Remembrance day protest

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I think that was one victor/priest that was going to do that, and it was big news in the states, and most of the people over there were against it.

He decided not to do it after the pressure he was put under.

Yeah I know, it was just in response to the guy that said 'you don't see us doing it'.

If this little protest had been more widely publicised they probably wouldn't have done it either, but because nobody knew about their planned protest, nothing was done to stop it.
maybe they were getting high, Poppy seeds are Opium. Never know
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I think we should draw caricatures of Mohammed. Lots more fun, and it REALLY ****** them off!
The Muslim against Cursade group want Sharia law implied in the UK. Thats what i mean't by **** off home why don't they go back to their country of orgin where that law is implied instead of dispecting our, British dead. My family fought and died for this country not to have these so called British born people disrespect them. Sorry if my hate comes across as rasicm but things like this **** me off.
Disgrace, it's just wrong to do that, they live in our country and do that!

Why did they do it though?
We cannot generalise all muslims into this, it's just wrong.

But sick *****.

True because Nico Anelka is a muslim and im pretty sure he wouldn't do anything like this. But i have some views about these kind of people but i won't go too into detail because i don't wish to offend. But the bottem line is they come over here to get a better chance at life i.e jobs, cars, houses basicly money. And yet when they are over here they complain about the way we live over here and they way we do things. If we moved to their country and started moaning about their religious ways etc we would be shot.
I think they should **** off back home, the dirty *****, EDL all the way

Oh shut up you racist moron.

It's difficult to punish them because of the whole 'freedom of speech' notion. I think it's pretty shocking though, as we're remembering the soldiers who fought in many wars, not just these recent conflicts. And if they are against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, surely it's not the soldiers' fault they have to fight there? They're only doing their job, and are told where they have to fight. This is one of the few charities I strongly support, because I think the support given to retired soldiers is absolutely shocking.
The Muslim against Cursade group want Sharia law implied in the UK. Thats what i mean't by **** off home why don't they go back to their country of orgin where that law is implied instead of dispecting our, British dead. My family fought and died for this country not to have these so called British born people disrespect them. Sorry if my hate comes across as rasicm but things like this **** me off.

Why couldn't you put it that way in the first place?
As always, it is a bunch of extremists who are trying to get some attention. The reaction it has received is the reaction they want. Pointless minority of the religion that end up pulling down the other followers of the religion.

TBH, I don't think anyone should focus on this. Armistice Day is a important day, when we should be remembering and thanking the many many people who have died protecting the country they, and we love. Nothing should take the focus away from those men and women.
No offence yeah but they "Migrate" into our country for a better style of life. They get better houses,cars and much more than many people who live here. After what our country has given them i think they should pay respect to the soldiers that battled for us to make Britain British.

EDIT : Only a minority of Muslims
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No offence yeah but they "Migrate" into our country for a better style of life. They get better houses,cars and much more than many people who live here. After what our country has given them i think they should pay respect to the soldiers that battled for us to make Britain British.

You are stereotyping every single Muslim person in this country with the extremist tag there.

It is just a small minority of Muslim people, i.e the extremists who decided to burn a mark of respect for the people who fought for their lives, so that this country can live the way it does today. So that this country can allow them to live here.

The majority of Muslims in this country do so and they respect it, work hard for a living and abide by the rules set out by our society, a society which they also help to create.

Its just a shame that there are some people out to ruin everything so that every single muslim gets the tag of 'vandal' or 'criminal' by the morons of this country, when we all know that this is completely not the case.
No offence yeah but they "Migrate" into our country for a better style of life. They get better houses,cars and much more than many people who live here. After what our country has given them i think they should pay respect to the soldiers that battled for us to make Britain British.

They're only looking for a reaction, don't give them the satisfaction. There's ALWAYS some like that, the majoirty of Muslims are nice people, don't let this spoil your reputation of them.
It's really ****** me off, but imagine if you've lost a family member in the past wars, and then you've got people burning the poppy and insulting are nature, in a polite way all I am going to say is..

These Muslims who done this, should be removed. However, I doubt that will ever happy due to all these rights and that. Muslims are lovely people, my mate I play football with whom is a centre back. Is a cracking guy, sometimes we take the mick out of him, but he takes it and he dishes it back out. It's the minority that are going to cause or have cause the problem should be removed. Muslims are nice people, just the minority that gives them the bad name.
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