Modern Warfare 2 Clan (360) - To Play On GameBattles

Im prbly playing football at 2 so doubt ill be on 2moz
The servers are down guys. Don't understand how party chat still works but nevermind.

Thought that some PS3 geeks had taken over and we'd be forced to buy PS3's.
Servers are fixed, we're on Fifa now.
i heard from a friend who is a moderator on gb that someone hacked it, bill gates wont be happy lol
i heard from a friend who is a moderator on gb that someone hacked it, bill gates wont be happy lol

Yeah, I heard that Microsoft inform Gamebattles about all their business.
I will if still going?
GT: C o N o R M C x
KD: abiut 1.53
GB: Cant remember password but will make a new one now.
I will play most nights. just waiting on a invite to the team.
Me n Clutch are just gunna play some games now, if anyone wants to come on :)
We should try and play a few GB games tonight (6)
We need someone with a camera at the ready to take necessary pictures.
We were playing frankie, got cheated out basically both times
1st time forgot about claymores
2nd time they used akimbo, but couldnt prove it :mad:
And the guys we were playing with were absolute fucktards. Be prepared for a ***** fight
Ah, oh well, start with a 0-2. Now i'm playing, we'll do better ;)
The team we just played were 7-0, we beat them on skidrow, they killed us on afghan but we were unlucky on derail :/