice, but you would take it on the chin etc. But then again, are you just saying that because it would be contradicting your case? But then you add the bit about talking out your ****? Why?

First of all everything I said there was what I believe; I've never been cheated on but I'd like to think that if it did happen I wouldn't go the uber-possessive route and I would forgive her, especially if we're talking about in a marriage. As for the last sentence, why read into it so much? Of course I'm talkin out my ***, we all are, I'm just stating my opinion, which may or may not be valid. And I'm getting way off-topic anyway, talking about marriage and all, when the OP is asking for some simple advice.

I agree that the majority of the people on here don't know what love is, hence why I argued its not going to be great from getting advise in these forums.

Fair enough but who really does know what love is? I agree that the 13 year olds on the forum might not be good for getting advice from on this issue, but a lot of us are old enough.

It might be fun living it up, but it can also be just as fun in a committed relationship. Im 20 and in a 2 year relationship, also with a 4 month old daughter, and its been the best time of my life.

And I guarantee you that things will get a lot more difficult as you age. It won't be "fun" in 30 years. Marriage is a lot of hard work and there will be a lot of bumps along the way. And I think for the sake of a marriage, infidelity can be a good thing. Like I said before, marriage is much more important than fidelity, and I think it is really ****** up that our culture has it the other way around. We think that if your spouse cheats on you that's grounds for divorce, I say suck it up and work it out rather than ruining the lives of your kids.

I do accept that everyone's life is different and they view life through different views and opinions.
I respect that you dont find cheating as a problem, but its not wrong if other people think otherwise, in my opinion I find it morally wrong, as I for one wouldn't like it happening to me, but thats my opinion.

Fair enough, I guess it does come to a matter of opinion, but as I said before, in the case of marriage, it's more than just that. Because when you get divorced that affects other people and not just the two of you: the kids. Keeping that in mind I don't think we should value fidelity so highly.

Besides, it may not be a crush per say, it maybe more of a "Offt I would". Im sure everyone can say they have had that moment, wether in a relationship or not. Wether they do or not is a different matter.

OK, but the problem with cheating is that it hurts the other person, right? So if the other person doesn't know, what is the big deal? They aren't hurt...no harm no foul.
Fair enough, I guess it does come to a matter of opinion, but as I said before, in the case of marriage, it's more than just that. Because when you get divorced that affects other people and not just the two of you: the kids. Keeping that in mind I don't think we should value fidelity so highly.

I do see where your coming from with regards to the point, what they dont know wont hurt, but for me, personally, its because I know and I dont know if I could do that to her.

With regards to the above Quote, I agree and disagree. I agree the fact that divorce may effect your children, and that is no good thing, as most parents like me, my child is the single most important thing in the world.
However, there is also a time where a divorce is necessary because in the same way, it could effect your kids.
Say you cheated in your marriage, and your partner forgave you, but wouldn't let it go, and never trusted you, forcing argument after argument. That in my eyes is a lot worse for kids.
Its easy to say suck it up and take it on the chin for now, but who knows how you would react when it actually happened.

---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------

Sorry just wanted to add, when I say you, I don't me you personally, I just meant hyperthetically. :)