ok how is your attacker doing? I dont see a lot of goals on him.
Guys I've been looking for an 4231 tactic for a while. Is this give me what I am looking for or have you any other suggestions ?
Hey TFF, i`ve tweaked your v8 tactic into a 4231 possession - counter tactic, i didn`t knew if it`s gonna work but the results are amazing. Changed the mentality to counter attack, and in the instructions i`ve selected retain possession, the gameplay is nice, defending with 10 players behind the ball and the attack ... what can i say... you can see in the screens :

Arsenal save :

View attachment 937539

Everton save :

View attachment 937541

Instructions :

View attachment 937544 View attachment 937547

I know it`s a bit strange, counter attack mentality with retain possession instructions but apparently it`s working.

Any changes on Player instructions as several roles have changed? If you could post it that would be great
Hey TFF, i`ve tweaked your v8 tactic into a 4231 possession - counter tactic, i didn`t knew if it`s gonna work but the results are amazing. Changed the mentality to counter attack, and in the instructions i`ve selected retain possession, the gameplay is nice, defending with 10 players behind the ball and the attack ... what can i say... you can see in the screens :

Arsenal save :

View attachment 937539

Everton save :

View attachment 937541

Instructions :

View attachment 937544 View attachment 937547

I know it`s a bit strange, counter attack mentality with retain possession instructions but apparently it`s working.

Dowload link tactics?
A quick contribution from me, regarding how this tactic works for lower league/weaker teams. I've been using this tactic for Fremad Amager in the Danish second division. I promoted to the first division (of course without any transfer budget and hardly any wage budget) after one season. Can't show screenshots due to a revision of the structure of the Danish second division after first season. I finished on top of the table, media prediction was fourth.

This is just to say that this tactic has worked very well for me, even if I haven't been able to acquire players that even remotely fit the recommendations of the creator of the tactic. So it's been very low maintenance for me so far. I'm doing my best to follow the guidelines of the original post, but when it isn't possible (which is most of the time), then to heck with it. It's worked for me anyway.

Here's a screenshot of my striker from the first season:

View attachment 231173

Also, the second season has started very well. Still without transfer budget, so the squad hasn't improved much since the promotion, the squad in itself probably shouldn't be able to save me from relegation, media prediction is 12th place:

View attachment 231172

I doubt it will continue like this, but avoiding relegation is looking highly possible already. All in all, if you want a low maintenance tactic without the hassle of manual marking and stuff like that, give it a try. So far I have no complaints.

EDIT: I maybe should mention that I'm using V8 of the monstrous plug & play.
Okay, so I finally found the negative thing about this tactic...

Penalty kick eternity:

View attachment 231104

Seriously, is this a known issue? It was my first penalty shootout, and I kinda hope it's the last. Boring as ****. Praying for my players to miss in the end, but ended up feeling kinda bad when the goalie missed his third shot. Poor goalie :(
Okay, so I finally found the negative thing about this tactic...

Penalty kick eternity:

View attachment 938958

Seriously, is this a known issue? It was my first penalty shootout, and I kinda hope it's the last. Boring as ****. Praying for my players to miss in the end, but ended up feeling kinda bad when the goalie missed his third shot. Poor goalie :(

I'm not sure what penalty shootout have anything to do with tactics?
I'm not sure what penalty shootout have anything to do with tactics?
Penalty shootouts has nothing to do with game tactics, he's just trying to be funny I think.

Although OP ain't updating this thread anymore, it still remains as one of the best tactics for a weaker side. Only downside is, it's not entertaining to watch, at least not for me. Most of the goals comes from the corner exploit.
Absolutely brilliant

Just wanted to say, this tactic is absolutely amazing. Went unbeaten in all competitive matches in 2nd season with Manchester United (only loss in a Champions League dead rubber, playing the youth team), with a goal difference of +100 in the league. Had my RMF win World Player of the Year 5 years running (I play with fake players), getting over 50 combined goals/assists every year. Also won 3 consecutive promotions with Peterhead from Scottish 3rd division to Premier League, with 0 transfer spending.
I have been playing FM since 2006, and this is one of the most dominant (if a little cheap) tactics I've ever tried. Try this if you want some easy glory. (Verson 8)
Obviously it has nothing to do with the tactic. It was just a weird occurrence, and since I was completely new to this edition of the game, meaning that it was my first penalty shootout, I was merely asking if this was a known issue (players just never missing a penalty, that is). Wrong thread, I know, but since I was already evaluating on this tactic...

After several penalty shootouts, I can conclude by myself, that it's not nearly as bad as I was led to think.
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Just played a whole season with Everton using version 8 and it basically felt like cheating.

I had a 10 point lead at the top and almost threw it away after changing loads of players in January which meant my team cohesion and tactic fluidity plummeted mid season but I held on and won it in the end.

View attachment 957544

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View attachment 957549

I almost agree. I've been playing with this tactic for quite some seasons. I was playing with Danish second division team Fremad Amager. By third season I was playing already playing in the Danish top division. Finished 7th first year, then 1st three years in a row. In my last year as manager of Fremad Amager I won my Champions League group ahead of Chelsea and was beaten narrowly in the quarter finals by Barcelona. Even though my team was pretty strong and should definitely challenge for victory in the Danish league, I should have been destroyed by teams like Chelsea and Bacelona, of course...

Anyway, went on to manage Juventus, which is just a walk in the park. I pretty much never lose, and even though my squad is pretty strong, it isn't strong enough to just breeze through everything. Non of this is due to my own skills, I have to add.

View attachment 222843View attachment 222842View attachment 222841

I'm quite fond of being lazy and winning, otherwise I'd try making some tactics myself, but by now it's pretty much started to feel like cheating. If people want incredible results, this is definitely the tactic to choose.
I have tested many of the tactics posted here and it is safe to say this is the most consistent and successful tactic I have experienced. Predator was never as successful even with manual marking.

If anyone wants a very simple tactic to rack up the titles and just enjoy watching your regens develop, this is the tactic to go for.
Ok I started using this tactic on mine new Soton save, and I can tell you that Pelle can be awesome in this tactic, but there are ew things you need to do, players surronfing him namely AM(A),B2B, and WM(both) need to be kinda good on creative side and good at crossing, Tadic is perfect so I set mine Pelle up front with TM(S) role and he is superb, he recieves balls and then assists to Tadic, Mane Ward PRowse and Fred its working quite good but you loose your edge on those amazing counter attacks... Still I would rather use Pelle than Long so just thought on sharing it with rest of ya, cheers and awesome work on tactic TTF :D