Recent natural disasters..

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I don't really know where you would start (or finish) with containing a problem such as Yellowstone. Which might be a reason behind the lack of action. No point worrying if it's not predicted to erupt for a long, long time though.
The earth is overdue being hit by a meteor. It is overdue another Ice Age. It is overdue a major eruption. According to scientists.

No point worrying about it as if and when it hits there is going to be nothing us personally can do about it.
we'll probably blow ourselves up before then at any rate
Modern Day Mayans Say that This "Prediction" is ridiculous, just a part of their calendar starting again. The biggest threat currently to the Earth, Is as others have said, Yellowstone Volcano
The earth is overdue being hit by a meteor. It is overdue another Ice Age. It is overdue a major eruption. According to scientists.

No point worrying about it as if and when it hits there is going to be nothing us personally can do about it.
Bang on my friend. There is no point worrying, these things happen, there's a reason they happen, and there's no point fighting it. If it doesn't happen this way, it'll happen another way, but I still think we've got a **** of a long time until anything earth shattering happens.
we'll probably blow ourselves up before then at any rate

Exactly. There are certain measures we can take to prevent certain things but a majority will be out of our hands. Make the most of your lifetime.
still a chance though, but this is why there is little work being done on it, because as you say, the chance is small. but even fully prepared we are in big trouble, how much more so if we are caught with our pants down?

Short term politics, can't do much when you have to worry about an election every few years.
we'll probably blow ourselves up before then at any rate

Couldn't agree more to be honest. One thing I've looked at since I was 8, is pretty much anything military related. I'm no expert on politics, but all the warning signs for a conflict are getting clearer. Nutjob in charge of North Korea, Middle East imploding, China having the worlds largest army sitting on Siberias doorstep, Europe collapsing in on itself, Iran possessing nuclear materials, warheads disappearing from Russia, and now Russia suddenly producing more powerful weaponary, flying bombers over the UK etc....the list is endless. But it's safe to say, that the chances of a major nuclear exchange in our lifetime, is greater than any natural disaster on the scale of Yellowstone happening or some meteor. It's in human nature to destroy ourselves.
Bang on my friend. There is no point worrying, these things happen, there's a reason they happen, and there's no point fighting it. If it doesn't happen this way, it'll happen another way, but I still think we've got a **** of a long time until anything earth shattering happens.

i know it would be a very long time before they happen naturally but it can't be too long until we get some sort of war or terrorist that tries to cause a massive natural disaster, e.g. settign yelowstone off.
i know it would be a very long time before they happen naturally but it can't be too long until we get some sort of war or terrorist that tries to cause a massive natural disaster, e.g. settign yelowstone off.

I doubt it is possible for any number of humans to set Yellowstone off..
The U.S.A are on too high of an alert to let any bombs get within 5,000 miles of it. They would be destroyed mid flight, in space before they would reach anywhere near the U.S.A.
The U.S.A are on too high of an alert to let any bombs get within 5,000 miles of it. They would be destroyed mid flight, in space before they would reach anywhere near the U.S.A.

And who's to say that the bombs couldn't be stolen from US armory's and just taken to Yellowstone's ;)
The U.S.A are on too high of an alert to let any bombs get within 5,000 miles of it. They would be destroyed mid flight, in space before they would reach anywhere near the U.S.A.

would a stealth bomber not be able to drop a few nukes at the base of it if it was a day with low cloud cover as they can't be picked up by radar and they wouldn't be seen from the ground.
The U.S.A are on too high of an alert to let any bombs get within 5,000 miles of it. They would be destroyed mid flight, in space before they would reach anywhere near the U.S.A.

No guarentee that space based defenses would work though. Russia and China have very advanced Ant-Sat technology that would just blow them apart. Plus when a nuke goes off in space, there's a very good chance the EMP would knock them out. And any nuke going off in the atmosphere in the US, would pretty much blind a huge area of the USA and wouldn't be able to detect inbound ICBMs or bombers
Always interested me these end of the world scenarios but don't know much about Yellowstone, i know the basics but is it the biggest volcano we've got?

Sorry to sound dumb i just haven't looked into volcano's much!
There was a series on not long ago called 'Yellowstone' and it was an absolutely brilliant watch, see if you can find it on your T.V. it's replayed a lot on the nature channels.

It's the biggest one we know about, there could be and probably are others miles deeper than it but we just aren't aware of them yet.
There was a series on not long ago called 'Yellowstone' and it was an absolutely brilliant watch, see if you can find it on your T.V. it's replayed a lot on the nature channels.

It's the biggest one we know about, there could be and probably are others miles deeper than it but we just aren't aware of them yet.

i'm pretty sure that whilst it would be the most devastating volcano it isn't actually the biggest by size. i think there was one in hawaii or somewhere else where it is mainly under the sea but if measured from the base would be the tallest.
The Earth is the cradle of mankind, and it will be our grave too, as everyone said above, meteors, volcanos, climate change etc something will happen at some point, there are too many of us, relaying on dwindling resources to survive something like this. Imagine what would happen to 5 billion people when the food runs out in a few months, there will be war, every country for themselves, then that would break down and it would be back to tribal groups. Need to get into space, its the only long term strategy for the human race to survive, that is unless we have indeed blown ourselves up first. That all sounds really depressing....
We only know of our own planet which has the resources we need, space would be pointless until we are sure that there is another planet similar to ours.