Post Your Frustations Thread

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My only remaining gripe is with the defence and I'm not 100% it isn't caused by my tactics anyway so hardly seems fair to whinge about it :P
There certainly are some issue with full backs that need to be, and are being dealt with. But I also wouldn't assume that some issues you might have might be not tactical. If you are fairly comfortable with what you have set up, I'd go with it, and see what changes any future changes might bring.

Hi All

I have found the following

Too many injuries

Conceding too many goals when your team are on top (always seem to let goals in when I am 2 or more up. This happens all the time. I have even been 4 goals up and then lost the second half 7 - 4) This is my biggest issue

All defenders have poor ratings no matter what i do

Apart from that I love the game.

Just to make a fair point, when I get back in tomorrow evening I will post a list of things I considered bugs. But like i say issues and bugs etc affect ai and user equally in the ME. So if the *** man is doing a better job than you, you have to look at what you are doing. If he is using your tactics and doing better, then you know your issues start to lie around your in-game management. But the whole "mods are defending" argument just doesn't wash round here.

without being biased to either side, I appreciate what you guys do and understand it must be frustrating time for you guys with all these "reports", at the same time it's not like it's just one or two people reporting different things. It's a consistent thing and the same thing that even the most veteran players are struggling to comprehend.
However no matter how real a sim is created to be... It still needs to be "playable" and this is the problem users all seem to be having this year, we're finding it unplayable.

I understand that user and AI bugs aren't biased to whom they affect, but then surely that means there must be something wrong somewhere else in the game?
I'm experiencing all the same problems as most of the other users are having this year.

I would like to think that I am a FM Vet (locking myself in a room for a week playing FM for 12hours straight)
the tactics, training etc I used in all previous FM's have always worked with the teams I have managed (obviously adding in slight tweaks here and there to suit your selected team and game updates etc).

The majority of us just can't get any tactic to work in FM14.

Hi All

I have found the following

Too many injuries

Conceding too many goals when your team are on top (always seem to let goals in when I am 2 or more up. This happens all the time. I have even been 4 goals up and then lost the second half 7 - 4) This is my biggest issue

All defenders have poor ratings no matter what i do

Apart from that I love the game.


hmmm so basically things you don't like are bugs? If your losing a 4 goal lead that is blatantly a tactical and team talk morale issue. Do you not change shouts or tactics when you're leading? The AI will change it up and chase a game. God forbid a team pulls a lead and as for injuries I'd say FM actually underestimates the amount of injuries and knocks.
The defence in the ME is just horrible, ive seen my defender just stand in 1 place when a balls coming down only for it to hit his back and him run the wrong way, this happens about 10 times a season and not just my players Ive seen it happen to AI, there is just no realism in the defence this year....
high, tom is right. this game, sory, this year game has some really bad issues. Aside of players unrealistic moves, have you noticed statistics. Very often, too many often, teams have like 30 - 40 attempts on goal. Thats like every two minutes one team makes a shot. Unrealistic results, like most recent; england moldova 15:0. i mean england is 15 times better team but in this days even moldova can defend. it really kills the game. and yeah 3rd league teams have some
See, what I don't get is how you can cite all the other people complaining about the ME as an example, but not all the people who are successfully playing the game and winning matches. We all have the same game; if the ME is as bugged against human players as you imply (even though the ME can't tell the difference between human players and AIs) why aren't we all struggling? Why aren't I struggling? The simple fact of the matter here is, there's only one difference between the people who are complaining and those who aren't, and that's the person behind the keyboard. If the game was intrinsically imbalanced against human players, we wouldn't have people posting up near-perfect seasons.

What successes ? There are 50 pages with bugs and 50 with frustations. Only 11 with successes and most of them few games won no major success. One guy won french league and even after that was not happy.
Why you don't open a thread to show how to use tactics and different triks .

