In the last 10 posts someone has just taken the lead.... I wont say who
Its obvs that is Godcubed

In the last 10 posts someone has just taken the lead.... I wont say who
In the last 10 posts someone has just taken the lead.... I wont say who
In the last 10 posts someone has just taken the lead.... I wont say who
Hes a freak of football knowledge lol. Knowone has got question 1 right yet, pretty happy with that.
Tbh I almost got #2, #3, #4 and #8 wrong, and #10 was based on some year-old knowledge. #1 is a beast of a question, I just tried googling it now I know I'm wrong, but nope, no dice there either. Grrr...
this maybe true but he wasn't man enough to take my quizHes a freak of football knowledge lol. .