Hi ****, this one is a marvelous tactic! I'm in love with it, the team play a very attractive and aggressive football, so much beautiful that it became addicting!
But it wears the players too much! The DMs in particular, but also the CM (a bit less the AMs), won't last more than 70 minutes before getting tired. It's very annoying because I know I have to substitute them in every match and this prevents me from substituting other players that are underperforming.
It's a classic tactic so I can't even use the "take a breather" shout when winning by 2 or more goals. Do you know what is it that wears the player so much? Is it the high closing down? The counterattack? Or it's the simple fact that the players have to run like crazy trying to cover for the missing FBs?
What can I do to not wear the players so much when leading big?
Thanks for the marvelous tactic!
Hi Darc,
You're very welcome, and I can perfectly understand your feelings about the tactic!

I have so much fun using it!!!
But.... Indeed, you are not the 1st to talk about player's tiredness. Well, starting by the last question, the easier way is to change Tactic! LoL

Problem solved
In order to keep using this tactic, maybe if you remove Counter-Attack when leading big, because I think they run the most doing those "crazy run like **** counter-attacks", where all but the defenders show up near the opponent's area! Not having a FB makes one of your midfielders to go there, trying to make some pressure on the winger, and that might also tire them a bit...
I am trying to tweak it a little bit, and for example, in offensive corners, instead of sending one of DM's to the front, I am currently sending the MC forward, and changed the 2nd DM (the 1st was already there) to stay back (trying to not tire them so much), so that DM's dont have to go near the area, and the MC doesn't have to run back on every corner...
Thanks for your feedback, and I am looking forward to see the biggest scoring game you had with this tactic!