Recent natural disasters..

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Think its more depressing when I never got to see England lift the World Cup in my lifetime
Wouldn't be so disastrous appliances are only luxuries the only thing it would be devastating with is hospitals n what not. Theres millions still living in tribes, they seem happy enough!

Wont be so bad without electric I'd agree yes. But just the nuclear fallout would cause the world to change forever to be honest.

Sorry for skipping half of the thread, but there's a difference between living in tribes for ages and going back to the dark ages. People living in tribes have lived that way since time immemorial, they're used to hunting/growing their food... we're used to going to the supermarket and buying stuff, then opening the fridge and eating whatever we feel like. If every electrical appliance fails, we'd be left without food nor drinking water, for instance. This without taking the human factor into account - I seriously doubt people would remain calm in such a situation. I wouldn't mind living in tribes, but it's hard to make the switch all of a sudden, particularly when you live in a city.
The threat from a volcano is not only by its size, but also the type of rock it sits on. Some kind of rocks are more likely to produce explosive volcanoes when erupting, which go of ever few hundred/thousand/etc years (EG Mt St Helen's in USA)
Others, such as Hawaii, or the volcanoes that run along the mid atlantic ridge, have a different kinda of lava, which is runny, and non explosive, and these eruptions can dribble out for months on end, posing no real danger to anyone, so they dont get much publicity!
We only know of our own planet which has the resources we need, space would be pointless until we are sure that there is another planet similar to ours.

there is. but its so many, many light years away would be impossible to get there alive

If you want to see what would happen when everything collapses, watch a documentary called "Threads", done by the BBC during the Cold War. It's the most depressing, but realistic, account of what will happen if everything failed. You have been warned though. You'll be depressed as **** afterwards.
Then that defeats the whole object of relying on space travel, unless we create a Millenium Falcon-type space craft lol.
Then that defeats the whole object of relying on space travel, unless we create a Millenium Falcon-type space craft lol.

That would be awesome lol. Not that I'm a star wars nerd or anything lol :$

Thing is, there's too much worrying going on. People can make themselves ill worrying about things like this. Way I see it, you get one life, and I'm going to enjoy it while I can. I've worried about this so much before, and it made me paranoid as **** and made me ill for so long. Just don't think about it too much. Enjoy life. When it happens it happens. Not a thing we can do about it.
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Climate Change, it happens ,the Earth is old, look at the Ice Age etc, the earth goes through cycles, we are most probably experinencing one of the changes now, we could not have known this 1 billion years ago :) clearly :)
This. I'm sure I read that this sort of rise in temperature has happened before, and then gone down again. It's all just a cycle, and the world won't end because of it.

And there is no 2012 end of the world, anyone who believes that must be an idiot.
This. I'm sure I read that this sort of rise in temperature has happened before, and then gone down again. It's all just a cycle, and the world won't end because of it.

And there is no 2012 end of the world, anyone who believes that must be an idiot.

Part of something called a Melankovitch cycle (sp), which are cyclic changes in the Shape of the earth's orbit, and the tilt of the Earth's axis... depending on how these coincide, depends on the effect on the climate
People only beleive it because a lot of the Mayans others predictions have come true.. Persoanlly, I think they just ran out of stone to carve on.
Well NASA has proved one thing along with scientists. That the Earth is shrinking at a rate of 6 inches per year, because of the Earths orbit. Can't decide if thats good or bad. Would be good for long distance travel I guess
Was about to say the same think with the heightened awareness, but changes in the global temp can cause big disturbances in the world.

But tbh, we should be more worried about solar flares. One big one from the Sun hitting earth, and every electric appliance goes bye bye.

Solar flares will only affect temporarily affect satellites in space. Earth's magnetic field protects us from most solar flares. Plus we can detect most solar activity and predict impact, so we usually shut down satellites during flares. It would have to take a hugely energetic flare to impact on our ground based electronics. The danger from solar flares is much over-hyped.

---------- Post added at 10:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 PM ----------

Well NASA has proved one thing along with scientists. That the Earth is shrinking at a rate of 6 inches per year, because of the Earths orbit. Can't decide if thats good or bad. Would be good for long distance travel I guess

That means over the long run gravity on Earth will be slightly higher and days will be shorter. ^^) Kinda cool! :P
pretty suprised how little work has come in from the US, especially since they will bear the brunt of it all. They wont start doing anything until its too late

Just out of interest, what could America possibly do to protect themselves from Yellowstone?
there is. but its so many, many light years away would be impossible to get there alive

If you want to see what would happen when everything collapses, watch a documentary called "Threads", done by the BBC during the Cold War. It's the most depressing, but realistic, account of what will happen if everything failed. You have been warned though. You'll be depressed as **** afterwards.

