Potential European Stars Shortlist

Me either....Where do I save it? I have the full game, not the demo.
saved it in

C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010\data

then how do i view it?
saved it in

C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010\data

then how do i view it?

Why have you saved it there? It tells you in the first post where to save it to.

Me either....Where do I save it? I have the full game, not the demo.

It says in the first post.
I'm not sure where you save it to exactly. But if you look on the FM 2010 preferences it tells you where your user data is located.

There is a shortlist folder inside there. That is where it needs saving to.

I tried my documents folder first and then i read this...
guess so, create it in your documents folder if you dont have it cos i did the same as well
create one, then save this into the folder, then go to your shortlist in the game, then you go to import shortlist and it should be in that folder
great share bro ...

will take a look at closely later then ... thanks lot
sean how do you chage your game database? i can't chage it coz it nvr ask me for my preferences.my game database it small.
I have put together a quick shortlist of young European players on FM 10 that should have bright futures. There are about 500 players on it at the moment (depending on your database size etc...)

Obviously I will have missed out lots of players who deserve to be on it. So any major omissions please let me know and they will get added for the next version.

Installation Instructions
Save the attached file (FM-Base.co.uk - Potential European Stars.slf) to...

Windows XP
C:\Documents And Settings\[Your Account]\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010 Demo\shortlists

Windows Vista & 7
C:\Users\[Your Account]\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010 Demo\shortlists
where is it? i cant see it :(
Any advice on the best way to get as many players as possible to show up, Im Cardiff and my scouting knowledge isnt great but I would have expected more than 55 players to show up, there are only 4 players for less than £1 mil and 13 from outside GB, so it isnt really helping me on a shoestring budget. Is there anything I can do to get the other 450 or so to show, other than just keep sending my scouts out.
made a shortlist folder and put it in there. but cant see the list anywhere