Urgh!!! Was feeling like this tactic COULD give some consistency and bring my faith back to the game. Playing on classic and so no need for gelling and whatever. Playing Man Utd away on a saved test with them playing their 4312 tactic and first game I drew 1-1 and controlled it...second game I'm 2-0 down in 6 minutes and EXACTLY the same conditions and they're playing EXACTLY the same formation. Marked Fellaini (MCR) both times and couldn't be more different. I really hope they bring some stability back in FM16 as this edition just hasn't been fun AT ALL

I really respect your approach to the game, TFF, and please accept my apologies for the rant on your thread, as it's absolutely no criticism of your tactic.
Urgh!!! Was feeling like this tactic COULD give some consistency and bring my faith back to the game. Playing on classic and so no need for gelling and whatever. Playing Man Utd away on a saved test with them playing their 4312 tactic and first game I drew 1-1 and controlled it...second game I'm 2-0 down in 6 minutes and EXACTLY the same conditions and they're playing EXACTLY the same formation. Marked Fellaini (MCR) both times and couldn't be more different. I really hope they bring some stability back in FM16 as this edition just hasn't been fun AT ALL

I really respect your approach to the game, TFF, and please accept my apologies for the rant on your thread, as it's absolutely no criticism of your tactic.

dave256, FM15 has much more "stability" than it should have.

The game is too easy right now and it's possible greatly overachieve with any team and only after few seasons with this tactic your team become so dominate that the game becomes just boring.

If FM becomes even more "easy" then probably no one would play it.

And if FM doesn't meet your expectation at its current state then probably it never will. You just need to change your expectation and figure out how the game works.
dave256, FM15 has much more "stability" than it should have.

The game is too easy right now and it's possible greatly overachieve with any team and only after few seasons with this tactic your team become so dominate that the game becomes just boring.

If FM becomes even more "easy" then probably no one would play it.

And if FM doesn't meet your expectation at its current state then probably it never will. You just need to change your expectation and figure out how the game works.

Where did I say it should be easier? I said more consistent. There should be a consistent factor to playing a saved game over and over with a tactic as the game is about tactics. I appreciate that results can be different through the odd lucky goal or break, but there would always be some consistency through games. As I stated above, I've had completely random results with no consistent match stat and that's incredible frustrating when constructing tactics. Didn't say it should be easy
Where did I say it should be easier? I said more consistent. There should be a consistent factor to playing a saved game over and over with a tactic as the game is about tactics. I appreciate that results can be different through the odd lucky goal or break, but there would always be some consistency through games. As I stated above, I've had completely random results with no consistent match stat and that's incredible frustrating when constructing tactics. Didn't say it should be easy

Just think when Barca play vs Real Madrid can you say with 100 % certainty who'll win? I think you can't because most of time the chances about 50/50. FM isn't FIFA and it's supposed to be as realistic as possible.

If it was possible to predict the match's result with 100% probability then probably no one would watch football because it would be just boring.

So you say you play vs Man Utd away and what team do you manage? I suggest you play about 50 matches and look at the statistic Win/Draw/Lose and then ask yourself does it look realistic or not? I'm sure you'll find that it's much better and "consistent" than it would be in the real life.
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I am thinking of buying Depay , so where do u guys use him at his best ? As a striker(dlf/s) or as a ML(WM/A) ?? I bought him once in Lazio ,but it was on the first patch of the game and hi didn't perform well(for some reason) .
Witch is the best position for him with Predator tactic ?:)
I am thinking of buying Depay , so where do u guys use him at his best ? As a striker(dlf/s) or as a ML(WM/A) ?? I bought him once in Lazio ,but it was on the first patch of the game and hi didn't perform well(for some reason) .
Witch is the best position for him with Predator tactic ?:)

for me he performed just awesome as STC and ML so It's really hard to say definitely what position is the best for him. :)
for me he performed just awesome as STC and ML so It's really hard to say definitely what position is the best for him. :)
Even that your answer didn't help me at all to pick a role for Depay , it got me thinking. And i come to the conclusion that i need to take a look at my current squad. If i have good ST and crappy ML ,than i put him as ML , if i have a crappy ST and a good ML than he will go in the ST spot :)
Thanks for you answer :)
Is there any difference if my left striker is right-footed and my right striker is left-footed ? Or its all the same ?
friends. does anyone know if CL clubs do not give much importance to the world cup clubs like in real life ? I'm asking because Juventus was the winner of the CL again, but lost in the semi final for Cruz Azul in World cup clubs . I confess I was relieved but it would be nice to see a game with a top club...

friends. does anyone know if CL clubs do not give much importance to the world cup clubs like in real life ? I'm asking because Juventus was the winner of the CL again, but lost in the semi final for Cruz Azul in World cup clubs . I confess I was relieved but it would be nice to see a game with a top club...

Every trophy counts. This is the mentality of : Barcelona , Real M , Juventus , Bayern Munich , P$G ! So i think that in-game Juventus cares about that cup... Not that they will fire your *** if u don't win it , but the board will be at least disapointed :)
Every trophy counts. This is the mentality of : Barcelona , Real M , Juventus , Bayern Munich , P$G ! So i think that in-game Juventus cares about that cup... Not that they will fire your *** if u don't win it , but the board will be at least disapointed :)

ohh, Thanks :)

i don't know how they could lost that match, but okay, best for me.
Hy. Can anyone could tell me why my striker donr want to score. I have Lukaku Kone Naismith and Ben Yadder. First season with everton great i was in second place but my striker are terrible. Any advice?