
  • Thread starter rosenrot
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The new games are good. It's the Diamond,Pearl and Platinium game engine with the old Gold and Silver storyline. There are a few mini games etc to play which keeps things interesting.

Really want them to expant on Pokemon though,MMO anyone?
A Pokémon MMO would have so much potential. I would almost definitely play it and force my friends into it as well.

As for which Pokémon games I liked the most... Blue & Red for sure. I remember when my brother and I got them on Christmas Day; we left a load of presents un-opened while we sat there running through our games on the chunky Game Boys.
The new games are good. It's the Diamond,Pearl and Platinium game engine with the old Gold and Silver storyline. There are a few mini games etc to play which keeps things interesting.

Really want them to expant on Pokemon though,MMO anyone?

I think it's compatible with Platinum so I will be able to battle you (I think). Then we will truly see who is the Pokémon master!

I don't remember the name of the character.
It was like a black blob? If that helps you at all?

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A Pokémon MMO would have so much potential. I would almost definitely play it and force my friends into it as well.

As for which Pokémon games I liked the most... Blue & Red for sure. I remember when my brother and I got them on Christmas Day; we left a load of presents un-opened while we sat there running through our games on the chunky Game Boys.

There's one allready, for free. Non-profit thingy.
That's the thing I was talking about Sean!!
Are the new pokemon games complicated? (bearing in mind i only used to play Red/Blue on my gameboy colour years ago!)
Also Sean, Can we battle online? (sounds horrible to suggest)
Pokemon is the ultimate game, im keeping my gameboy sp/nintendo ds till i die (L)
I was thinking of looking for an old gameboy color and playing pokemon again on long trips. I also want to play Rampage in color. The more I think of it, the more old games I want to play (baseball, basketball). Wonder how much Gameboy Colors go for now?
i hear they're bringing out gold and silver again for the DS... might just have to get them...
meh, I don't want a gameboy advanced. I have fond memories of my gameboy color (that was stolen!).

Just thought it would be cool to have one again, you know, go old school.