Official FM Base Network Game!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kris
  • Start date Start date
  • Replies Replies 576
  • Views Views 192K
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gd point, can i abondon this effort to get this thing to work
No! I dont want people lagging and being slow because there running in and out of the fm chat or typing msg's then the timer will run out and yes thats right im using a timer for those slow gits who take so so so so so so so long.

I will be giving the game ip on IRC so i expect people to be on :)
I will give people 15-20 minutes to do training and tactics or what ever then ill add a 30 sec timer once 50% of users have continue'd
kris if u want 2 speed the game up more tell to set the processing fixtures to fastest which will speed game up more
what? i dont get nothing how do you get irc and most of all.....what the f**** isit?:mad:
i am afraid i might a have to join a couple of hours late because i might be playing golf. not sure though yet
It's a program used to chat, Takes up so much less memory than msn so it's nice to have running at the same time as the net game.
Ok , that explains why it took a few seconds to download. LOL :D
Just to make sure people are playing tomorrow.

I will be on MSN and IRC Early if anyone needs any help.
:( Bad news ... i cant play until friday as i wont get my fm dc till friday so ... what can i do ??:(
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