Modern Warfare 2 Clan (360) - To Play On GameBattles

I'm going to pop on now, i'll hit you all up with invites.
i love to join ur team jamie
you got my gamertag x B ii M B O x

k/D Ratio-1.32

username= damiennevo
I'm coming on now, invite me please Frankie (A)
Yh I thought we played pretty well, that second team we played were 7-0 and they were lucky to win, also they were cheating which didn't help. So we should've won I just didn't get proof.
Well ill be on a bit later, after pancakes :p
Max and Frankie add me , K Fox C :)
Yh I thought we played pretty well, that second team we played were 7-0 and they were lucky to win, also they were cheating which didn't help. So we should've won I just didn't get proof.

ill be happy to play mate
BTW you guys can get games without me, just make sure there is at least 3 people who can play and that you know the rules so we don't get anymore cheap losses.
when everybody cheats? how exactly do people cheat, i may be able to help you out there and say if its actually cheating
I'll join if there's space, I was playing with you guys earlier :)

GT - O B a IM A

GB - Aannddyy (Can't believe it was that simple >.<)

KD - I see other people posting there KD so I guess you want it, 1.58 although I do not know how a KD could effect Gamebattles :S

Also what's all this "cheating" stuff all about? How do you cheat?
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i love to join ur team jamie
you got my gamertag x B ii M B O x

k/D Ratio-1.32

username= damiennevo

You need to leave your old team before you can join ours as you are active on a different team. Then I can invite you.

---------- Post added at 08:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------

I'll join if there's space, I was playing with you guys earlier :)

GT - O B a IM A

GB - Cannot for the life of me remember, I'll get them to send me the details and edit this

KD - I see other people posting there KD so I guess you want it, 1.58 although I do not know how a KD could effect Gamebattles :S

Also what's all this "cheating" stuff all about? How do you cheat?

Yh I remember playing with you earlier you played quite well.

Well K/D doesn't affect gamebattles directly but it gives me an indication on how good a player is.

People cheat as they can't take losing, basically you have to take video/picture proof of your game otherwise they will just lie and say they won.
when everybody cheats? how exactly do people cheat, i may be able to help you out there and say if its actually cheating
I think it was on our last game, some guy had akimbo rafficas and cleaned house in the last 2 rounds and we had to replay a map because some guy randomly came in even though it was the last round and he didn't play.
People cheat as they can't take losing, basically you have to take video/picture proof of your game otherwise they will just lie and say they won.

Well yes, that's a very simple rule of gamebattles lol.. So are you going to invite me to the team? Or is there some kind of test? :p
Well yes, that's a very simple rule of gamebattles lol.. So are you going to invite me to the team? Or is there some kind of test? :p

I've invited you now I was just waiting for you to post up your GB Username.

Also communication is the key to winning clan matches, if you see someone tell us were they are, or think there going. Also tell us were your at, for example if your defending B bomb site or something then tell us so we know we don't have to cover there as well.

I know that may sound obvious but it is easily forgotten.
sorry didnty play today i came online and ivited you to party but you never joined, i was playing footy all day! i can come online now if you want
Have I joined? I can't remember whether I pressed accept or reject and it still says "NOT ON A TEAM?" :S

edit: don't worry lol
Andy should be a good addition to the team. Judging by his K/D ;)
Sorry i was at football 2day
At sheffield 2morow :S
Yeah Andy is good. Need a mic though mate.
Oh no mic :S
As long as the others keep talking won't be too bad hopefully lol