Koflok's Goals Galore 2011

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Can someone recommend me any wingbacks for this tactic?

I am having a hard time finding good ones on both left and right side.
This tactic is grate!

i only changed the Tempo to Very Slow

Width to very wide

and right now im playing with "Time wasting".
Well, glad you replied Koflok . .
Team core = where their through balls are coming from, ussualy CM position . . so i limit the passing between central players of the team, so that they cant really play good through balls to their strikers or wingers, and if wingers recieve the ball, i have them close down always so that they cant do much . .
I have been using that last 3-4 years playing this game, and it did the job . .
But ofcouse not every opponent is the same, so i need to change those from time to time to adjust . . that is just my "general" setting . .

Sorry 4 bad english . . definetly not my primary lanq . . :)

oh wow nice idea. How do you make the central midfielder fully locked though?
Make your 2 central midf tight mark with man marking on?

I've actually found a tweak that can make the opponent's winger less effective and it seems to work well. The key is not to over-close down them + hard tackling.

Thanks for sharing your top-secret settings btw :P

Hello, i am gonna try this tactic but i have one question. Does this tactic require your wingers to play on the wing opposite of their preferred foot so they can cut inside?

For the millionth time answered in this thread, yes you do need cut insider winger

This tactic is grate!

i only changed the Tempo to Very Slow

Width to very wide

and right now im playing with "Time wasting".

Cheers thanks man.

How 'slow' and how 'wide' is it? Can you post a screenshot of your team instructions?

Hah, wel not really a secret, just my way of playing the game . . i always used 451 formation becouse i understand it better than the rest . . anchorman is great value for me ..
Well on fm 2010 i used 4-4-2 with tottenham, that worked well, but 4-5-1 is main . .

I just dont have enough time or focus to make fm 2011 tactic . . so im using this one(yours) :), . .
Im playing with barcelona right now i know its easy but just to have some fun.

but i tested it with Tottenham Hotspur as well and won arsenal 3-0 ManU 4-1 and chelsea 2-0 with 6 CCC i got Crash dumps with my Hotspur save =\

anyways this tactic got all you need

possession,lots of goals/CCC strong defence and clean sheet your rivals pooping in ther pants when they meet you (haha) just perfect.

Im still "playing" with the time wasting cuz the wide tempo and d-line is perfect for me.

The only problem is that i cant get the best from my wingers i tried to play narrow so my wingers will be more effective but failed with both attack and support duty.

so the only problem that i have with this tactic is my wingers il keep testing it and update you :)

oh and sorry for the bad english =\

And here are some grate results i have more if somone want :)

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Can anyone recommend some players that work well with this tactic? Mainly need AML, ST, AMR, CML. Playing as Grasshoppers in the Swiss first division.
Can anyone recommend some players that work well with this tactic? Mainly need AML, ST, AMR, CML. Playing as Grasshoppers in the Swiss first division.

As a striker go for Kadlec or Hulk if you can pay him. As a winger you could go for Douglas costa (you probably can't pay him though).
Yea, i need some player recommendations too, as Hajduk is fairly low rep team, in low rep league . . i had pyotr patrizsek or something like that coming, but ManUtd made 11hour bid, :D i hate them :D

Well, i have good wingers, sharbini and tomasov, but i need a playmaker, or that second midfielder . .
i'm change
defline =9
fullback manmark and no tight mark
centreback manmark and tight mark
float cross because my team is small
and i feel good more
sr my english is bad(6)
tempo=17 ok i don't change
my liverpool is currently using this tactic...
quite good results but become sucks when it enter december...
can someone help me on this?
The reason it becomes bad in December is not down to the tactic but the fact your team probably become complacent due to win streaks, before games at the Opposition instruction page check your Assistant managers feedback, if he says that most of the team is over confident put your team talk to "I expect a win" if it's only 1 or 2 players becoming over confident put their individual team talk to "I expect a performance"
Yeah I would like to emphasize on the fact other than tactics, team talks, motivation and man-management has growingly important in this FM - not that it didn't in last versions.

When they don't have the morale, or overconfidence, or complacent - anything - however godly the tactic is, 90% of the time it won't work. 10% is when you got lucky.

So yeah.. look on that

Oh yeah I'm looking at the posibility of releasing v3.1 probably around tomorrow.
It's nothing major. Just some fullbacks and midfielder tweaks from the previous version but so far is more effective in terms of attacking from wide area and make the middle more aggresive.

My fullback has bombing down the flanks and produces decent assists compared to v3 and the midfielders are now hard working which increase possession and in overall better defense.

The reason I'm not releasing the major update is that I haven't found a 'perfect' combination so far regarding some instructions. So rather than releasing it way too soon, I'd rather do some more testing and stuff.

How's that If I get enough respond on the v3.1, I'll upload the tactic tomorrow.

Yeah I would like to emphasize on the fact other than tactics, team talks, motivation and man-management has growingly important in this FM - not that it didn't in last versions.

When they don't have the morale, or overconfidence, or complacent - anything - however godly the tactic is, 90% of the time it won't work. 10% is when you got lucky.

So yeah.. look on that

Oh yeah I'm looking at the posibility of releasing v3.1 probably around tomorrow.
It's nothing major. Just some fullbacks and midfielder tweaks from the previous version but so far is more effective in terms of attacking from wide area and make the middle more aggresive.

My fullback has bombing down the flanks and produces decent assists compared to v3 and the midfielders are now hard working which increase possession and in overall better defense.

The reason I'm not releasing the major update is that I haven't found a 'perfect' combination so far regarding some instructions. So rather than releasing it way too soon, I'd rather do some more testing and stuff.

How's that If I get enough respond on the v3.1, I'll upload the tactic tomorrow.


Great, my fullbacks are lazy :) So they should do something.

As for the possession, Great! :thumbsup:
I always have less possession even if I win :P
Hmm, btw, koflok, how do you manage to beat barcelona away 3-2 using Hercules, sory i am not doubting your tactics, but I feel it's impossible to beat them at Camp Nou. I been losing them 3-0. 4-0 and keep restart and restart and been trying to tweak around. Just beat Altheico Bilbao 1-0 by Nelson Valdez late goal at 93min. :) As you beaten them 4-0.

Do you care about team talks??? like can explain briefley how u manage the team talks and in what situation do you sub in your players. Thanks. :)

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Looking forward to mate :). Would not be better if you could release it today ? Yes :D

Tomorrow is Monday :X:S
Great, my fullbacks are lazy :) So they should do something.

As for the possession, Great! :thumbsup:
I always have less possession even if I win :P

Cheers Lass. I think I've given you some of the tweakings already.
I haven't touch tactics until now. 1 whole day (H)

Working on the player search instead since I'm creating an online league with my friends using u19 players. So scouting some player right now :P


Look after this thread for me please while I'm gone until tomorrow lolz.

How's your tweaking going btw?