Madrid are the worst team in the game to play,they seem far too overpowered.

So true mate. I had a save with West Ham and I went to check who had been winning the CL and the Liga BBVA. Madrid had won both 4 times in a row :/
Ok im well over half way through my boro season using this tactic and these are the results and the table so far.

View attachment 62466

View attachment 62465

Not bad at all, the only wierd thing was i misread the OP and using *** manager to use OI's.... Till recently that is!

I'd love to test your 4-4-2 one out if u still need a tester mate!

Ok im well over half way through my boro season using this tactic and these are the results and the table so far.

Not bad at all, the only wierd thing was i misread the OP and using *** manager to use OI's.... Till recently that is!​

I'd love to test your 4-4-2 one out if u still need a tester mate!​
I dont use OI's mainly out of lazyness but whenever i have used them results havent been good. They are just something within the game i dont use and probably never will.
I was going to ask if you wanted to give my new 442 a try but you probably dont have any fullbacks or wingers now. :S

Do you have plenty of good fitness coaches Lee?

I'll give your 4-4-2 a try mate, i have'nt played for weeks and have a few lazy days coming up.

I usually play as West Ham, is the tactic likely to do ok with them?

I'm not looking for something that wins me EVERY game, just a slight overachievement mixed with my Managerial skills will do.
I'm just about to start my 4th season with sunderland using this tactic .......

1st Season Finished 6th ....Won no cups

2nd Season Finished 4th.... Won F.a cup

3rd Season Finished 1st (****** it).... Won League cup..... Won F.a Cup

This season ill try and dominate europe. I will also start a new game to run along this 1 when you release your 4-4-2
am going the start a game as tottenham who do you think i can get for 6.75 mil for a poacher?
Want to see how you're doing with your new tactics! I Hope you're going to upload them at most tomorrow :DD!
Another update for you...


Did pretty much what I was expecting, finished with just 4 more points than the previous season but with mid-week cup games and the Europa League killing my fitness I was really struggling the following weekends and kept conceding late equalisers/winners.

Managed to make it to the quarter-final of the Europa League where I was knocked out by a late away goal from Ajax, which was pretty gutting as my draw for the semi was easily beatable. I managed to beat Chelsea in the previous round too, with a good performance at Stamford Bridge. :wub:


Thanks to the money from the Europa League I was actually able to strengthen my squad for once and brought in a few youngsters.

So without the Europa League to tire my players out I managed to keep my players nice and fresh for the entire season. My only poor performances generally came after a mid-week Spanish Cup game.

Just a shame I missed out on 3rd/4th place by a point really as the Champions League money would of been a huge boost. I'm not hoping for much in the next season, with Liverpool/Chelsea constantly declaring interest in my players it won't be long before they're unsettled and wanting to move onto bigger things.
Another update for you...


Did pretty much what I was expecting, finished with just 4 more points than the previous season but with mid-week cup games and the Europa League killing my fitness I was really struggling the following weekends and kept conceding late equalisers/winners.

Managed to make it to the quarter-final of the Europa League where I was knocked out by a late away goal from Ajax, which was pretty gutting as my draw for the semi was easily beatable. I managed to beat Chelsea in the previous round too, with a good performance at Stamford Bridge. :wub:


Thanks to the money from the Europa League I was actually able to strengthen my squad for once and brought in a few youngsters.

So without the Europa League to tire my players out I managed to keep my players nice and fresh for the entire season. My only poor performances generally came after a mid-week Spanish Cup game.

Just a shame I missed out on 3rd/4th place by a point really as the Champions League money would of been a huge boost. I'm not hoping for much in the next season, with Liverpool/Chelsea constantly declaring interest in my players it won't be long before they're unsettled and wanting to move onto bigger things.
Your progressing nicely :)

Hopefully you can keep your better players. If you stick huge price tags on them clubs usually either lose interest or will make an offer you cant refuse.

To get Las Palmas challenging for a top 4 place within 4 seasons is good going. Nice work.

Thanks for the feedback.
If you need any other testers JP for you're wingers tactic I'll happily try it and give feedback quite soon.
If you need any other testers JP for you're wingers tactic I'll happily try it and give feedback quite soon.
Ive had to put it on the back burner for a while because im busy at work. Ill get back to it at some point.
Hi all, first post.

Hey JP, i started a new game in the greek superleague with PAOK.

I decided to use your tactic and tried to adjust my roster to it. Season 1 PAOK starts with 107k transfer budget(yeah, 107k...), a decent wages budget, but with good training and youth facilities. Unlike my previous saves, i decided to not go after old free transfer players, but to sell some of my own and buy as many wonderkids as i could. I also edited the database a bit to change the potential of 2 players in PAOK, which were not accurate in game. Vierhinia(AM) and Malezas(CD) who are both very talented in rl. After selling 8 players for 4m, I bought 8 wonderkids(thank god for monthly installments), one of which is Ignacio Camacho from At.Madrid.