Why not? There aren't many people who are properly actually good at FM. SFraser on the SI forums was probably the best FM player I've ever seen, he was amazing. But past him, there's quite a few good players and then the vast oceans of people who don't understand the game or how to properly play it. I've been playing the series all my life and I haven't got close to being a good player, not really. It really can be about bad luck, bad tactics, bad signings and all the bells and whistles that accompany the game. ****, I know I'm pretty bad at man management in FM, and it lost me a few critical games in the past season.[/QUOTE]

This is bad. Well what will happen if this vast ocean will stop buying the game? Why is not said FOR EXPERTS ONLY.
I think this ocean have the right to enjoy the game . If not SI should say that when you buy the game.
But I still think is not the tactics. If I get 10 shots from 6m box I think I should score at least 2.
So SI cares about the experts opinion and **** the ocean? That is great. But will be great when the ocean will say **** SI.
Then they will do something and fix the game cos now they don't give a ****.
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how long is the game out? have you realy allowed time to learn and adjust to the new changes in the game? have you bothered to adjust to new roles, formations and settings? or are alot of you stuck and set in your old modes tactics of the past? ****** because its not working for you now? rise to the challenge learn adapt move on grow. if you dont understand something try something new or different. be open to change. give the game a fair chance. dont expect to be SAF in few games! dont be a sore loser. read analyse think before the pre set match. this game has such an abundance of options and stats you can learn from yes it is dauting if youve never played an fm game before but if you can grasp the basics and use your noggan you can have fun and great satisfaction when you start to click with the game overcoming a challenge is more rewarding than winning easy fodder.
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why? my team just had over 30 shots attempted 17 on goal. opposition had 22 shots 10 on goal try to visualize that game in real life. standard mentality. and i repeat that happens very often. Is that realistic.
See, what I don't get is how you can cite all the other people complaining about the ME as an example, but not all the people who are successfully playing the game and winning matches. We all have the same game; if the ME is as bugged against human players as you imply (even though the ME can't tell the difference between human players and AIs) why aren't we all struggling? Why aren't I struggling? The simple fact of the matter here is, there's only one difference between the people who are complaining and those who aren't, and that's the person behind the keyboard. If the game was intrinsically imbalanced against human players, we wouldn't have people posting up near-perfect seasons.

What successes ? There are 50 pages with bugs and 50 with frustations. Only 11 with successes and most of them few games won no major success. One guy won french league and even after that was not happy.
Why you don't open a thread to show how to use tactics and different triks .

Why not? There aren't many people who are properly actually good at FM. SFraser on the SI forums was probably the best FM player I've ever seen, he was amazing. But past him, there's quite a few good players and then the vast oceans of people who don't understand the game or how to properly play it. I've been playing the series all my life and I haven't got close to being a good player, not really. It really can be about bad luck, bad tactics, bad signings and all the bells and whistles that accompany the game. ****, I know I'm pretty bad at man management in FM, and it lost me a few critical games in the past season.

This is bad. Well what will happen if this vast ocean will stop buying the game? Why is not said FOR EXPERTS ONLY.
I think this ocean have the right to enjoy the game . If not SI should say that when you buy the game.
But I still think is not the tactics. If I get 10 shots from 6m box I think I should score at least 2.
So SI cares about the experts opinion and **** the ocean? That is great. But will be great when the ocean will say **** SI.
Then they will do something and fix the game cos now they don't give a ****.

comparing the successes thread with the frustration thread is a bit silly and I'll tell you why I'm having relative success with QPR promoted first season and 8th in prem halfway through season 2 and league cup semi, but I haven't posted in that thread. Also it is a fact that people are more likely to report unhappiness than success. Also I reckon a good ten or so pages are people like me GC, Mike. Replying to nonsense drivel like this

also I am not sure godcubed wrote that SI don't give a **** about the vast ocean of players and also there isn't an ounce of truth in this statement either. If they didn't care there'd be no patches no fmc no editor or real time editor etc etc just simply isn't true
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Aye, SI clearly care hence the fact they bring out a release game for the second year in a row that is in beta state at best that takes a good 2-3 months to be deemed "playable" then jump ship to work on the next installment leaving us with a game that still has bugs yet SI have this incredible philosophy where they only release about 3 patches and somehow can't do any more then repeat the exact same process for the next FM.

