North Korea attacks South Korea.

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Don't be so sure, China supports them, from what I heard and this rumour seems to be very true.

Don't quote me on this but I believe that China actually came out and said that NK was more of a liability than a ally.
USA is the main importer of China's goods, they would not destroy their economy due to Kim Jong Il's actions.
Just a small question guys, missing it, actually, does UK own any nuclear bombs?
Don't quote me on this but I believe that China actually came out and said that NK was more of a liability than a ally.
USA is the main importer of China's goods, they would not destroy their economy due to Kim Jong Il's actions.

While you're right that China probably wouldn't get involved in the multi-national clusterfuck that the Korean peninsula is developing into, I think you're wrong with your economics. The USA relies far more heavily on China's goods than the other way around. China can simply export to other places. The USA can't import similar goods without taking a cut in quality or hike in price.

Just a small question guys, missing it, actually, does UK own any nuclear bombs?
Yes, although really it's just because the French have them that we do. Apparently nukes make your ***** larger or something. Nobody is scared of our nuclear "deterrant". They're scared of America's thousands of stockpiled nuclear devices.
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Not 2 worried tbh.. N.Korea vs the rest of the world basically.. Ireland will stay typically neutral anyway so I should be alright.. Next COD game anyone? :P
Yeah, but we're sharing the Trident missiles and military personnel with the French now.
Yes, although really it's just because the French have them that we do. Apparently nukes make your ***** larger or something. Nobody is scared of our nuclear "deterrant". They're scared of America's thousands of stockpiled nuclear devices.
I'd rather be scared of Russia and China. If they form an alliance, I am pretty sure USA and UK will have no chance.
I hate the idea that Germany, UK, France have so close relations with USA, I hate to say, but it's like they are the Americans' slaves or something.

He gave you an answer AND a link. What more do you want?

I'd rather be scared of Russia and China. If they form an alliance, I am pretty sure USA and UK will have no chance.
I hate the idea that Germany, UK, France have so close relations with USA, I hate to say, but it's like they are the Americans' slaves or something.

No chance? You do realise that Russia's military is currently a wreck. They have no navy worth speaking of, military spending is below even ours and they have outdated technology as well as a Eurocentric approach. If anything, Russia would ally with Europe rather than China. Also, China is becoming far more Westernised and moderate.

Why do you hate the fact we have close relations with the US? They're the global superpower. They're also RELATIVELY moderate, as well as having to listen to the UN. Organisations like NATO can do only good to us.
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I heard that NK's missiles have a large range limit, limiting them to Russia at the furthest to the west, and Alaska to the east...which is part of the USA. But I don't think they've got the balls to do that.
I heard that NK's missiles have a large range limit, limiting them to Russia at the furthest to the west, and Alaska to the east...which is part of the USA. But I don't think they've got the balls to do that.

Quite apart from that fact that bombing Alaska may, at most, wound a few moose.
I heard that NK's missiles have a large range limit, limiting them to Russia at the furthest to the west, and Alaska to the east...which is part of the USA. But I don't think they've got the balls to do that.

Em thats basicly the whole of the world isnt it???

Ireland will definitely declare neutrality as we cant aford a loaf of bread at the minute,let alone the funds for a war :(
Yeah, I suppose. But attacking Alaska is still attacking America, isn't it? And I'm sure Americans don't need much excuse to want a war. Then again, maybe NK will do us all a favour and kill Sarah Palin.
If they'll bomb Alaska, they'll get their ***** arsed by Americans, after...
if it does go as far as nuclear warfare it'd be like the cold war, they'd be threating each other with nukes and n.korea would be dumbasses to fire at s.korea cos they kill there selfs