which version of Sublimity 17 did you use? - I personally experience Width narrow vs Fairly Wide/wide can go either way - I don't believe their is magic to gain in width - I'm not saying you can't be successful with narrow tactics or wide tactics - I'm just saying narrow will not define your success ratio other things are really important too - So all I'm saying is don't put your money on one setting becourse its popular around other threads
- chance is someone playing as united win 9-0 vs city with the worlds greatest players in a team that is probably highly adapted to a formation like this and will do well on both narrow and wide - for a team with lesser players who typically play a more conservative way - don't be surprised if they get run over with both widths
this time, cos my team is weak and players not exactly ready for positions like Roaming Playmaker or False9, i decided to use Counter version.
When that is said - did you sign lots of new players? - I find this really important that you are defensive about the amount of players you sign - I think signing to many can fackkkk things up - I bought a great team for Bournemouth and they sucked though being high quality youngsters.
and yeap, i bought quite lot of players, but.. i don't know if that's making the difference, but most of them are Italian, playing in Italian league with other Italian members, guess barrier language can make some difference to way of playing, at least on the very beginning of season, while ur players are not gelled each other, anyway - so far so good.
I shall be the first to say though I don't believe in Diablo tactics - atleast not untill I see a 38/38 success ratio preferably with a weaker team. Some of the Sublimity 17 tactics have already been called gamebreakers - though the fm16 version was it much more in my opinion. People forgot about Sublimity 17 and turned their hyped minds somewhere else becourse they maybe lacked the patience - play with it longer than 5 games/friendlies and gave up on it - they might bought to many players - the natural style for the club they managed probably didn't fit their club and so they turned their heads to other potential hyped threads
- which I don't mind by the way - everyone can create tactics - their are no tactical geniuses in fm anymore - but theirs plenty of bullshit claiming that their ways are the best way - personally I get more and more turned off by this behavior from people inside this forum and from people outside this forum - I'm just glad I'm not one of them - I'm the twitch guy who just had a break from twitch but are planning to come back hopefully to hang out with you guys whos interested - but mostly just to have some fun - to enjoy this at times lovely or frustrating game depending on who you are - who you manage - and how you manage lol
and like it was said couple of times - FM is not just bout the tactic, there is plenty of micromanagement things in which when u sucks ur winning ration and achievements will never be as good as someone who knows how to manage the team better than u.
eg. praising players, talking with them about personal issues, keeping morale up, fining them when need to, motivating them with team talks, giving rest when need to, adjusting team training heaviness when need, praising individually player of the match, praising them in the press, and that are just a couple of examples.
i called ur tactic Diablo just by my personal subjective opinion, for fun
, it's obvious there is not anymore Diablo/cheating/exploiting tactics in FM world any more.
Abbes you have written many wonderful updates in this thread and once again I thank you mate - Its really just lovely to see someone enjoying the game like you - makes me really happy.
Cheers pal/all
let me finish next season and i'll come with another update buddy, there is never enough of sharing good results with person who created monster
and don't bother urself with haters or self-confident ******, not just here but generally speaking, there is no point to losing ur precious time for people like this, life's too short for this bullshit mate