Hey Mr Langvatn,
I respect you and your hard work but I think that something is very wrong in your testing.

I tried Watford 3-4-3 with West Ham, the best tactic according to your test and the result wasn't good at all so I thought maybe West Ham didn't fit the tactic and I decided to try The Duke AlQaedaSVB tweak with Tottenham, this tactic was at the 2nd place in your testing.
I don't consider myself a good tactician but even with my own poor tactic I was able to compete for the title with Tottenham so I thought that with The Duke AlQaedaSVB I would easily win the league and it was a huge disappointment when I finished the 7th place with it and didn't even manager to get into Euro Cups.

I really hope that you'll improve your testing in the future, I wish you good luck.