Raoul Moat on the Loose

Personally I think he'll shoothimself at about 1:15am, and die on the way to hospital. just a guess though
Dude That's Heartless We Know He Did Wrong But He Wasn't Right In The Head After Being Dumped So It's Stupid To Say That.
I Don't Like It When Anyone Dies:'(

For God Sake, Why Must People Type Like This :@
Nobody deserves to die, but if he really has died it's most probably a good thing.

Get off your high horse.
Harsh? I don't care what anyone does, nobody deserves to die. And being proud of it? Get a life..
oh please, get real here.

so you're saying people behind 9/11 don't deserve to die? you're saying people that kill innocent people for no reason don't deserve to die aswell? just a few examples, as you're saying 'you don't care whay anyone does, nobody deserves to die'.

if he can take other peoples lives who are innocent are honestly probably more important than him if he's doing this sort of ****, then he can die along with them.

scum, and nothing more.
oh please, get real here.

so you're saying people behind 9/11 don't deserve to die? you're saying people that kill innocent people for no reason don't deserve to die aswell? just a few examples, as you're saying 'you don't care whay anyone does, nobody deserves to die'.

if he can take other peoples lives who are innocent are honestly probably more important than him if he's doing this sort of ****, then he can die along with them.

scum, and nothing more.

Well em, yeah. The people that bombed the twin towers died in doing it. People that kill innocent people should be punished, but it's not always correct to fight fire with fire.
oh please, get real here.

so you're saying people behind 9/11 don't deserve to die? you're saying people that kill innocent people for no reason don't deserve to die aswell? just a few examples, as you're saying 'you don't care whay anyone does, nobody deserves to die'.

if he can take other peoples lives who are innocent are honestly probably more important than him if he's doing this sort of ****, then he can die along with them.

scum, and nothing more.

You're 15, Max. As you get older you might appreciate the sanctity of life.

We live in a society where murder is wrong. We have a prison system that can detain people and punish them for their actions.

Due to this guy having mental issues, he has a completely different moral outlook on the world. In his own head, he's right. Does he deserve death, simply because his brain's wired differently? Is it his own fault? Definitely not.

With prison and psychiatric rehabilitation people can change, feel remorse, and go on to be valuable members of society. But once they're dead, they feel no remorse; they feel nothing. It's the ultimate punishment, simply for being different. I don't believe that anyone deserves death, even if they're a murderer, a paedophile, or any combination of the above.

We got rid of the death penalty of the reason.
Even though the police didn't want to kill him, this just shows how **** our country's police is, a 6 hour standoff and they hardly got near him, what a joke!

And Bowstring are you being serious, if he has a mental breakdown who's fault is that? His own! Just look at the photo off him and he looks like a wrongen! The sanctity of life is that you enjoy life, and I am hundred percent sure it doesn't say murder people, as shown in the ten commandments, so what you said there Bowstring was your own point of view.
And the above reason from Bowstring is why our prisons are overcrowded. People when released re-offend and become a strain on our economy and as I pay tax its my money that gives them a comfortable lifestyle inside a cell room. Rehab may help one person but a majority of offenders re-offend and end up back in prison. If Raoul Moat had psychiatric issues before he was released from prison then obviously the rehab failed as he re-offended as soon as he was released.

The death penalty should be brought back in this country for child murderers and anyone else who takes a life of someone innocent.
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Even though the police didn't want to kill him, this just shows how **** our country's police is, a 6 hour standoff and they hardly got near him, what a joke!

And Bowstring are you being serious, if he has a mental breakdown who's fault is that? His own! Just look at the photo off him and he looks like a wrongen! The sanctity of life is that you enjoy life, and I am hundred percent sure it doesn't say murder people, as shown in the ten commandments, so what you said there Bowstring was your own point of view.

They didn't have to get near him, he had a sawn off, they had assault rifles ( and a taser :P )
Fact: In America, the death penalty costs more than a life sentence. So that's that.

The prison system needs a complete overhaul. It's too easy for criminals. More emphasis needs to be put on inmates gaining useful skills that will benefit society. Give troublemakers an indefinite sentence, and make sure they never see the light of day. Psychiatric rehabilitation needs an overhaul too. Still a better solution than the death penalty IMO.

Mental breakdowns are never a person's own fault. Look at his photo? They picked that photo because he looked mental. It's selective photography, and you shouldn't fall in the media's trap.

