Prem season over

The Prem seasons over 4 another year and even though it been a fairly easy year in the chase for the title im pleased that were the champions for the second season running. Iv also been named Manager of the year, Hamsik came runner up in English player of the year and my young summer signing from Man U Piotr Pajak has been crowned Yound player of the year...!

Im also delighted at the success of the Midlands clubs this season ( Villa 2nd , Baggies 5th , Wolves 7th ) but it more pleasing to see the Blues are not part of this successfully and proud period of Midlands football......:)

Check out the guy for WBA in the screen shot below his stats dont look that great but look at the goals he's banged in this season..! is he a hidden gem and 1 to look out 4 in future games or is he just a 1 season wonder? Its also nice to see 1 of my signings at my previous club Newcastle is banging the goals and keeping the in the top flight........:D

Check out were England heros David Beckham's playing days have taken him as well....<)

Now its time for the Big Final and i hope im able to bring happy news by announcing the fact im Victorious....!
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Mission accomplised

Well i couldn't be more pleased and im happy to announce the mighty Gunners finally have there hands on the Champions League. After a long a tough battle on the road to the Final it looked like it was going to be heart break for every one connected with the club after Bojan gave the Spanish club the lead on 82 minuets, But in the 2nd minuet of injury time up pops the hero of the semis Hamsik to draw the gunners level to take the game to extra time. Captain Fabregas was then brought down in the box to win a penalty in extra time that fans favourite Destro calmly converted to make it 2-1 then young and every improving French defender Sakho headed home from a Nasri cross to put gunners 3-1 up. Bojan pulled 1 back to make in a nervous last few minutes but it was to late in the day and Arsenal are proud to be the new Champions of Europe........:D

i said in a previous post if i won this competition i may seek pastures new but after this achievement i think i would be wrong to walk away without having a crack at lifting the World club Championship...!

My Favourite players this term have to be Hamsik , Walcott , Nasri and Pajak

See Shots below
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Although not one of my signings this guy is pure class ( believe so IRL too ) highly recommend him to any one reading this story, not only did he score my two most important goal of the season but hes just been named champions league's player of the year and to put the reason of winning this award down to my management just makes me enjoy his presence more..........
awesome dude, congrats!! glad to see you got what you set out to do! Hamsik is pure class IRL, Man Utd are tracking him pretty heavily, i really do wish he would come to Utd, must have been a great game the Final! yeah, do the Wolrd Club Champ, try win that!

keep it up, when you get bored, why not start another game and load leagues such as:

Portugal, Holland, England,Germany,France, Italy and Spain maybe??
Season 5 Begins

Minimum expectations are in and im expected to win the Title for the 3rd year running. Iv been given a transfer budget of £39 million and a wage budget of £1.1 million, Judging at how i dominated the division last year with a couple of good signings i think this will be a fairly easy task...!

Im looking to invest my budget on a GK , RB who can replace Sagna and a good back up LB for Clichy who with time will eventual replace him.......Suggestions Welcome as always..<)

Just been offered a new contract as well which i think is well deserved.......:D

Real life now im sadden to see that Dean Ashton has hung his boots up. class player when fit and a great loss to the game.......:(
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Never thought Gunners could be so succesful... Great work there and congrats on Champions League =) Also, i looked into Hamsik, and he's a beast!

Micah Richards has arrived as my new RB im pleased to have added another English player to my squad. Wanted to bring Bale in as my back-up LB but hes at FC Bayern now and after getting a bid of £17 millions rejected decide to look else were. Came across a Bulgarian Regen stats look class ( screen shot below ) so im pleased with how things turned out........<)

Iv decided to keep faith in the 2 keepers i already have on the books Benaglio's has done a good job for me so far and with Lung jr stats ever improving unless i spend silly money carnt see my self finding a better replacement...!

Iv got £13million left now plus what ever i make from the sales of Traore and Nordveit which i think will be about £10million. Im looking at spending this on Mesut Ozil from Werder Bremen as i think i need another quality AML, iv only got Nasri in this position with Wilshere and Vela as back-up who are both still learning there trade, If i go ahead with this singing any left over funds will be invested on youth players. I really want the keeper from Fulham in the shoot below but he keeps rejecting contracts saying he wont leave for Fulham's arch rivals....!
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Ten games into the season and my League form is looking good and my Champions League form is also pleasing my latest result been a home victory against FC Bayen.
I said before in previous post i was strongly considering signing Ozil but i opted against this decision and choose to give Jack Wilshere his chance to shine which he has in a fashionable manner. I did sign another Creative CM ( regen ) mind from Sevillia who i have been tracking for some time and he has also been in fine form. All my other summer signings have been pleasing too which is always nice to see. Jack Rodwell is also starting to shine and is now 1st choice in DM. Its great to see youth progress...............................................!!

Screen shots off game progress is attached below..........<)

Even though so far things are again looking bright for the Gunners this term, im starting to get a little bit board of this game and im thinking of loading a new game ...!

Im looking at loading several playable leagues say English , Spanish , German , Italian and French picking a team in the 2nd or 3rd tire of one of these divisions and try to make a name for myself by winning trophy's all around Europe not just England.

I have no experience in the foreign Leagues or lower English divisions but wish to start my game abroad or in English League 2 or lower so advice as to were to start is required, What clubs have a good starting squad or financial backing from the board........??

What playable Leagues would you recommend me loading up for this game and who would be a good club to start with.......??

PLEASE ADVICE so i can start planning the blueprints for my new career and get the game loaded up asap.....<)

I will be carrying on with my Newcastle / Arsenal game until i find a suitable campaign for me to crack on with.....................!!
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i dont suppose you could give us a dl of your tactics they seem to work well and congratulations on winning well everything you could however look at international management as your next step specifically a nobody team with little expectation and go for the world cup. as a newcastle fan was disappointed when you jumped ship but worked well for u
i dont suppose you could give us a dl of your tactics they seem to work well and congratulations on winning well everything you could however look at international management as your next step specifically a nobody team with little expectation and go for the world cup. as a newcastle fan was disappointed when you jumped ship but worked well for u

How do i upload tactics and i will put them on here for you download.
Like you thinking for intentional management but would like to start at club level in say Italian 1 or 2 and clime to top division then move to Spanish club then German and so on till eventually i have won something in all country finishing in England and then hit the international stage after....!