If SI cared, they'd make sure to release a game that wasn't a beta and wouldn't jump ship until it was patched.

People act like SI bring out patches because they are amazing people, they bring out patches because they **** the game up so bad it NEEDS the patches and people need to realize this. Patching the game doesn't make you an amazing game developer, it only shows just how bad they are, tell me how many games need as much patching as FM does on release and to make matters worse it's pretty much the same game year in year out it's not like they are making massive strides forward in terms of technology.

the game is not in a beta state at all, if they didn't care they would release the same version year in year out just with an updated database. And patching does show you care because they already have the money it costs money to make and release a patch this just doesn't appear on miles laptop one day and magically uploads to steam.

if you compare this match engine to 12s it is a massive stride forward for the simple fact it has collision detection you do not realise what an absolute massive difference this makes to the physics of the game if you put the previous iteration of the match engine and compared it to this one you would see the difference is colossal in fact I think someone put a YouTube vid up of it.

If the game was truly broken or still in beta then how please someone explain to me HOW people are having success? It makes no sense yes there are issues but they'll be sorted they always are your acting like SI forced you to buy the game like you never had a chance to download the demo and try before you buy oh wait.......
What successes ? There are 50 pages with bugs and 50 with frustations. Only 11 with successes and most of them few games won no major success. One guy won french league and even after that was not happy.

What successes indeed.

Why you don't open a thread to show how to use tactics and different triks .

Because there's an entire section devoted to it?

This is bad. Well what will happen if this vast ocean will stop buying the game? Why is not said FOR EXPERTS ONLY.

They won't. Partially because this is the only good football management sim around, and partially because FMC now exists.

But I still think is not the tactics. If I get 10 shots from 6m box I think I should score at least 2.

No, that depends entirely on the quality of the chances.

So SI cares about the experts opinion and **** the ocean? That is great. But will be great when the ocean will say **** SI. Then they will do something and fix the game cos now they don't give a ****.

That's stupid. They built an entire game mode just to accommodate those who don't like the detail in the game.
Really? the beta was actually better than the current ME and if the game wasn't that bad why is there almost 40 pages of people complaining almost exclusively about the ME? even moderators will admit the ME isn't that good and even the guy that makes it had a decent sized list of fixes and if you add up all the fixes to the ME less than a month after release doesn't that beg the question what the **** happened?

No it doesn't show they care it shows they know the game needs fixed and obviously can't keep the game as is, remember 2013 that took some patches for it to be good? and if I compare the ME to 12 it's about 10 steps backwards, the ME maybe wasn't a real representation of football but ****, it was a lot more enjoyable to watch and I can't say the same about 13/14 not only because of the poor ME but the animations to go with it are really amateurish.

Having success doesn't mean the game isn't broken lol, I can probably have success if I decided to do a whole season yet that wouldn't make me change my mind so what does having success have do with anything?

Aye you mention the demo yet just how **** was the demo? do you think it makes sense from the perspective of SI to bring out a **** demo 2 weeks after a beta? do you not think common sense should tell everyone that wants FM to be good that the beta should be longer? 2 weeks for a beta isn't that long at all which has shown to be the case for both 13 and 14 yet will it change? doubt it.

