Mr Langvatn feat Lordofavp 4-4-1-1 Cialis

Go onto player instructions and ensure longshots for every player is on rarely. This should resolve it.
loving this tactic started using it 2 games ago won 3-0 vs ukraine 8-0 vs moldova
Hey guys :) I'm having an FM-break atm, too much schoolwork, and I'm gonna be a dad in a week or two. Will be back later when I get some spare time again :) I'm sure lordofavp will answer your questions in the meantime :) Good luck to all, and thanks for trying out my/our tactics!
It`s my first post here. I have read all about this thread and I'm going to test tactics for Crewe (English League One). In mid-season, I will throw screens. After 4 matches I`ve 2 wins, draw, a I lost one match.

Sorry for my English :p I hope you know what I mean :)
Hey guys :) I'm having an FM-break atm, too much schoolwork, and I'm gonna be a dad in a week or two. Will be back later when I get some spare time again :) I'm sure lordofavp will answer your questions in the meantime :) Good luck to all, and thanks for trying out my/our tactics!

Good for you buddy, congrats.
Expect a long break when the kid comes haha!
thank you i have just achieved my best ever result in guiding england to the world cup and winning it this tactic is amazing now to try it in club level
I am currently using this tactic with Accrington Stanley in League 2; due to the fact I was interested to see how it works with weaker team and in a weaker league.

Accrington Stanley are predicted to finish 20th in the league.

Here are some screenshots of my current progress:

View attachment 308154
As you can see at the beginning my team was performing quite bad but has only recently been doing really well. My tactic has only now become fluid therefore I had a poor start.

League 2 Table:
View attachment 308155

View attachment 308160

League Player Stats:
View attachment 308161
As stated before here are the screenshots for the 2nd Season with Accrington (League 1)

I was predicted to finish last as my team is quite bad. Started of with 100k for transfers.

View attachment 308542
I wasnt expecting to win the league as my team is really bad. I was surprised that I won promotion as my goalkeeper for the first half of the season was shocking.

League 2:
View attachment 308550

View attachment 308551
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I have just completed the season with Accrington Stanley in the Championship.

Championship Table:
View attachment 308637

View attachment 308638

I only spent 10k for the whole season.

Current Squad & Skill Stats:
View attachment 308640

Here is the team that I used to get promoted from the Championship.

*Whilst managing Accrington Stanley for three seasons I have only spent 10k overall on transfers.
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Here are the screenshots for my Accrington Stanley team in the Premier League. (Media prediction was for me to finish last)

Premier League Table:
View attachment 309011

View attachment 309012

I finished of in a respectable 9th position. I was not expecting to win the league due to knowing my team overall was not that competitive for the premier league. In addition, I was given 18mill to spend on transfers; this money did not help me too much as I could not attract the players I wanted to the club. Therefore I had to settle for mediocre players.

This does show that the tactic does perform well with a weak team.

Could you post the best player stats in ur team to see what it is like

Here are some screenshots of my current team stats and gen info. Keep in mind that some of these players have good stats now as I have had to train them and constantly keep playing them so they could build on their potential. Check my transfers screenshots from previous seasons as it will show when I brought in particular players and how long I had to train them up to their current stats.

Before I post the team stats I think it will be ideal to show screenshots of the transfers taken place in my current 5th season which is still in progress:
View attachment 309152
General Team Info:
View attachment 309147

Goalkeeping Stats:
View attachment 309153

Defensive Stats:
View attachment 309154

Attacking stats:
View attachment 309155

My Best Striker:
View attachment 309156
Amond was a player that Accrington started with in the 1st Season and I still have him till now.

As you may notice I still have quite a few players which I started of with in the 1st Season in my squad. Some of the first team players whom have good stats have only been purchased this season or last season (since I got promoted to Premiership) due to the fact I had extra funding available.

Here is a screenshot showing the stats of the current Southampton side (Defined as one of the weakest team in the Premiership) so users can compare the two sides:
View attachment 309157
As you can see this screenshot only shows the technical stats; the technical stats shows the main attacking and defensive abilities.

In addition if you look at the post where I displayed the first team screenshot after completing the championship as it will provide a better comparison of my side
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Nice results.....I wouldn't mind too much about the champions league defeat to barca cause they're difficult enough to defeat even with a really strong team let alone with Saint Etienne.....

Yeah, i know :) thanks for the nice tactic by the way! heading for season 3 now ->
Might not need any changes, the tactic I use is working exactly the same.