I've tried Pavel Niakhaichyk countless times. He moved to Dinamo for 450K before I remeber to buy him and his Agent dislike's me (Don't Know Why) and doesn't what to move to my team.
I praised the player in the press, He said that had some doubts in joining Benfica but the only result I had was that Dinamo only accepts offers over 3M (Before 1,6M would be enough) and He still's doesn´t want to Join. I don't know what to do.
Any other good player for that spot? Jefferson Montero would join but He pklays on the Left....
I praised the player in the press, He said that had some doubts in joining Benfica but the only result I had was that Dinamo only accepts offers over 3M (Before 1,6M would be enough) and He still's doesn´t want to Join. I don't know what to do.
Any other good player for that spot? Jefferson Montero would join but He pklays on the Left....