Pawn361v.Vodu - Probably the best tactic with 3 DC, 6 Midfielders and 1 Striker! :p

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I start to use this tactic in middle of season and so far i did like 21 games having some great result's.

Have very good result's for a big difference of goals, like 7-3 , 9-3 , 8-0. I am conceding some goals probably because i play with a young defense.

As you can see, i beat PSG away 0-2 , Porto away 1-3.

I will keep trying this tactic and giving feedback :)
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hey mates,new report ;D

so,as i got a ****** team(predicted 19th in the 2° division brazilian league) i had to reconstruct the team with no budget,just loans/free transfers. the team became...not as bad as it was before,but still bad. kinda a mid table team.

anyway,started playing the minas-gerais state championship.

Against smaller rated teams,was kinda unfair.
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And against the 3 higher rated teams(1° division sides) my team played well,starting winning and creating 2-3 ccc's,but after 70-75 minute my side always got tired and started conceding goals,which was the reason i didn't make it through the final.

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*vs Cruzeiro: 2° match of the championship,not all players arrived and team not familiarized with formation.Still,was able to make 1x1 until the 69 minute.
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As you can see,most of goals taken at the end of the game.You can also see this from this screen:
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Another interesting fact is that all the higher reputation teams played this formation:
View attachment 210771
This formation is pretty defensive,uses 8 players to defend,6 of them on the middle.So this way was pretty hard for my team to score.First because my team formation gives the ball to the other team attack and advance the defense,for my team get space and counter-attack,and that was rarely happening,and second 'cause as the mid was congestioned,the main players who finishe the attacks were the wingers,and my wingers are anywhere near good finishers.

Other info:
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So,my final review about the tactic is that it is very,very good! highly recommend it! the defensive block (3-3) is VERY solid,and the counter-attacks are fatal.The idea of giving up the ball to counter after is very creative,and it works VERY well.The team also passes very well when have the ball(not counter),amazing to watch.The only thing you've got to garantee for the tactic to work is that you have both DCR and DCL with high tackling and quickness,a tall DC,high stamina MC and high stamina and quickness(crucial) attackerss.If all players have high passing and the ST have good long shots,it's a very welcome bonus !

Thanks ****!!! i learned A LOT with this tactic of yours!!! hope i can create one as good in my new save ;P (my friend challenged me and downloaded tactics are forbidden!)
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@IORDA9: Thanks for your feedback! Excellent results there :) i suppose you were Sporting, although you didn't mention it. Which season were u on? (it can't be the 1st as Sporting was on Liga Europa and you are playing for the Champions League :p)

@lipecamara: So its looks like you got to be 2nd with a team predicted to be 19th with no budget, and scored more than 3 goals per game, and conceded less than 1 (in the regular season!). Thank you very much for sharing that experience with us!

Wish you all the luck with the new save! Cheers,
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I'm looking to try this out. Any decent teams with **** fullbacks and loads of midfielders?
Muito bom ;) Conheço estás tácticas vodu já há 2 anitos penso :o Ou quase. São melhores do que as destes posers bebedores de chá -_- aqui quem fez as boas tácticas são sempre gajos asiáticos. XD
I'm looking to try this out. Any decent teams with **** fullbacks and loads of midfielders?

Hope you try it and tell us how did it go! You probably got to sell the wingbacks and buy some players :p

Muito bom ;) Conheço estás tácticas vodu já há 2 anitos penso :o Ou quase. São melhores do que as destes posers bebedores de chá -_- aqui quem fez as boas tácticas são sempre gajos asiáticos. XD

Então meu, e tiras-me todo o mérito na construção da táctica? É a minha táctica, feita tendo por base a do Vodu, mas ainda assim, fiz algumas alterações, daí ter o meu nome e a versão do Vodu :p

(Hey dude, you disregard all my credit doing this tactic? Its my tactic, I've made it based on Vodu's, but nevertheless, its mine, I made several changes, and that's why it has my name, and it says its Vodu Version :p)
No I don't XD I didn't mean that :P

Hope you try it and tell us how did it go! You probably got to sell the wingbacks and buy some players :p

Então meu, e tiras-me todo o mérito na construção da táctica? É a minha táctica, feita tendo por base a do Vodu, mas ainda assim, fiz algumas alterações, daí ter o meu nome e a versão do Vodu :p

(Hey dude, you disregard all my credit doing this tactic? Its my tactic, I've made it based on Vodu's, but nevertheless, its mine, I made several changes, and that's why it has my name, and it says its Vodu Version :p)
Hope you try it and tell us how did it go! You probably got to sell the wingbacks and buy some players :p

I tried it with Stoke. Won Europa League qualifier 15-0 on aggregate. First two league games. Beat Sunderland 5-1, lost at Anfield 1-0.
I tried it with Stoke. Won Europa League qualifier 15-0 on aggregate. First two league games. Beat Sunderland 5-1, lost at Anfield 1-0.

