North Korea attacks South Korea.

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its all a bit messed up. after the world cup some of thier players dissapeared and fled the country to seek a better life. their coach was also under insane pressure to win the world cup from the central governmant. there country is mental and very backward but we can only speculate because its all so secretive. i dont think china will get invovlved they export to much stuff to the west and make too much money its ok saying they would export there goods elsewhere but seriously where??? if out happens the "allies" will invade and install democracy i reckon but i deffo agree with the earlier commenter deffo next cod game :P
It's all very scary at the moment. You just know if this escalates anymore the Americans will get involved.
Err hey mates,

A South Korean here.
couple of facts to straighten out,

First of all, the reason why we can't just go all in and bomb those mofos is because of China.
Though they don't publically "support" NK like US supports the South,
they fail to criticize the North for their recent actions (Unlike the rest of the world, that's including russia)such as the sinking of Cheonan Vessel (which killed 46 South Korean soldiers), as well as yesterday's attack.
One thing is for sure, NK and china have been strong allies ever since the Korean war,
and this was reaffirmed by Kim Jong Il's visit to China earlier this year.

2. North Korea has the technology and the facilities to create nukes. Although it is yet to be confirmed whether they have the capabilities of arming a modern warhead, they have succesfully demonstrated their nuke experiments as well as their ballistic missles. Why else do you think rest of the world is concerned?
If they weren't capable of making nukes, we woulda gone up there and bombed their sorry ***** long time ago.

3. Yes their weapons are outdated, but as someone else pointed out, they spend most of their national income to the military branches, and they have amassed tons of supplies for them to survive at least another Korean war. supplies include food and gasoline. So if you think they don't have gas to run their tanks and fly their jets, you are horribly mistaken.
Also, though they rely heavily on conventional weapons, they have variety of modern weapons in their arsenal, not to mention lots of chemical and biological weapons which could decimate people over the world. and South Korea is heavily outnumbered when it comes to number of jets, artillery and personnel. Yes we've got the US, but the sole numbers should not be ignored.

Tensions are brewing folks, and the fact that NK attacked civillians should not be overlooked
They seemed awfully proud that they've developed a uranium enrichment facility, so I'm sure they'd be equally boastful if nuclear weapons were in their grasp.

And a 'few' atomic bombs is correct. 3, as far as we know.

I wouldn't underestimate them. It could all be a facade, to use a well worn phrase "lulling us into a false sense of security". They could be bluffing, for all we know, and in the case of nuclear weapons and the damage they can potentially cause I'd rather err on the side of caution and overestimate them.

Their convential missiles cant reach us and they have long been most of the resources for warhead minaturisation. the nuclear threat isnt really to us as a country, but to countries in their region i.e. japan and south korea. Pyongyang are belligerent, but not insane. any nuclear use and their country would disappear

You're taking a rather UK-centric approach, which is understandable. However, we are in a position which allows us to be peacemakers, mediators. We could sit back, safe in the knowledge they can't hurt us, but we should really be concerned about the kind of damage they can cause to their close neighbours.

Yes, nuclear use by their country would cause huge hostile uprising amongst the rest of the world. HOWEVER. Once the enemy know you have the power and willingness to use a nuclear device, you can dictate the terms. You can, essentially, hold the world to ransom. "You want to invade us? Not so fast. One soldier sets foot on our land, say goodbye to Tokyo."

It's all very scary at the moment. You just know if this escalates anymore the Americans will get involved.

Not necessarily a bad thing, come to think of it. No matter how much we despise them and are disgusted by their warmongering, sometimes the Americans are vital. Look at Bosnia, for example. The UN war buggering around, and it was the Americans who took charge and led NATO in UN-sanctioned aggressive defences.
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i dont think china would get involved, infact it would be in their interests to keep the peace. China treats North Korea as the wayward little brother, somewhat protective, yet willing to chide them if really necessary.

One thing should be clear though, any war in the region would be utterly devastated. The casualties in Seoul alone would be appauling. War in Korea would make Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia look like childs play, there is huge amounts of firepower on both sides

---------- Post added at 04:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 AM ----------

I wouldn't underestimate them. It could all be a facade, to use a well worn phrase "lulling us into a false sense of security". They could be bluffing, for all we know, and in the case of nuclear weapons and the damage they can potentially cause I'd rather err on the side of caution and overestimate them.

You're taking a rather UK-centric approach, which is understandable. However, we are in a position which allows us to be peacemakers, mediators. We could sit back, safe in the knowledge they can't hurt us, but we should really be concerned about the kind of damage they can cause to their close neighbours.

