Remembrance day protest

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*there *were

Burning a flag is also not racist.

PS. No idea what the Celtic banner said. I also don't care.

Burning a flag is illegal though.
Burning a flag is illegal though.

I know wikipedia isn't the most reliable of sources, but it says 'English, Scottish and Welsh law does not have any concept of "flag desecration"'
This really is disgusting. I am not being racist or having a go at any race but the people that do this should be punished. It's just a VERY small minority of people who are attention seeking ******. Unfortunately all they will get is publicity which is all they want. Pre messed up world me thinks. Makes me sick.
Trouble is now this could lead to a more severe situation with uneducated idiots who think all Muslims are extremists and go about starting on the Muslims who have nothing to do with extremism and want to live here peacefully. Yes its disgusting what they did but they also have a right to protest like everyone else who lives here. I cant say I agree with what they have done though.
To all those who labelled my thread "racist" I am struggling to find anything racist about it. I was simply giving my opinion by using the adjective "disgusting" as I am British and have a lot of respect for what our soldiers have done by giving up their lives. And whoever said I was making it about all Asians or muslims then you all must be stupid because I never said anything like that at all. I stand by what I said and am totally disgraced by what they did.
Instead of negatively generalising all muslims, I hope yesterday when you were remember the soldiers who have fought for this country, you remembered the millions of Commonwealth Muslims (and the tens of thousands who died doing so) who fought for this country in both world wars and those who still serve in the armed forces today
i think the group that did it should be forced to join the army and dodge the ******* bullets on the front line like our men do
Why don't they go back their then, they are not welcome here?

oh **** off u racist moron, we are the ones sending our soldiers to their country and causing a war there, I am not going to say if what we are doing is correct or wrong but the number of people who die there every day is not funny, u know just because ur were born in England does not mean u have a a better pot to **** in.... This insult is aimed only at Nelson not anyone else, I have a English Father too and was born in England, what these 30 or so people did was indeed untolerable

---------- Post added at 03:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 AM ----------

Direct Quotes from a Facebook page created to oppose these extremists---

“What giues them the dam rite to distroy and burn how dissrespectful its not there dam country . I think if we did that to there special euens lol theyd declair war or is that there evil plot plans to try take ouer the uk .**** way”

**** off home you curry smelling, bomb makin, turban loving, shop owning, benifit spongeing, sandal wearing *****
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Religio-political fanatics of any persuasion I find deeply disturbing, but to the average guy in the street ( me I guess ), muslim fanatics seem to be behind an awful lot of terrible acts.. The fact that that they are attacking our servicemen who laid down their lives for this country, for what they believed in, is frankly appalling. They live in our liberaly-minded country & undermine & spit on our most sacred values.....words fail me.
I spent about 10 hours this week selling poppies to raise funds for the Royal British Legion.

To see somebody burning them in protest against our armed forces makes me sick, i don't care what race/religion they are, its not acceptable.

The one point that annoys me most, if i were to protest at a Mosque I would be straight down the copshop and charged with inciting racial hatred. When it's extremist muslims doing the same, they are given a ****** police escort to assist them travelling around London.

Some 'chavs' for want of a better word came round the corner during the 2 minutes silence yesterday and obviously not realising what was going on, continued to talk/shout and generally 'have a laugh.' They got a death stare from me during the silence and an absolute bollocking when the silence was over. No-one would have done a thing if they were muslim for fear of being labelled a racist.

If the extremeists can have free speech (which our troops fought and died for everyone to have) and are free to protest against our troops in a traditionally non muslim country, on rememberance day. Its about time i got my rights back to call them whatever they **** i want to. I'm fed up with Labours policy rubbing off into society, if you so much as question the opinion/actions of a minority group, let alone do something as insulting and disgusting as those extremists did yesterday, you get labelled a racist.

Some of the views in this thread are very stereotypical and indeed, downright racist. Don't forget that it's a tiny proportion of the muslim population that cause this problem, don't tar them all with the same brush.

PS. If anyone calls me a racsit for my post, they seriously need their head testing, and they are part of the problem behind todays 'treading on eggshells' society.
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Most of these individuals will be British citizens. Oh how I'd love to see treason come back into fashion. Does treason not still carry a sentence of public hanging? We'd see how many of these 'people' were brave enough to disgrace this country then. On another note, I hope people bare in mind this isn't the work of muslims. This is the work of extremists.
Most of these individuals will be British citizens. Oh how I'd love to see treason come back into fashion. Does treason not still carry a sentence of public hanging? We'd see how many of these 'people' were brave enough to disgrace this country then. On another note, I hope people bare in mind this isn't the work of muslims. This is the work of extremists.
their views are reprehensible, but none of it is treason.
their views are reprehensible, but none of it is treason.