Eheh, 15-0!!! That's awesome :p Too bad you had a loss, in that game away vs Liverpool.
Indeed. I used to like center back only tactics, I have two of my own, from a file with Al-Ahli (UAE) worked splendidly, but my team was excellent too.

Ahaha, its ok :p I've used its almost perfect tactic to build mine, and most of the credits go to him :p But I have a small portion of it, making a 361 work :D
links dead ? how come when i click download, nothing appeared
Best tactic ! Thanks.

Hi rapstarc34, thx for your comment! Which team did u used and how well did it go? :p

I am including some additional images of matches with this tactic:

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The 1st 2 matches is my LLM team playing in the Champions League... by that time, all players are regens... but the team is still a bit weak (team value totals €15M), and the last 2 matches is a friend mine with his Tirsense, on the 3rd or 4th season (Tirsense starts from the bottom, also).
To give some comments about your tactic:

The tactic seems quite nice goal wise. But you tend to take quite some goals (i've been wathcing matches vs bayern, real madrid, barca etc in full.) from crosses into the box (i have 3 tower defenders, almost maxed out heading stats) so i got one of my DMC's to the back and make it a proper 4 man defending. seems alot more solid. The tactic does seem to wear off people fast (comparison: Koflok's tactic will not require alot of substituting, while this tac just destroy's midfielders/wingers fitness :p)

Changed it a bit to 4 defenders, 1 dmc, 1mc and rest is still the same. The overall awesome destruction is cool to watch :)

Love the fact that whenever a goalie punches (or cant catch) a ball away theres a striker/winger available to put it in the net right after! Sometimes the tac is running even better on away games i noticed?! (1-1 at home vs bayern, won 5-1 away, something like that with spurs also)
To give some comments about your tactic:The tactic seems quite nice goal wise. But you tend to take quite some goals (i've been wathcing matches vs bayern, real madrid, barca etc in full.) from crosses into the box (i have 3 tower defenders, almost maxed out heading stats) so i got one of my DMC's to the back and make it a proper 4 man defending. seems alot more solid. The tactic does seem to wear off people fast (comparison: Koflok's tactic will not require alot of substituting, while this tac just destroy's midfielders/wingers fitness :p)Overall:Changed it a bit to 4 defenders, 1 dmc, 1mc and rest is still the same. The overall awesome destruction is cool to watch :)Love the fact that whenever a goalie punches (or cant catch) a ball away theres a striker/winger available to put it in the net right after! Sometimes the tac is running even better on away games i noticed?! (1-1 at home vs bayern, won 5-1 away, something like that with spurs also)
Although its true that with this tactic I tend to concede some goals, knowing that most goals will be created through crosses is an advantage! When you said you had 3 tower defenders, and then referred to have maxed heading stats, are you talking about heading only, or also jumping? I am asking this, because my Lurgan Celtic team is quite weak, for the Champion's League standards, and had to play vs Real Madrid (away), and Bayern Munich (home), and only conceded 1 goal vs those teams! The main reason for that was the 3 central defenders I got! They have 2.02m, 1.99m and 1.94m! Heading is ok, but Jumping is quite more important, due to the way the motor engine works :pI believe Heading is how precise they are heading, while jumping is how high they can jump. If you add some strength and anticipation to your defenders, you will be able to defend a lot those crosses, and start some nasty counter-attacks! The less possession you got the better the tactic works :D That's the reason why sometimes it work better away! :D(Sorry I can't do Paragraghs on this workstation :\) Your 4 defenders defense has wingbacks or another CD? :D
i got defenders with 18-20 stats in jumping and heading, all quite long :p

I have 2 fullbacks, all the way in the back with the central defenders. not doing anything but destroying the wingers they have and then pass ball away :p the opponents seem to blast balls away to the wings alot while under pressure, and my fullbacks picks m up