Modern Warfare 2 Clan (360) - To Play On GameBattles

I might join, ill be there as a back-up if you want. My GT is iJakeSmyth, gamebattles is iAmGod08 and K.D Ratio is about 1.8
I might join, ill be there as a back-up if you want. My GT is iJakeSmyth, gamebattles is iAmGod08 and K.D Ratio is about 1.8

With a K/D of 1.8 you sound pretty good mate i'll invite you in now and i'll add you on xbox live.
count me in this sounds awesome gt BadgerSteveO

---------- Post added at 12:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ----------

i can trial now if anyones on

---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 AM ----------

GT & GB - BadgerSteveO
sadly my k/d ratio is only 0.85 but im a team player and dont mind taking bullets for the team
Steve would be good, gives 100% on Fifa and I'm sure he would on MW2 :)
Played 4 games today
Lost 1, Won 3 :D
One of the wins was disputed though :S
Our record is Won : 2 Lost : 3 so far.

Anyone wanna get games now as i'm online?
Clutch mate, ill be on in 10? Play some s and d gamebattles or team deathmatch?
You got msn ... way easier?
Im guessing you lot are playing clans of a similar level to yourself as you have won a couple? ;)
If you have any space available and need someone to play I could. I'm not bad and have a mic and talk quite a bit!

My K/D is only 1.06, but I was at about 0.7 till I got used to it. played this morning just TDm got 34-6, 17-2 and 19-8. I normally play TDM but on COD 2 and WaW played mostly SnD.

anyway my gamer tag is Spandex Police, add me if you wanna game sometime.
I'll be at 8 too probably so why dont everyone try get on for then :)
Sorry for backing out. My mum switched off my xbox because I was getting my dinner
Im guessing you lot are playing clans of a similar level to yourself as you have won a couple? ;)

Yh we've been kind of lucky we haven't played any teams who I would call amazing.
clutch how do i trial?

i'll just let you in, I didn't properly trial most people tbh.
You need to make an account on (if you havent already) then post me your username here so I can add you to the team.