Raoul Moat on the Loose

The family who viewed the body said there were no taser marks found during autopsy or visible to them
The family who viewed the body said there were no taser marks found during autopsy or visible to them
sounds like he went to to shoot himself, they tried to taser him and prevent him from shooting himself, but failed
Not nessecarily, he was dreading the fact of spending years in prison. Of course you naturally fight to live, but it doesn;t take courage to pull the trigger and prevent years of pain, with a painless action. Surely that is not brave.

Rant Over.
of course he wanted to escape prison. But a natural instinct in that situation would be to either run, or, realising that he would be shot if he ran, to give himself up. To kill himself suggests he either really hated himself, or was so mentally unstable that he took his own life.

Not 'brave', as that would imply putting his life at risk for good causes. It took guts, but still thre is no reason to admire this man, and i completely understand, and agree with you not wanting any of his actions to receive any form of plaudits

---------- Post added at 02:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 AM ----------

2 innocent people, I thought it was only 1?
sorry 1 dead
2 injured