Post your bullying experiences

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Never really got into a fight over bullying. Someone tried bullying me once but I had a bit too much self-esteem and confidence for it to work, as well as the fact that I disregard anything the little **** says anyway. After a while I got tired of it and we had a fight, though I use the term in the broadest sense since it was just me beating him up really.

Grown out of all that stupidity now though.

How come everyone on this site seems to win every fight their in :O

Coz we're all ******' beasts. ;)
I live in America now and ive not seen one incident of bullying, im very observant and usually pick up on things like that. Must be a british thing. Or maybe its because if you bully someone here they bring a gun into school and you arent going home :)

Whereabouts? Because i'd imagine in some parts it's really bad but some parts it will be good. How long have you been in America? Do you prefer it to Britain?
I used to get bullied at secondary school when I first started, by this hard nut in my product design class.

One week he tried to cut my hair with scissors and was throwing all sorts of stuff at me, then he started pushing me into the table.

So I turned around and smacked him in the face, broke his nose. First time i'd ever hit anybody.

Used to get into fights all the time playing rugby and the majority of the time I'd lose them haha, all the man boys decided it was me they wanted to hit. Got this lad one game with a nipple cripple because he was being a mouthy ****, he waited for me after the game and took a swing. so we all kicked the **** out of him

I hate fighting.
I was bullied when I was like in the 3rd grade. Big butch girl about twice (thrice even) the size of me used to show her affection towards me on the bus by grabbing gobs full of my golden locks.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was addicted to heroin now with 5 children.
had a group of friend pee on his face. lol (nahh im kidding)

well i actually carried the table an tried to throw at him. like this

Table throw

(i did something similar like this vid.)
I call bullshit. Your bullied on this forum all the time man :( for your retardedness :wub:

I have bullied someone before years ago but looking back I don't understand why I done it, I was a popular boy in school so didn't need to show off. Feel like such a **** and see the boy I bullied now a days and just put my head down and walk past him because I feel ashamed and guilty at what I done.

Also in college a boy wasn't exactly bullied but this boy who was very quiet was there we had all went a trip away for a bonding thing to get to know each other and 2 boys filled his shoes with water and put them in the freezer. I found it hilarious but felt really sorry for the boy as he was alright to talk too. He left the college.

Apart from that a few family members have been bullied and I coach a football team were sometimes people try to call people names but I try to cut it out as much as possible.

Have you ever seen anyone bullied for telling bad jokes? Plus being on the school football team increased popularity ;)
I was once bullied mentally, that's the worst, I was a wreck, drinking uncontrollably and mega depressed but never went as far as to committing, I came out once when I was mega drunk and my family hleped me through it.

Unuasual useage of the word mega there, sound like a ******* hippy.. oO)
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I can't say i've ever been bullied before or ever done it myself to anyone else. Although when i was in primary school i remember going in on the morning with crimped hair (it was the fashion then..and now again it seems!) and all the girls laughed at me so i went home crying trying to get it out of my hair..and then the girls who laughed n made fun at me came in with it the next day!! grrrr. Lol.. it sounds so pathetic but it hurt my feelings! haha :(
Have you ever seen anyone bullied for telling bad jokes? Plus being on the school football team increased popularity ;)

Seen people bullied for many things. Know someone who got a rough time for being called scott.. no joke. But yeah being in the football team definately helps you not get bullied without a doubt.

I actually think I could have been bullied once well someone attempted to bully me a boy younger than me thinks hes a little hard man when his mates are there and I'm myself. Always said **** on the bus to me and slapped me one day But I laughed it off and next day he was standing with some off the older boys I knew and I was talking to them and he said something like " he's a wee ***** isn't he, I battered him yesterday" I laughed and the older boy was like shut the **** up I like him. He walked away gutted trying to show off to the bigger boys.

I seen him a few years later whilst down watching a football match where he stayed and he came up to me and my mate saying "I think they boys are going to jump me will you back me up if they do" How much the tables had turned eh ?

I do agree some of the storys are BS, I mean I have never once knocked anyone out whilst fighting nor have I been knocked out and I used to fight quite alot, Have also seen few fights and no one has been knocked out then yet almost everyones fights on here people get knocked out everytime.
Back in my school days there was this lad who thought he was big and hard & used to call everyone names & punch them & slap them and things, one day he started on me and called my mum & everyone knows that talking about your mum is a step to far & a big mistake! So what did I do? I KO'd that mother ******! Thinking about it, to this day I aint seen that son of a ***** again.
This once time, at space camp, some G was getting all up in my grill, about how the moons gravitational pull was smaller than that of my mother. I then proceeded to shove my telescope up his ****...

... along with an octopus...

... safe to say, he ended up dying of aids.

True story.
This once time, at space camp, some G was getting all up in my grill, about how the moons gravitational pull was smaller than that of my mother. I then proceeded to shove my telescope up his ****...

... along with an octopus...

... safe to say, he ended up dying of aids.

True story.

Lmao, this just made me laugh quite alot fam.
I have never been bullied as I am a machine, (6'3, 102kg's)

I have never bullied anyone either as I am a gentle guy :) I have ****** a couple of people up before though... just one punch though, that was enough...

I did get into a fight with a gang (Perlemoen poachers they called here in SA, they illegally poach Perlemoen which is a South African shellfish) of 40 members vs me though, 4 of the younger (all bigger than me) members started pushing me around after me jumping down a flight of stairs and cunting one member on the cheeck as he slapped my best mate, needless to say he went flying right over a huge bed of flowers and down the next flight of stairs 10m away :)

I was on a flight of stairs, they were all above me and started pushing me while trying to walk away, so one kicked me in the back, turned and pushed him 6 stairs up in mid air then another replaced the injured guy on the floor and I tried to walk away again, same thing happened and told them I would break their legs if they did it again..

they did, so I smacked the one guy, then they tripped me, I cut my side open and smacked my head on the stair, I recall getting into my mates car and speeding off :) ahhah :) was crazy..

see pic
Perlemoen poachers attack police