Nations of the World Quiz

Got 104 with 2 minutes left and my ******* laptop shuts itself down!:mad:

Will try later when i've fixed my comp!(hopefully!)
Same, on my way to a score of 119. Pretty respectable although there were a few obvious countries I missed out, Belgium being one...
I got 139, but had to go to bathroom half way through.
You got Mozambique and not S.Africa .LOL

My England wont work, nor Northern Ireland.

I know a song that names shitloads of countries. South Africa is not on there while Mozambique is. That being said I should have got it but my mind went blank.
I will have a go, hopefully uninterrupted by nature, see if I do any better.
I murked that **** up. St Vincent and the Grenadines. Yep, yep. 116/195 and I'm 15 and I spent 2mins spelling Kazakhstan. And I nearly forgot Japan. And it wouldn't accept libya, kenya or algeria. And when I started I was thinking Ooh yeah; I know Dijibouti and I flopped the spelling. Repeatedly. And I missed easy ones. Bang.