Official Twitter Thread

If you're on twitter follow @footballmanhelp!

A place to talk about football manager on twitter, just been created so thanks for your help if you follow... You may have the chance to become an admin as well! :D
pretty simple really, would love some people who play footy manager to follow me on twitter!
not many of my mates play it, so follow me for a follow back an rant about manager stories!!!/CurtyWB
@jamiewilson47 blab a load of *****, but follow me if you like :p
Follow it if you want, I do not guarentee follow backs but I will check you profile and if it looks worth my while i will.

I post about sport generally.
@ilikewombles, for the general musing/ramblings of a grumpy old man

(thought of the name while watching an episode of the wombles :$)
@ilikewombles, for the general musing/ramblings of a grumpy old man

(thought of the name while watching an episode of the wombles :$)

lol thats a funny username XD following you mate.
I only signed up to unlock the Steam achievement!
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Twitter is actually really good. When you first sign up, it's a bit confusing but as time goes on you find out how to use it properly and you realise how good it is.

Quick question, how many people here are following players that play for your football team?

or just search Lushy, i'll be up there somewhere with a wolf GIF.

I follow back and tweet interesting/funny ****.
@FormidableRed - Mainly tweet Sport/Liverpool related stuff.
@FormidableRed - If you aren't already following, that is.