Fancied a bit of a challenge so I decided to go Barnet in League 2 because they had the coolest away strip.
Board expectations were minimum, basically just to stay in the league but I also had no money so I had to do my best with free players and loans.
Managed to gain promotion to league 1 and went the whole season unbeaten and dropping very few points.
Here is the league table:
I alternated my tactics depending on the opponent I was facing, if the opponent was fairly easy and I was expected to win, I went for 4-3-3 and if I was expected to lose I went for 4-1-2-3 for a bit of extra defence.
My 4-3-3:
Here are my transfer for the season as well:
Having gained promotion to League 1, the board gave me a bit more money, but I opted for a higher wage bill than having any transfer money. A few players left and I opted for a reserve team so I brought in quite a lot of young players to help build a good squad.
Here are my 2nd season transfers:
I'm currently top of League 1 but other than one easy game, they have all been fairly tight and my 3-3 draw was a very good game. I've stuck to the same tactics really as I felt if it aint broke, don't fix it.
Here is league 1 as it stands: