
Dec 14, 2009
Reaction score
This can be Deleated - moved onto better things From this

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I'm actually quite suprised this didn't get any feedback! Good results with everton, and also I like trequistas a lot. Hopefully you'll get some more feedback soon, people seem to be a little biased towards the tacts they choose to use.
Thanks maxy, yeah i would love some more feedback, will see how it goes, Will post more screenshots in a few hours, Close to finnishing my first season.

thanks for taking the time to post.
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These are really good results with Everton mate. Will give these a go on my next game and let you know results, will probably be a while what with xmas and all that lol
Good stuff Andy, mind and read the other Information part as its relevant for the use of the tactic, and the corner players too.

let me know how it goes good or bad. will help me make this better.
What i need is testers for Lower league and World class teams. Would love some barcelona or man united screenshots.
I'm giving this a go mid season as Newcastle and I'm very impressed so far.

Away wins against top of the league Liverpool and 3rd in the League Chelsea.

To top of your already very very good Opening Post it would be good to have recommended attributes for each position just as a guide.

I love informative posts like yours, a very big well done to you.

What on earth made you come up with a formation shape like that?!
Very happy the tactic is working for you.

If im honest ive seen Soo many 442 424 451 tactics about, More or less all the same with a few changes here and there, I aimed to create something that was just diffrent, Im a big fan of attack so this tactic does leak in a fair few and does come underpressure sometimes, lost 5-0 at man united at the end of season1 was my loest performance. im currently working on V2 its going very well. Beat barcelona 2-0 in the champ league, Pictures to follow.

thanks for the advice i shal post some attributes with the roles soon. just getting some information together.
Keep me posted on your newcastle game. good or bad will help me change things with V2.
Sounds good mate.

I've just beat man utd 4-2 at my place, pretty convincing!

Would look forward to your V2 if you think it's better than this... I'll try to keep an eye on any problems from goals consistently come up!
ive uploaded version 2 by the way I find its working alot better due to the sweeper keeper ball playing defenders, Working a treat at home for me. Will post Screens as the results fly in.
I'm confused about the corners situation... you chose Fellaini & Cahill for your 2 as they're the best headers?

Can I change these to anyone in the team and it won't affect defending after we've taken the corner?
yeah you can do, Have your best Height Jump header as the Attack near post, and the end best at that as CH gk, just mix up the others aslong as you cover the main 2 players.

Best - ATT NP
2nd best - CH GK
good crosser - Short option
3 best Defencive player left - Stay back
The rest - lurk outside

the deliverly will already be set.
What's changed in v2 mate?

Thanks for the corner instructions - will amend those and let you know how I go.

Just beat QPR 3-2 away after being 2-1 down...
I will edit my main post and quote my Changes for version 2

but its to do with defence, changes to all 3 DCs setting them to Ball playing and cover, so they can distribute the ball and cover the areas well. also changed the Gk to Sweeper keeper so he comes out and picks up loose balls more often.

also a few minor changes with the Sliders, just fine tuneing.
Okey dokey, will switch to v2 now and carry on.

Thanks for updating the OP with attributes needed... it's a very impressive OP now!

Will keep you updated.
Just pointing out I've started as Fulham using this tactic. So far so good!