*Official* Editor Of The Month Homepage

Great Thread Eds, hope we can have the ball rolling in December
comfirm me i should be getting the game before this starts
I would like to take part as a junior editor as i dont really edit much at the moment
Im not really interested in editing myself but would like to follow the competition. Just one question, why the long wait until december?
People can have a play around with the editor and the game, and I want to start at the start of each month. Plus, gives people plenty of time to sign up.
ok, fair enough. Will the outcome be databases that others can download? I look forward to ssing how this develops
Yeah. If all the editors consent to it, the winning Database each month (from The Editor Championship) will be available for Public Download.
Dazzam, done.

Fossmeister, Junior or Mentor?
how did you get lfc marshall to agree to mentor? he said no when i asked him...

perhaps its because i'm a manc :S
Oh sounds interesting ed's

Can I sign up for the Juniors?
Fossmeister, Junior or Mentor?
Oh sorry, my bad. I wasn't going to participate in the E-Factor but the Editor Championship, which apparently doesn't need registration.