In this instance, no - it was just very insulting. But I'd imagine shouting 'Death to Britain' could be deemed treason? My comments are a little bit farcical - purposely so, but I think something really needs to be done. Its ironic that these people hate our country partly because of the culture created by free speach, the very right they are using to spread their message of hate largely unchallenged by the government.
I spent about 10 hours this week selling poppies to raise funds for the Royal British Legion.

To see somebody burning them in protest against our armed forces makes me sick, i don't care what race/religion they are, its not acceptable.

The one point that annoys me most, if i were to protest at a Mosque I would be straight down the copshop and charged with inciting racial hatred. When it's extremist muslims doing the same, they are given a ****** police escort to assist them travelling around London.

Some 'chavs' for want of a better word came round the corner during the 2 minutes silence yesterday and obviously not realising what was going on, continued to talk/shout and generally 'have a laugh.' They got a death stare from me during the silence and an absolute bollocking when the silence was over. No-one would have done a thing if they were muslim for fear of being labelled a racist.

If the extremeists can have free speech (which our troops fought and died for everyone to have) and are free to protest against our troops in a traditionally non muslim country, on rememberance day. Its about time i got my rights back to call them whatever they **** i want to. I'm fed up with Labours policy rubbing off into society, if you so much as question the opinion/actions of a minority group, let alone do something as insulting and disgusting as those extremists did yesterday, you get labelled a racist.

Some of the views in this thread are very stereotypical and indeed, downright racist. Don't forget that it's a tiny proportion of the muslim population that cause this problem, don't tar them all with the same brush.

PS. If anyone calls me a racsit for my post, they seriously need their head testing, and they are part of the problem behind todays 'treading on eggshells' society.


Agreed with your points. Although, I feel that the hatered towards the people that performed the actions yesterday should be about what they did, rather than their race. Reading through some comments on here and on facebook, people seem to be missing the point, going 'ZOMG MUZLIMZ ARE CUNTZ', when in fact, it's not the fact they are musilms that people are annoyed by them, but the actions they have partaken in, which have derived from their twisted view on their religion. I know many muslims, and I highly doubt any of them share the same views of the people at the protest yesterday, and are as equaly disgusted by the actions done by that minority.
In this instance, no - it was just very insulting. But I'd imagine shouting 'Death to Britain' could be deemed treason? My comments are a little bit farcical - purposely so, but I think something really needs to be done. Its ironic that these people hate our country partly because of the culture created by free speach, the very right they are using to spread their message of hate largely unchallenged by the government.
lol fair enough, but i agree what you say, like Jake says, if the tables were turned and you did this, you'd be in the nick in minutes.

Death to Britain isnt quite treason, not by law anyway:

The British law of treason is entirely statutory and has been so since the Treason Act 1351 (25 Edw. 3 St. 5 c. 2). The Act is written in Norman French, but is more commonly cited in its English translation.
The Treason Act 1351 has since been amended several times, and currently provides for four categories of treasonable offences, namely:
"when a man doth compass or imagine the death of our lord the King, or of our lady his Queen or of their eldest son and heir";
"if a man do violate the King’s companion, or the King’s eldest daughter unmarried, or the wife of the King’s eldest son and heir";[9]
"if a man do levy war against our lord the King in his realm, or be adherent to the King’s enemies in his realm, giving to them aid and comfort in the realm, or elsewhere"; and
"if a man slea the chancellor, treasurer, or the King’s justices of the one bench or the other, justices in eyre, or justices of assise, and all other justices assigned to hear and determine, being in their places, doing their offices".
Another Act, the Treason Act 1702 (1 Anne stat. 2 c. 21), provides for a fifth category of treason, namely:
"if any person or persons ... shall endeavour to deprive or hinder any person who shall be the next in succession to the crown ... from succeeding after the decease of her Majesty (whom God long preserve) to the imperial crown of this realm and the dominions and territories thereunto belonging".
oh **** off u racist moron, we are the ones sending our soldiers to their country and causing a war there, I am not going to say if what we are doing is correct or wrong but the number of people who die there every day is not funny, u know just because ur were born in England does not mean u have a a better pot to **** in.... This insult is aimed only at Nelson not anyone else, I have a English Father too and was born in England, what these 30 or so people did was indeed untolerable

---------- Post added at 03:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 AM ----------

How's it rasict to say to Muslim extremist to leave the country? They hate it that bad here, that they wish death upon us and our troops. They celebrate the 7/7 & 9/11 attacks.

So i'm the rasict one here?
You stick up for their rights why they disrespect ours. In my eyes you are the moron.
I hate it when people say F off back to your own country this is their country they have lived here since the 50/60/70's
very disgusting behaviour by this minority. If you don't agree with remembering the dead soldiers then that's fine but just stay silent anyway, don't be dicks and disrespect the fallen. As said before I hope the more 'uneducated' don't interpret this as a 'hate all Muslims' kind of thing.
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