Liverpool Sign Carroll - Also gets number 9 shirt

BBC Sport

BBC Sport News Headlines
Aug 23, 2006
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Newcastle turn down Liverpool's £30m offer for striker Andy Carroll, BBC Sport understands.

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what a joke. far too expensive, £30 Million signals world class, he's not world class.
It's a stupid offer really, Newcastle aren't going to leave him go.
This is utter madness...English players are incredibly overvalued. If they can't buy anyone though they won't be letting Torres go.
A bollocks of a report - not even worth commenting on. So why am I doing it ?
lolol panic buying from liverpool cos they know they're losing torres.
Looks like it really signals that the Torres deal is done?
Soon they will be linked with their former striker...... Heskey
A panic bid. If we don't get a striker in, Kenny will not let Torres go. We might get less money for him if we keep him for the summer but Kenny knows the higher league position will make up for that. The next 11 hours are certainly going to be exciting.
I'm actually impressed Mike Ashley wasn't tempted - after all 30m is like a week in Aspers casino for him!

Seriously though, I don't think AC is worth 30m but the fact that we rejected it is impressive and how it should be. Also read this morning Barton is on the brink of a new contract, so things are going well - which means any day now we're due for a manager change/ season ending injury :( its just the newcastle way
Hes is worth the same as David Villa? I dont think so somehow (give or take a copla mil cos the the exchange rate)
Really not sure why people are complaining about Carroll for £30m, he is English so there is a premium and also he has been prolific this season. Him with Suarez and a winger up front would be lethal. He completly fits the profile of what FSG are after. Young. Resale value. Would fit in well. With two top wingers next to him he would boss it.

And there's one man you can blame for this mess and the high prices being quoted.

Fernando Torres.
Really not sure why people are complaining about Carroll for £30m, he is English so there is a premium and also he has been prolific this season. Him with Suarez and a winger up front would be lethal. He completly fits the profile of what FSG are after. Young. Resale value. Would fit in well. With two top wingers next to him he would boss it.

And there's one man you can blame for this mess and the high prices being quoted.

Fernando Torres.

Resale value of £30mil+ ?

I doubt it :-/
Resale value of £30mil+ ?

I doubt it :-/

He is 22 for crying out loud, has a few years at the top level and if he plays well his value is only going to increase.

Jeeeeeez we have Kenny and Comolli, I trust them to do what's best for the club.