Post your bullying experiences

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A boy named Tirath Singh has and still is bullying me. Most of the abuse has been verbal. He has been racially abusing me calling me such names as 'pikey' and 'potatoes'. Iv'e always shown nothing but kindness to this boy and this is how he repays me. I just hope none of you ever come in contact with this monster.
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kid called Stephen bullying everybody in my class,i want to hit his face (6)
this time im serious
I was Bullied a little but not alot, they called it banter but it was worse, I was always the short kid but then I started playing rugby and weight training some guy twice my size squared up to me I pushed him away and he kicked me in the back of the leg, I did nothing a walked off, he said "Yeah you go cry" im not going to post anything stupid like "oh yeah I ******* decked him cause im well hard..." But I did the better thing and walked off. I do have a dark side to my family though, if was ever attack or seriously beaten up then my dad would take revenge not just on that person but his family... which is something im not proud of.
Some new kid started my school when we both started year 11 (about 2 years ago now) started giving me grief. I'm a fairly skinny guy who to anyone would look really weak and easily intimidated. Anyways, he gave me grief throughout the year, and despite not knowing my back ground (ice hockey player who's been taught to drop his gloves and fight if needed.) I let him carry on so that he could get a kick out of it, because I find low lives get easily amused, then wait till the last day of school then blam! and I gave him what he deserved. A ******* good pasting!
Was bullied from half way through middle school, and all the way through high school. Just got called names mostly. Someone did punch me first year in high school and it didn't end well for him which made everyone a bit worried about going to far with me.
Mainly because I was a bit Chubby and partly down to the fact I did have BO which was down to the fact I played sports first thing in the morning before school, during break then again during at lunch time. and deodorant didn't help much either.
It hasn't really affected my life. I'm quite confident about myself even though I am bigger than I was. Socially I'm fine. In fact making a joke about my own size is quite a good conversation starter.

And also side note. Having ADHD is quite brilliant if you get/got bullied. I can never stay mad or/and sad for long. Cause my ADHD will just make me hyper and happy.
I was bullied when I was younger, behind a wall so no teachers could see till 1 day I lost it and smashed his face into the wall, he ended up with such a broken nose that it was flat against his face and he needed loads of op's 2 remotely have a nose. Basically it's fake, nice reminder of his bullying days aint it!!!

The way I see bully's is that they are sad pathetic people that are jealous 'cos the 1 they are bullying actually have a life and have plenty to do outside of school/college etc... that they don't need more to do while they are there!
most people here consider a career in some sort of fighting...

i never got bullied, never did any bullying, or saw anyone get bullied.
When I was in 1st year(Ireland) a guy in my class wasnt really getting bullied but another guy was really annoying him and practically bullying him by pushing him and stuff so the guy turned around with his locker key between his knuckles and punches the guy in the face.The guy was then crying.Wish I was there to see because the guy who was annoying him can be a **** alot of the time.
Some of this is hilarious, arrested 460 times?
Seen bullying but not going to bore you all with a story thats probably been posted.
Was never really bullied. Got into a few fights. I'm a really quiet and calm person, but when someone ****** me off, he'll usually have something missing and/or broken (teeth, bones, dislocated joints, gashes).

My friend was bullied and beaten by a group once. I used my scarf as a garrote on one of the members and they've stopped ever since. I didn't kill the guy, so don't think I'm a murderer. <)
[23:25:35] <@Redders> nope
[23:25:37] <@Redders> did you?
[23:25:43] <Lee> shut up fc
[23:26:03] <@Redders> I assume fc is something about my beautiful looks?

fc = fat ****.

[20:33:08] <@Redders> hi guys
[20:33:13] <@Lee> hi fc

[16:45:01] <@Redders> barnsley sigh
[16:51:35] <@Lee> smd fc

[15:28:53] <@Redders> still harsh
[15:28:59] <@Lee> whatever fc

[20:09:46] <@Redders> :|
[20:09:56] <@Lee> was testing for kris
[20:09:59] <@Lee> so go die fc

[00:23:12] <@Redders> l2invitemeya
[00:23:58] <@Lee> own > trying to watch a film while listening to a fc next to me breathing

[18:17:11] <@Redders> k
[18:17:43] <@Lee> fc

[21:12:27] <@Redders>
[21:12:28] <@Redders> <3
[21:13:06] <@Lee> fc

[23:35:47] <@Redders> james blunt
[23:36:54] <@Lee> fc

[22:34:22] <@Redders> wouldn't dream of it
[22:34:23] <@Redders> nn
[22:35:44] <@Lee> night fc

I'll win him over one day.
i mean i got bullied throughout my skool years just for like ebing myself but i will always tell people never stop being yourself.
I used to use my towering height as an advantage as a bully, but then I decided beating up dwarfs was just retarded.
I'm aloud one retarded post a day ;)

I have never actually been bullied believe it or not, but I have always stood up for those who have.