Going back to your first paragraph, I'd rather they bring out the exact same game next year just to focus 100% on the ME which is the core of the game, I wouldn't care if FM was the same every year with an updated database as long as the ME wasn't as **** as it is.

the ME really is not 10 steps backward over 12 its so much better than 12 you have no idea. 12 was so easy to exploit, corner glitch anyone? Yes there are issues but no we're to the degree were the game is broken or unplayable. Every ME has had issues but this is superior to 12. People just refuse to look at themselves and their own approach and try and learn and rather than fix what is going wrong they keep at it them blame the ME because it is easy to do. If you think 12 is 10 steps in front of this there is no hope for you

because there are 40 pages in a thread does not mean jack I'm afraid most of these are probably just people saying "er ma gawd SI suck I've had 89% possession and 120 ccc's etc" if this ran into the 1000s I'd be inclined to agree considering the amount of units this game shifts. People are much more likely to complain believe me than praise.

it was a 2 beta for the public do you not think that SI had in house beta and testing? The fact of the matter is you have a massive userbase putting in umpteen variations of tactical combinations yeah there are going to be issues found.

also is the demo not the version before this so would that not mean the demo was worse **** I waited for the demo decided it was playable so I bought the game the sensible thing to do. And of course having success reflects the game state because the footballing style I am trying to get them to play is working.
People say the ME in 12 was bad because it had exploits, so? it was still much better to watch and corner exploits or any exploits for that matter are optional, you don't NEED to exploit the ME.

Problem with that is any player with pace and flair was near unstoppable in FM12, so you were either exploiting poor ME physics or signing no decent forwards. Sure you didn't need to exploit it with corners but play any fast st with decent flair and dribbling and you'd get him to score 40 a season in the league alone.
People say the ME in 12 was bad because it had exploits, so? it was still much better to watch and corner exploits or any exploits for that matter are optional, you don't NEED to exploit the ME.

40 pages of mostly people saying the same things about the game means jack, hahahaha and I've actually read a fair bit of the feedback thread and it's not a case of "SI SUCK" it's actually people posting the same problems with the game but hey, these people just suck and it's down to the tactics they use eh.

So wait, they have an in house beta and testing/QA and all that yet somehow, amazingly, release the game where fullbacks and defenders in particular are so godlike they get motm in pretty much every match? which begs the question, who was testing the game, a couple of monkeys? or what about the GK distribution bug, let me guess, my tactics? the GK kicking the ball up field ***** nilly and sometimes ending up on 15% pass percentage which I consider another big bug yet that also amazingly made it through the in house beta testing?

Let me put it this way, I was pleasantly surprised when I played the beta because it was pretty good apart from the two things I mentioned here yet they kept the GK bug while making fullbacks go from godlike to 2.9 ratings, make sense?

People like you need to realize a bug is a bug and there's nothing you can do to fix it, tell me how you sort the GK distribution bug? you don't, is that my tactics? my approach? no, it's called a bug, deal with it.

Why do people act like those who "complain" are just anti-SI and hate FM? I've probably bought every FM to date and even though I had a feeling 14 would be **** I still bought it for ?35 because I want the game to be good, people act like we buy the game just to complain, we complain because we want the game to be good because if nobody complained how good do you think FM would be? not very good.

It's also ironic that people complaining about fullbacks are called **** and told to change tactics yet the people who made the game have admitted it's a common problem and will, or already has, been fixed, ironic?

If you wanted to make the game good, you would post PKMs in the their bugs sections, not have pointless rants and call them ****. Big difference.
There's been PKMS posted and the things I've "ranting" about are already fixed according to PaulC yet I'm "ranting" at people who believe the ME is perfectly fine and people having problems are either **** or using bad tactics but hey, it makes sense for SI to fix something that doesn't need fixed right?

Maybe people you need to read the feedback thread over at SI and see what the people that actually make the game have to say.

I do read it, because I spend time posting feedback and uploading PKMs, like I do at the start of every FM. No one has said it was perfectly fine. But that doesn't stop some issues from being tactical. It can be either one, or both.
I feel like snapping the FM disc, just to get back at it for annoying me lol, but unfortunately I don't have a disc for it.
I think you need to calm down a little, game isn't perfect but that's not a healthy approach.
Also try just editing your post instead of three in quick succession.
Perfect pre-season, got 5 new players in, won all but 1 of my friendlys, tactics fluid, first game of the season vs chelsea at home, I was confident having a solid team finally, 2 days before the game, 4 key players injured in training out for 2 months each, ffs.