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Jamie, Im not max but this is what i would do, If the striker is the only one on attack it leaves him isolated, im currently working on some Ottmar Hitzfeld emulation tactics and i only had one player on attack, the striker (suarez) in my case was standing up field by himself as i had the wingers and the box to box midfielder on support, id put the wingers on attack as max said. You could have 2 defensive minded midfielders, but personally i would change one to support, if you change one to attack i would also maybe change the full backs to defend so you have full protection at the back. Hope i helped
Erm Max, need a little bit of help on a 4-2-3-1 of mine, made for my Man United team. Wayne Rooney seems to get me quite a few goals 28 our of 30 + but when he doesn't score his average rating is shocking, him and a long with Gourcuff can be non- existent at times unless they nick a goal or an assist. Not sure what to do but these screenshots show my tactic and I'll post the tactic up as well for you to fiddle about with and see how it goes. Defensively it's pretty solid, it's just a stream of one dimensional goals, either from Rooney or Vidic from corners. I'm top of the league but I'm scraping most results except a 7-0 thrashing of Burnley away early in the season. So if you don't mind could you give it a test, find where I'm going wrong and hopefully tell me how to fix things up :)

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before i've even tested it i've noticed one player in your team is on 'attack' and that's it, i recommend putting your wingers on 'attack' aswell in whatever role they're in, i would put them as wingers tbh and have them cross into Rooney a lot more, with Gourcuff there to pick up any pieces.

if that doesn't work, come back and i'll give the tactic a real go :)
Thanx Max, what a good job done by you. Many new comers; like me, will get a good grip...
Ok, first game away to Nottm Forest went very well even though it was weak opposition, everybody got involved in attack, the full backs even more so than usual. First goal was a through ball by Gourcuff and Valencia finished, second was a cross towards the penalty spot by Valencia headed in by Jovetic and the third was a wonderful passing goal, 25 passes before Valencia put Rooney in slotted home, so all good then. Stats below. Cheers Joe and Max :)
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good to see you back to goalscoring and winning ways. :)

feel free to keep me up to date and i'll help where i can mate.

also thanks Joe for helping him out, sometimes get a little overloaded on the thread with requests so any help is welcome.
Thanks for putting this up Max, especially the team instructions which I have been struggling with. It's an awesome guide.
Hi Max, what tips could you give to obtain a solid, sturdy defence. I create my own tactics and get the attack motives pretty much correct but cannot sort the defence out. Conceding quite a few goals.
Right, sorry to bother but I have one issue with my changes to the tactic of mine and that is solving Rooney's lack of form. I play him as a Complete Forward - Attack in the 4-2-3-1 and he just isn't doing a good job, Macheda has scored 5 from 3 starts and Rooney hasn't scored in a while. Below is his form over the last few games and it is quite worrying. Anything you could suggest to sort this out, apart from relying on Macheda to sort out my problems
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Max,you legendary tactician :wub: I love you man.

Been fiddling with the instructions a bit since I've been losing a couple of games and now were on the roll! Promotion here we come :D

If we were all rated as status',I'm sure you'd be "indispensable" to FM-Base ;)
Max = Legend :wub:

Change your user tagline to FM Base Forum Legend, on behalf of me :D
lol thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated. :)
I don't know if you can help me out here, Max, but I got something I want to do on FM.

I want to do like Mourinho use to do, somehow. Taking my players and set them to play where they're best, and not following a tactic like Mr houghs. Using Mr hougs tactic makes it boring for me because I win most games but it really feels like it's Mr.Hough who is winning them for me.

Any chance you can give any advice on how to judge my players from looking at the stats of each individual?

That's my squad, with Joshua King and Ryan Tunnicliffe which doesnt show (and which I don't use either)

Hope you can reply to this Max :)
I don't know if you can help me out here, Max, but I got something I want to do on FM.

I want to do like Mourinho use to do, somehow. Taking my players and set them to play where they're best, and not following a tactic like Mr houghs. Using Mr hougs tactic makes it boring for me because I win most games but it really feels like it's Mr.Hough who is winning them for me.

Any chance you can give any advice on how to judge my players from looking at the stats of each individual?

That's my squad, with Joshua King and Ryan Tunnicliffe which doesnt show (and which I don't use either)

Hope you can reply to this Max :)
that's a big ask to be honest, to play like Mourinho on FM and instantly get the best out of every single player in your team is very tough, to get the best out half your first team can be a challenge at times, to get a whole team could be near impossible unless a tactic of the nature of Mr Hough's was used.

I'll be honest, i'm no where near Mr Hough's ability at tactics, he's probably made one of the best tactics i've seen on FM, so unless you use that i'm not sure how to help to be honest but yeah as you said it can take the fun out.

FM is about patience at times, and you'll have to work in depth with every single player for a long period of time to get them playing to their full ability, there's always going to be one 'weak link' in your team that just can't get a good game going, so to do this 'Mourinho' approach would be quite tough.

just experiment with each player, the experimenting may cost you a few points along the way but when you get it right it'll certainly be worth it.

sorry if this didn't help, but i don't think i could tell you how to make your whole starting line up play to the best of their ability, and there's always going to be one or two players who won't fit in or won't have the freedom they want as you have to compensate for others.
that's a big ask to be honest, to play like Mourinho on FM and instantly get the best out of every single player in your team is very tough, to get the best out half your first team can be a challenge at times, to get a whole team could be near impossible unless a tactic of the nature of Mr Hough's was used.

