Official Twitter Thread


Tweet about football and College football and the NFL

Dont know how many of the Liverpool sides on Twitter if anyone can help?
@RedMancunia ---> Twitter = My Manchester United blogger account. Tweet only about football, mainly Manchester United. Tweet news and my views as well as statistics (pass stats, chances created, analysis of stats etc) and team line ups, as soon as they are released (1 hour before match mainly). Got a following of over 5000. I've also got a list of 100+ footballers on my account created for anyone who needs a list of footballers currently on twitter --> Twitter
@AMurray93 - Mainly post about Football and Music aswell as other news stories.
Hi guys, just thought I'd shamelessly plug my Twitter here and hope that you guys follow it.


It also links to my blog, which has Everton match reports and big Everton news on it.

Thanks alot guys.

Please follow. If you would like to talk about FM or simply would like a follow back that would be ideal.
Quote from Twitter.

"Not surprised Gary Glitter is all over Twitter. After all, Twitter is only 6 years old."

Frankie Boyle:

Hi Gary. Would you say it’s you or the captain of the Concordia that’s ****** more people in international waters?

Ignore the haters. Rose West is getting a similarly hard time on Mumsnet.

Hi Gary. You deleted your reply? Glad you’ve got the hang of deleting things from the internet.

Follow @Ryan2159 guys I'll follow back if you mention me, just started using twitter again! Thanks!/DrCambo
Just started a twitter account and my friend advised me to make and advice column sort of thing. My name is @DrCambo and i think anyone can tweet me (?) so if you have a twitter and need some advice on anything please get in touch. (Sorry if i seem rusty because i havent ever really used it untill now.

Really good sport twitter have a lot of inside track on mainly the north west clubs. So if you want some good tweets and banter on all sports and football as well as FM and general banter I'm the perfect guy to follow