Raoul Moat on the Loose

Can you provide a link that proves that as I would be interested to read it.


In what way is remembering ONE of the ten commandments 'following the bible word for word'? And how could you possibly say that all of this wasn't his fault? Prisons in this country are near always full, and often people get released early because of this, and often these people are still a danger to society.

I'm saying that if you follow ANYTHING in the bible, then you should follow it all. You can't pick and choose where you like. You can't think "oh yeah, I agree with that bit", because then you're moulding your own values around that of the bible's, making the bible pointless.

It's not his fault because people's attitudes are a product of nature and nurture, i.e. genes and upbringing. A person's genes cannot be changed, but their attitudes (nurture) can be. Don't kill a person simply because they think differently; help them take on a different world-view.

Edit: The death penalty also isn't a deterrent. Most murders are committed in the heat of the moment, and thought doesn't come into it. Any other murderers are mentally ill, and need help.
Cheers for the links. I will be on the thread Billy posted as this one has detracted from Raoul moat and the other thread is more appropriate for this disscusion.
Has he actually been confirmed dead?

I went to bed at like, 4-5 seeing if they would announce it, and only just woke up. XD Obviously Missed it. :S
I think he has been confirmed dead.

In the end its probably for the best that he killed himself, I don't like to see anyone die but he guy was mental, what would jail have done for him?
The media have so quickly changed their tune.

Last night is was the headline of the day.Now,they're talking about how to keep your pets cool in the heat.
The media have so quickly changed their tune.

Last night is was the headline of the day.Now,they're talking about how to keep your pets cool in the heat.

LOL as they say yesterdays news is old news.
Sorry guys, i'm a little bit out of the loop, what actually happened in the end? I saw a brief conference in which a senior officer claimed he had been shot and was rushed to prison, but the headlines are saying he killed himself... anyone know what actually happened?
Sorry guys, i'm a little bit out of the loop, what actually happened in the end? I saw a brief conference in which a senior officer claimed he had been shot and was rushed to prison, but the headlines are saying he killed himself... anyone know what actually happened?
he shot himself, initially was alive but died of his wounds on the way to hospital
he shot himself, initially was alive but died of his wounds on the way to hospital

So when the police claimed they shot him? Did they fire/"rush him" (couldn't really think of the word...) and he shot himself too so it was hard to tell or what?
Laughed when I read Gazza turned up trying to save the day. t says he was slurring his words and brought Moat some chicked and a can of lager. Probably bought a 6 pack but drank 5 on the way.
Sorry guys, i'm a little bit out of the loop, what actually happened in the end? I saw a brief conference in which a senior officer claimed he had been shot and was rushed to prison, but the headlines are saying he killed himself... anyone know what actually happened?

He bottled it and like a good little armchair rambo, he **** himself and blew his ***** litle head off when he was confronted by trained officers.
Typical ***** arsed little fuckwit.
He bottled it and like a good little armchair rambo, he **** himself and blew his ***** litle head off when he was confronted by trained officers.
Typical ***** arsed little fuckwit.
Are you being serious?
I would imagine it would take a lot of guts to shoot yourself(if he wasn't tasered first) so what are you talking about?
Are you being serious?
I would imagine it would take a lot of guts to shoot yourself(if he wasn't tasered first) so what are you talking about?

Guts to shoot yourself?

He took the cowardly way out [Presuming rumours are true].
He could have paid for his crimes, sure he'd be hated but it's the right thing to do.

Tbh, for me, this is just one less scumbag roaming the streets.

Must say I lol'd when Gaza arrived :P
I agree that he should have paid for his crimes but in my opinion it would take a lot of guts to be able to shoot yourself.
I agree that he should have paid for his crimes but in my opinion it would take a lot of guts to be able to shoot yourself.
it's scientific fact that it takes guts to kill yourself as the natural will to live is far stronger than desire to die. To commit suicide you have to really want to do it. And really fight natural instincts.

IMO i dont really think the discussion should be if he deserved death or not. The main point is that 2 innocent people have lost their lives. He deserved punishment. He got it. End of. Well done to the police for finding him and removing a danger from society imo.
it's scientific fact that it takes guts to kill yourself as the natural will to live is far stronger than desire to die. To commit suicide you have to really want to do it. And really fight natural instincts.

IMO i dont really think the discussion should be if he deserved death or not. The main point is that 2 innocent people have lost their lives. He deserved punishment. He got it. End of. Well done to the police for finding him and removing a danger from society imo.

Not nessecarily, he was dreading the fact of spending years in prison. Of course you naturally fight to live, but it doesn;t take courage to pull the trigger and prevent years of pain, with a painless action. Surely that is not brave.

Rant Over.
I didnt think he would have shot himself, my friend said he was taezered though which was what triggered him to do it, is that true?
I didnt think he would have shot himself, my friend said he was taezered though which was what triggered him to do it, is that true?
We don't know if he was tasered before or after he shot himself.