I'll be honest, i'm no where near Mr Hough's ability at tactics, he's probably made one of the best tactics i've seen on FM, so unless you use that i'm not sure how to help to be honest but yeah as you said it can take the fun out.

FM is about patience at times, and you'll have to work in depth with every single player for a long period of time to get them playing to their full ability, there's always going to be one 'weak link' in your team that just can't get a good game going, so to do this 'Mourinho' approach would be quite tough.

just experiment with each player, the experimenting may cost you a few points along the way but when you get it right it'll certainly be worth it.

sorry if this didn't help, but i don't think i could tell you how to make your whole starting line up play to the best of their ability, and there's always going to be one or two players who won't fit in or won't have the freedom they want as you have to compensate for others.

Thanks for the reply :)

I didnt want you to make a tactic for me, but reading what you wrote here, and the opening post (which is amazing) I'm thinking that I should get some in-debth knowledge of what each setting does and how it affects the gameplay. From there I can work my way through and figure out what benefits a group of player.

There's a lot of things to thing about, for instance fullbacks vs wingbacks. One is better, regardless. 3 central defenders vs 2 central defenders and 2 backs/wingbacks. One, two or 3 strikers? How to get them to link good?

One thing is 100% sure, it will take time to make a good tactic like this, but I'm up for it as it interests me a lot:)
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Thanks for the reply :)

I didnt want you to make a tactic for me, but reading what you wrote here, and the opening post (which is amazing) I'm thinking that I should get some indebt knowledge of what each setting does and how it affects the gameplay. From there I can work my way through and figure out what benefits a group of player.

There's a lot of things to thing about, for instance fullbacks vs wingbacks. One is better, regardless. 3 central defenders vs 2 central defenders and 2 backs/wingbacks. One, two or 3 strikers? How to get them to link good?

One thing is 100% sure, it will take time to make a good tactic like this, but I'm up for it as it interests me a lot:)
ah right, okay.

full backs and wing backs? well, personally if i'm a team like Arsenal for example i'll use wing backs and not full backs, because in most games i will be the favourite and should be attacking the opposition and trying to overload them in my attack, so wing backs are better here as they are more aggressive going forward compared to full backs and with the right stats can get quite a few assists from crosses.

full backs are better for teams like Fulham for example, Fulham are a decent team on FM but are a team that will hopefully finish 10th/9th at best usually, unless the correct signings are made along with a very good tactic. This therefore means in about half of your games with Fulham in the league you'll probably be the least favourite, with you defending and trying to counter to opposition, so you won't want to commit any players too much who should be defending, so putting a player on full back for this would be better. of course if you're playing a team where you're the favourite, feel free to go with wing backs, Fulham have a few good players who can play it that role anyway, such as Shorey (loan on 10.3), Konchesky, Kelly and Pantsil, but be careful as no doubt that opposition will be looking to counter you and could take advantage of you committing players forward, so maybe using a centre midfielder in a ball winning midfielder role with 'defend' on (Dickson Etuhu etc) would help negate the effect on the counter with him sitting deep and slowing down the play a bit more when necessary.

strikers? there a few obvious 'combinations' in my opinion, the target man + poacher (like Bent and Jones for Sunderland) is always a good old fashioned simple partnership and can do damage against oppositions, or combinations such as deep lying forward + advanced forward, this can work as the advanced forward can drag defenders away from the deep lying forward who then has more space to play in team-mates, mostly wingers or his other striking partnership.

one partnership i've been using as of late, is complete forward + poacher. this seems to work quite nicely if you're complete forward has the technical ability, and if your poacher has the movement off the ball and finishing qualities it can be a good partnership (i used Henry and Hulk in this, Henry as the complete forward and Hulk as the poacher).

3 cb's vs 2 cb's? i like to keep my tactics simple, so i'd go with a 2 man central defensive partnership, but there is no doubt 3 man centre defensive partnership can work, as seen in JP Woody's 'Total Football' tactic, which is quality. if you are going to use 3 cb's, i'd take a leaf out of JP's book and have atleast 1 or 2 of those 3 as ball playing defenders, for a bit more creativity. it all depends on your formation though and what players you have at your disposal.

1, 2 or 3 strikers? again, i keep things simple mostly, so i'd go with the simple 2 man partnership, and not 3, but, 3 man partnerships can work, as you can tell by the Mr Hough tactic. A lone striker can work, as I've had great success with a 4-4-1-1 formation before, but you will really have to have a hard working midfield, and give your midfielders roles like box to box midfielders, and wide men as wide midfielders, preferably 'attack'. also your lone striker cannot afford to be wasteful in his goalscoring opportunities, if a chance comes, he needs to take atleast 1 or 2 of them. I used Nikola Kalinic as my lone striker, he was good, but he was much better when he had a striker up there with him in a 2 man partnership.

how to make them link well? it all depends on your players really, a mix of a big, strong, and tall target man with a small, pacey, and intelligent striker can be a massive hit.

anything else, just ask. :)
I was just wondering, with what you said on the first page, would it be any different to a league 2 team?
Thanks ;)
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