Potential European Stars Shortlist

Theres loads more potential stars on this shortlist than there was on last seasons
nice one Sean...
Guys its so easy, just put it on:
C:\Users\[Your Account]\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010 Demo\shortlists
If you dont have no shortlists folder just create them...
arda turan sercan yildirim serdar aziz vukic aquino macheda ...
Hi all..

I'we downloaded the file into the rigtht folder, but can't see the file in my game. Nothing appears when I go into manage shortlists in my game. Anybody knows what to do??
Thx in advance!
no dont need 2, just as ur in game go to shortlist and import from where ever you have saved the download :)

I still cant get this sh** to work!
Is the filename, .slf , correct????

Gettin' a bit frustrated..:(
Yes .slf is right.

Try saving it to your desktop and then when you try and import it through FM just browse to the desktop.
Can anyone tell me how to import that list in game...i don't know where i can find load shortlist?
I have same problem can save shortlist, but cannot find import shortlist in any of the menus
Sounds like I need to write another guide :(
Thanks Michael :'(
hey guys i cant get more than 65 players to show I have a larg database so im really confused :S