Recent natural disasters..

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Some scientists have speculated that the hotspot under Yellowstone has moved enough under the Rockies that it might delay the super eruption until it moves of the other side of the mountain range, which could be at least another 500,000 years, by which time it will be the mother of all eruptions. The ozone layer doesn't protect against solar electro magnetic radiation, only UV radation, so its our magnetic field protecting us against the flares (thats why we get the northern lights). We are due for another magnetic field switch, so the defences may go down for a hundred years or so, thats when we should worry but there's no sign of it happening yet. And global warming has nothing to do with tectonic natural disasters, the only thing we see in the media that is does are floods and hurricanes.

Sorry if this seems a little "preachy" but I have a degree in Geography and it amuses me when people get their facts a little off.....8-|
Oh no not electrical appliances!

By electric appliances, I mean every electrical thing on the world. Cars, Phone lines, Airplanes, Harvesters, Refrigerators, Lights, Computers, Televisions. Basically everything that needs electric.
Would even cause nuclear meltdowns in every nuclear plant around the world. Which would really f up the planet.
Some scientists have speculated that the hotspot under Yellowstone has moved enough under the Rockies that it might delay the super eruption until it moves of the other side of the mountain range, which could be at least another 500,000 years, by which time it will be the mother of all eruptions. The ozone layer doesn't protect against solar electro magnetic radiation, only UV radation, so its our magnetic field protecting us against the flares (thats why we get the northern lights). We are due for another magnetic field switch, so the defences may go down for a hundred years or so, thats when we should worry but there's no sign of it happening yet. And global warming has nothing to do with tectonic natural disasters, the only thing we see in the media that is does are floods and hurricanes.

Sorry if this seems a little "preachy" but I have a degree in Geography and it amuses me when people get their facts a little off.....8-|
interesting to hear about yellowstone, considering how bad it would be now if it went off, how much worse could it be in 500,000 years? are we talking split the planet big here?
Guessing that when it does blow, be like thousands of the most powerful thermo-nukes going off. Thousands upon thousands of megatonnes worth of energy. Just a guess though. Only way to find out is when it does blow
Guessing that when it does blow, be like thousands of the most powerful thermo-nukes going off. Thousands upon thousands of megatonnes worth of energy. Just a guess though. Only way to find out is when it does blow
deep inside the planet too, where the explosion would be focused...
By electric appliances, I mean every electrical thing on the world. Cars, Phone lines, Airplanes, Harvesters, Refrigerators, Lights, Computers, Televisions. Basically everything that needs electric.
Would even cause nuclear meltdowns in every nuclear plant around the world. Which would really f up the planet.

Wouldn't be so disastrous appliances are only luxuries the only thing it would be devastating with is hospitals n what not. Theres millions still living in tribes, they seem happy enough!
There were a series of eruptions in India called the Deccan Traps, 60 million tears ago, which basically changed the global temperature and climate, could be as big. It will make a big mess.
Guessing that when it does blow, be like thousands of the most powerful thermo-nukes going off. Thousands upon thousands of megatonnes worth of energy. Just a guess though. Only way to find out is when it does blow

Its not so much the actual explostion itself we need to worry about, although it will be stupidly power, and probably destroy alot of America!
The main danger too human life outside of America is the longer term 'volcanic winter' that will be caused by sediments being thrown into the atmosphere, which could potetially reduce sunlight levels, and kill plants for a few thousand years!
Its not so much the actual explostion itself we need to worry about, although it will be stupidly power, and probably destroy alot of America!
The main danger too human life outside of America is the longer term 'volcanic winter' that will be caused by sediments being thrown into the atmosphere, which could potetially reduce sunlight levels, and kill plants for a few thousand years!
thats what will get us. and correct me if im wrong, wouldnt the eruption affect the gulfstream current that keeps us nice and warm here in the uk (my geography is very rusty)
Wouldn't be so disastrous appliances are only luxuries the only thing it would be devastating with is hospitals n what not. Theres millions still living in tribes, they seem happy enough!

Wont be so bad without electric I'd agree yes. But just the nuclear fallout would cause the world to change forever to be honest.
Nuclear fallout would leave places inhabitable for decades. Would damage the Ozone layer quite a bit and cause global warming to speed up which would then f up the planet even more.
The End of the World in 2012, you have been warned.

i remember people saying the world will end in 1999 look its 2011 and where still here
all this end of the world stuff full of ****
Wont be so bad without electric I'd agree yes. But just the nuclear fallout would cause the world to change forever to be honest.
Nuclear fallout would leave places inhabitable for decades. Would damage the Ozone layer quite a bit and cause global warming to speed up which would then f up the planet even more.

But there would be nothing polluting the earth in terms of us using energy so it would cancel it out if you think about it..
agree with most of this

yellowstone scares me most of all, that volcano is geologically speaking, ready to go very soon. And when it does, life on this planet wont ever be the same
Geologically speaking though mate as you've said. Could be any time in the next 100,000 years. Meaning there's a very small chance it will happen in our lifetime.
When you think about destructive power of volcanoes, here's something to think about. When Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980, the destructive power of the eruption, was equivalent to one nuclear bomb being detonated per second. Then there was the pyroclastic flows, and the mudflows. Now try to put that into perspective with Yellowstone. The damage will be unfathomable.

Have always loved talking about volcanoes. Always fascinated me since I was a kid
Geologically speaking though mate as you've said. Could be any time in the next 100,000 years. Meaning there's a very small chance it will happen in our lifetime.
still a chance though, but this is why there is little work being done on it, because as you say, the chance is small. but even fully prepared we are in big trouble, how much more so if we are caught with our pants down?
But there would be nothing polluting the earth in terms of us using energy so it would cancel it out if you think about it..

Suppose so. Meh. It's all "if" really. Apart from Yellowstone. That's "when".

Also, someone suggested that America isn't doing anything to try and stop Yellowstone. We don't even know how to stop a normal volcano, let alone a super one :@
thats what will get us. and correct me if im wrong, wouldnt the eruption affect the gulfstream current that keeps us nice and warm here in the uk (my geography is very rusty)

Well the gulf stream is more likely to be affected by the melting ice caps than a volcanic eruption. Releasing freshwater into the sea, will effect the densities differences that make the gulf stream a 'conveyor belt' and basically cause it to sink and never return... Dont understand the science behind it yet, but know the effects of what will happen though!
When you think about destructive power of volcanoes, here's something to think about. When Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980, the destructive power of the eruption, was equivalent to one nuclear bomb being detonated per second. Then there was the pyroclastic flows, and the mudflows. Now try to put that into perspective with Yellowstone. The damage will be unfathomable.

Have always loved talking about volcanoes. Always fascinated me since I was a kid
pryoclastic flow, the definition of nightmarish, hot gas and molten rock at 1,000C moving at almost 500 miles an hour
We don't even know how to stop a normal volcano, let alone a super one :@
You can't stop a natural disaster.

1. Too hard to predict.

2. To god **** powerful.

3. Don't mess with nature.
The earth is overdue being hit by a meteor. It is overdue another Ice Age. It is overdue a major eruption. According to scientists.

No point worrying about it as if and when it hits there is going to be nothing us personally can do about it.