Yes, nuclear use by their country would cause huge hostile uprising amongst the rest of the world. HOWEVER. Once the enemy know you have the power and willingness to use a nuclear device, you can dictate the terms. You can, essentially, hold the world to ransom. "You want to invade us? Not so fast. One soldier sets foot on our land, say goodbye to Tokyo."

Not necessarily a bad thing, come to think of it. No matter how much we despise them and are disgusted by their warmongering, sometimes the Americans are vital. Look at Bosnia, for example. The UN war buggering around, and it was the Americans who took charge and led NATO in UN-sanctioned aggressive defences.
wasnt trying to take a UK centric-view it just looked like people were discussing nuclear attack in terms of our country.

RE Nuclear ransom as you put it. That is a huge worry, but you can bet your bottom dollar that the US has plans for pre-emptive strikes
Sky News reporting that SK is in "High Alert" 2nd only to all out war.

Aint it about time we went and smashed up the NK's and show the people who the bigger countries really are. Bomb Kim's palace and get him the **** off this earth, he's about as much of a joke as a national leader as Wagner is as a singer in X Factor!!!!!
One thing should be clear though, any war in the region would be utterly devastated. The casualties in Seoul alone would be appauling. War in Korea would make Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia look like childs play, there is huge amounts of firepower on both sides

Especially when you consider the firepower and range of weaponry on either side, then consider the size of the countries. A modern artillery shell can travel across the better part of the whole peninsula.

RE Nuclear ransom as you put it. That is a huge worry, but you can bet your bottom dollar that the US has plans for pre-emptive strikes
That may well be the case, for better or for worse.

Err hey mates,

A South Korean here.
couple of facts to straighten out,

First of all, the reason why we can't just go all in and bomb those mofos is because of China.
Though they don't publically "support" NK like US supports the South,
they fail to criticize the North for their recent actions (Unlike the rest of the world, that's including russia)such as the sinking of Cheonan Vessel (which killed 46 South Korean soldiers), as well as yesterday's attack.
One thing is for sure, NK and china have been strong allies ever since the Korean war,
and this was reaffirmed by Kim Jong Il's visit to China earlier this year.

2. North Korea has the technology and the facilities to create nukes. Although it is yet to be confirmed whether they have the capabilities of arming a modern warhead, they have succesfully demonstrated their nuke experiments as well as their ballistic missles. Why else do you think rest of the world is concerned?
If they weren't capable of making nukes, we woulda gone up there and bombed their sorry ***** long time ago.

3. Yes their weapons are outdated, but as someone else pointed out, they spend most of their national income to the military branches, and they have amassed tons of supplies for them to survive at least another Korean war. supplies include food and gasoline. So if you think they don't have gas to run their tanks and fly their jets, you are horribly mistaken.
Also, though they rely heavily on conventional weapons, they have variety of modern weapons in their arsenal, not to mention lots of chemical and biological weapons which could decimate people over the world. and South Korea is heavily outnumbered when it comes to number of jets, artillery and personnel. Yes we've got the US, but the sole numbers should not be ignored.

Tensions are brewing folks, and the fact that NK attacked civillians should not be overlooked
Very interesting post, to hear from someone "in the thick of it", for lack of a better term.

I agree with you on the nuclear weapons capability point, as I said earlier, as well as the point on sheer military power. IIRC, the KPA have a whole shedload of modern 21-series MIGs bought from the Russians, at least a thousand tanks of Type-59 kinda of breed (read: outdated but dangerous) as well as thousands of home-brew tanks made of bits essentially duct taped together from random bits of armoured vehicle. Then, of course, they've got a whole crapload of Soviet-era artillery and homemade pieces, as well as a ****** great big army.

Equipment wise, as I mentioned above, they're set. Seeing as you've cleared up the fuel situation, and their crapload of troops is hardly under equipped (small arms probably include lots of Kalashnikovs. Yes, they're not technically brilliant, but they're the most reliable guns on Earth and they kill as well as any other) I wouldn't like to be in your situation.

Aint it about time we went and smashed up the NK's and show the people who the bigger countries really are. Bomb Kim's palace and get him the **** off this earth, he's about as much of a joke as a national leader as Wagner is as a singer in X Factor!!!!!
Mate. Read the thread. Try bombing Kim's palace when he's busy killing several million South Koreans and holding the world to ransom with a nuke.
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