After 7 league games i m first in the league along with Panathinaikos who i won(home). I lost from Olympiakos(away) and won everything else in between. I managed to get the team in the Euro Cup group stage and this is where i met Everton...

Before i go on, i decided to experiment and see what was going wrong here, so what follows is a description of multiple reloadings for the same game. PAOK vs Everton.

Now, unlike any other team i played Everton just destroys me. I have 3 good CDs, all of them have their marking, tackling and heading attributes at 15 or higher. Their positioning stat ranges from 13 to 15. Their physical stats are good, and the rest of their mental stats are average or better. My DM is Ignacio Camacho.

This game is in our home stadium.

After thoroughly reading your team talk guide, and leaving the tactics of the team in the original settings you created, Everton just cruises through the game and beats me easily. All their goals come from crosses aimed to the far post, where someone either heads or shoots the ball into a goal. I tried switching possitions of the 3 CD and none of them seems to be able to be there at the right time. What I did notice however, is that the person that scores the goal, most of the times runs parallel to the guy that makes the cross, and receives the ball at the right time to score. Everton is not set to counter while doing this, they are 70% of the time in Attacking. So maybe(I thought), we loose possession too easily and they are really fast in their counter attack. So i decided that for this one time i will switch the starting strategy of PAOK to Standard instead of Attacking. This would keep more of my players behind the ball, and thus make it easier for me to 1) keep ball possession and 2)defend against their lightning fast attacks(correct if i m wrong here, i m relatively new to this game). So, this lead to:

Standard strategy. I was expecting both my team and Everton to have a harder time scoring, but that was not the case. Everton still scored 2 or 3 goals per match, but so did I !
But, even if the team played a bit better, most of the times i kept loosing, and never managed to win. I did however manage to get a draw 40% of the times.

Counter strategy. Fail.

Everything else. Fail.

So to sum it up, while attacking i can't score any goals, and Everton scores 2 or 3 goals. In standard, i usually score 2 goals and I either loose or get a draw. Anything else and i get annihilated.

Morale:8 out of 11 players in my team have Superb morale prior to the game(the rest are Very good and one good), and the ***.Man doesn't report anything about my players beside language and communication problems.

Condition: 8 out of 11 players start at 100%, and from the rest the lowest is 96%.

Form: All are over 6.5, half of them over 7.

Its not that i expect to win every game in my 1st season with a greek team in Euro Cup, not at all. I can just get over it and go on with my save. I just wanna know if there is anything i could do in cases such as this. Did i do something wrong, or is this normal? Although Everton has a better squad than mine, the difference is not significant really.

Thanks in advance, and thanks for this tactic and all the feedback in this thread.
Thanks for your feedback. Sometimes you have to accept that the team your playing are not only better but also have a more settled and gelled side than you.
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Thanks for the super fast reply! Also, you have my apologies for the wall of text i posted earlier, i just wanted to make sure you had all the info you would need to understand the situation. What you say makes perfect sense. Thanks again.

Now i can go back and continue my game :)
JP, I've found if I'm in need of a goal, and I don't want to change to Overload in-case it back-fires I move one of the CM's into Attacking Mid along side the other Attacking Mid, and set them both to Advanced Play-makers and set the CM to Ball winning. I normally get a goal.
Haven't had much time to play FM but finished my first season with Arsenal and won the Quadruple beating Barcelona in CL final and Real Madrid in the semis! At times pleayed some great football and scored lots of goals, in league scored 100 conceded 31.

Found moving the attacking midfielder back to centre midfield and playing him as advanced playmaker attacker helped with possession in the big games otherwise didn't change and kept it at attacking all season. May do another season and try and go unbeaten! before having a crack at my own tactics on the new patch.

Cheers JP Woody good tactic, but like any tactic you need the right players to make it work as i did with the gooners all have good technique/first touch etc
just to update, as you can see i won the league with huddersfield (and johnstones pain trophy) with a nice goal tally. My team was small and young so to go up as champions was a shock (my signings last season included Vandamme, Pacheco (loan) and Bridcutt all young as well) so if you add them to the original starting town team am sure you'd agree winning the league was a good achievement (play offs is a more likely estimate)

Now ive moved to championship ive sold several off my players as i honestly feel my team can not cut it. Ive invested without spending a penny in; Pacheco (loan again although i am his favoured person and huddersfield are his favoured team should i ever get a transfer budget he would be a buy!) sol campbell, wesley sonck, george boateng, marlon harwood, gavin mccann and nocho nova plus a couple more youngsters. **edit** so i am going to have a gel'in period again this season!

I feel that a mid table finish is easily doable and possibly with a bit of luck a play off push is possible however quite optimistic. yet should i ever be given some money i fink next season i could really push for promotion to the top flight!! So yeah basically your tactic has proven its self last year with a very young squad dominating throughout the season and the games i did loose tended to be due to stupid mistakes or running low on fitness towards last 20 mins. ill keep you updated off this season!