The ten commandments? Don't make me laugh. If you followed everything in the bible then you'd be a homophobe who stoned people to death. Don't follow a 2000 year old book word for word. It doesn't reflect today's society and today's thinking.
And the above reason from Bowstring is why our prisons are overcrowded. People when released re-offend and become a strain on our economy and as I pay tax its my money that gives them a comfortable lifestyle inside a cell room. Rehab may help one person but a majority of offenders re-offend and end up back in prison. If Raoul Moat had psychiatric issues before he was released from prison then obviously the rehab failed as he re-offended as soon as he was released.

The death penalty should be brought back in this country for child murderers and anyone else who takes a life of someone innocent.

Right, so what happens when someone is found guilty, and then acquitted on appeal years later? It's not that uncommon, and they'd be long dead if the death penalty was back in force. One innocent life lost as a result would be one too much - also, look at the US. Never mind the possible mistakes, prisoners sit on death row for 20 years plus. They would be as well in a maximum security cell.

What prisoners should be made to do is to earn their keep, some sort of production work to help the state that houses them. Refusal? Basic rations and no sky tv then pal - easy.
The ten commandments? Don't make me laugh. If you followed everything in the bible then you'd be a homophobe who stoned people to death. Don't follow a 2000 year old book word for word. It doesn't reflect today's society and today's thinking.

In what way is remembering ONE of the ten commandments 'following the bible word for word'? And how could you possibly say that all of this wasn't his fault? Prisons in this country are near always full, and often people get released early because of this, and often these people are still a danger to society.
Can you provide a link that proves that as I would be interested to read it.

Not sure if this suffices, but have a look. Interesting stuff.

EDIT: There is a simple solution to overcrowding - build more or extend existing prisons!
Right, so what happens when someone is found guilty, and then acquitted on appeal years later? It's not that uncommon, and they'd be long dead if the death penalty was back in force. One innocent life lost as a result would be one too much - also, look at the US. Never mind the possible mistakes, prisoners sit on death row for 20 years plus. They would be as well in a maximum security cell.

What prisoners should be made to do is to earn their keep, some sort of production work to help the state that houses them. Refusal? Basic rations and no sky tv then pal - easy.

Thats why we have DNA evidence and forensic proof which has advanced to a point where its near impossible to convict the wrong person of a crime nowadays. They are now starting to convict people who have commited a crime about twenty years ago with the advancemaent of DNA.

The prisoners have their case looked at umpteen times in the USA whilst sitting on death row. In that twenty years they are waiting to be executed the judicial system dont just thumb through the evidence and decide they go over it with a fine toothpick and again the advances made with DNA proof nowadays will be considerably more advanced whilst the convicted is waiting on death row.
oh please, get real here.

so you're saying people behind 9/11 don't deserve to die? you're saying people that kill innocent people for no reason don't deserve to die aswell? just a few examples, as you're saying 'you don't care whay anyone does, nobody deserves to die'.

if he can take other peoples lives who are innocent are honestly probably more important than him if he's doing this sort of ****, then he can die along with them.

scum, and nothing more.

You're 15, Max. As you get older you might appreciate the sanctity of life.

We live in a society where murder is wrong. We have a prison system that can detain people and punish them for their actions.

Due to this guy having mental issues, he has a completely different moral outlook on the world. In his own head, he's right. Does he deserve death, simply because his brain's wired differently? Is it his own fault? Definitely not.

With prison and psychiatric rehabilitation people can change, feel remorse, and go on to be valuable members of society. But once they're dead, they feel no remorse; they feel nothing. It's the ultimate punishment, simply for being different. I don't believe that anyone deserves death, even if they're a murderer, a paedophile, or any combination of the above.

We got rid of the death penalty of the reason.

I agree with what your both saying.

  • If he goes to prison - he feels the consequences and the pain.
  • If he dies, he get's what he's done to others.
But, I think I agree with Max, this guy is like the number 1 criminal, and if he goes to prison, it's more than likely that he'll escape, and what about the victims family, they have to live with the fact that this scum has killed there family/friends and there's a possibillity it could happen to others because he will try and escape.

It doesn't matter what's wrong in his head, he's done this, and he shouldn't of, we can't just say "awww, it's ok mate." We need to punish him, because other people like this will be thinking :"If he can get away with it, so can I."