Threads... realistic? You're joking right? It's not even a documentary, it's a film.

Modern Day Mayans Say that This "Prediction" is ridiculous, just a part of their calendar starting again. The biggest threat currently to the Earth, Is as others have said, Yellowstone Volcano

Finally someone who talks sense (about the Mayans).

Mayans had three calendars. They had a solar calendar that was 365 days long, and a ceremonial calendar that was 260 days long. These two calendars would synchronize every 52 years. To measure longer time periods, they developed the "long count" calendar, which expressed dates as a series of five numbers, each less than twenty; something like the way we measure minutes and seconds as a series of two numbers each less than sixty. And, just in case this might seem too simple, for some reason the second to last number was always less than eighteen. The first day in the Mayan long count calendar was expressed as, and by our calendar, this was August 11, 3114 BC. Every 144,000 days (or about every 395 years, which they called a baktun), the first number would increment, and a new baktun would start. Recall how we all got to enjoy the excitement on the millennium of watching the digital displays roll over from 12/31/1999 to 1/1/2000? Well, that's what's going to happen on December 21, 2012 to the Mayan calendar. It's going to roll over from to, just as it has done each of the previous twelve baktuns. There's no archaeological or historical evidence that the Mayans themselves expected anything other than a New Year's Eve party to happen on this date: Claims that this rollover represents a Mayan prediction of the end of the world appear to be a modern pop-culture invention. It's true that the Mayan carvings of their calendar only depicted 13 baktuns, but what did you expect them to do? Carve an infinitely long calendar every time they wanted to express a date? The explanation could be as simple as they didn't expect people in the 21st century to still be obsessed with their archaic calendar.
Just out of interest, what could America possibly do to protect themselves from Yellowstone?
its not a case of pretection, rather, preparing for the complete change civilisation will go under. oh and the fact that will kill millions of americans in the very short term
Threads... realistic? You're joking right? It's not even a documentary, it's a film.

Finally someone who talks sense (about the Mayans).

Mayans had three calendars. They had a solar calendar that was 365 days long, and a ceremonial calendar that was 260 days long. These two calendars would synchronize every 52 years. To measure longer time periods, they developed the "long count" calendar, which expressed dates as a series of five numbers, each less than twenty; something like the way we measure minutes and seconds as a series of two numbers each less than sixty. And, just in case this might seem too simple, for some reason the second to last number was always less than eighteen. The first day in the Mayan long count calendar was expressed as, and by our calendar, this was August 11, 3114 BC. Every 144,000 days (or about every 395 years, which they called a baktun), the first number would increment, and a new baktun would start. Recall how we all got to enjoy the excitement on the millennium of watching the digital displays roll over from 12/31/1999 to 1/1/2000? Well, that's what's going to happen on December 21, 2012 to the Mayan calendar. It's going to roll over from to, just as it has done each of the previous twelve baktuns. There's no archaeological or historical evidence that the Mayans themselves expected anything other than a New Year's Eve party to happen on this date: Claims that this rollover represents a Mayan prediction of the end of the world appear to be a modern pop-culture invention. It's true that the Mayan carvings of their calendar only depicted 13 baktuns, but what did you expect them to do? Carve an infinitely long calendar every time they wanted to express a date? The explanation could be as simple as they didn't expect people in the 21st century to still be obsessed with their archaic calendar.

well ok docu/film. But for its time it was fairly accurate. The scenario, the speed of escalation, targets, after effects etc.
its not a case of pretection, rather, preparing for the complete change civilisation will go under. oh and the fact that will kill millions of americans in the very short term

Ahh. I thought you meant they could do something to stop it erupting!

When that ***** blows, Earth wont ever be the same!
there is. but its so many, many light years away would be impossible to get there alive

If you want to see what would happen when everything collapses, watch a documentary called "Threads", done by the BBC during the Cold War. It's the most depressing, but realistic, account of what will happen if everything failed. You have been warned though. You'll be depressed as **** afterwards.

I do believe there are a few places in our solar system that can support life. There's evidence that Mars once had life, and also one of Jupiter's moons, Io. (Might be wrong on that), although it would be difficult to live on a moon with -190 temperatures, I think it's interesting at the thought of life existing in our solar system right now. :P We also have only explored a tiny, tiny amount of the universe, there may be planets we can live on (relatively) closer!
i saw on a show and i don't have the slightest idea which one that there could quite possibly be otehr planets with much more intelligent life tehn us in teh universe it's just that we don't have the technology to reach them and that they can't tell we are here yet because we're not evolved enough, i mean when we invented radio waves it could quite easily look like they were coming from teh sun due to the relative close proximity between us and it compared to the many millions of light years that the universe could span.
don't worry guys, for the ancient aliens will return and save us!